Fukuuchi Pain Clinic - Shinjuku City

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fukuuchi Pain Clinic

住所 :

20-6 Samoncho, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0017, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 160-0017
Webサイト : http://www.fukuuchi-pain.com/

20-6 Samoncho, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0017, Japan
K U on Google

頭痛外来をうけましたが、最悪でした。 全く痛みをとる姿勢も感じませんでしたし 原因についても全く考えてくれませんでした。 治療法も何も考えてくれません。 人の話や気持ちも全く聞いてくれません。 ホームページやクチコミを見て、痛みをこらえながら遠くから期待して来ましたが本当に最悪でした。 二度と来たくありません。 クチコミはあてにならないことを学びました。
I had a headache outpatient, but it was the worst. I didn't feel any pain at all He never thought about the cause. They don't even think about any treatment. He doesn't listen to people's stories or feelings at all. Looking at the website and word of mouth, I was expecting from a distance while keeping my pain, but it was really the worst. I do not want to come again. I learned that reviews are unreliable.
多幸感太郎 on Google

麻酔科 女医の先生 ヘルニアによる坐骨神経痛(激痛)の為、ブロック注射を打って頂きました。3ヶ月悩んでいた痛みはすっかり消えました。 技術、知識もさることながら、人柄がとても良い先生です。神様のような方です。親身になって話を聞いて下さいます。信頼できる先生です。また、看護スタッフの方の応対も素晴らしいです。
Anesthesiology female doctor teacher I had a block injection because of sciatica (severe pain) due to hernia. The pain I had been suffering for 3 months has completely disappeared. He is a teacher with a very good personality as well as skill and knowledge. He is like a god. Please be kind and listen to the story. A reliable teacher. Also, the reception of the nursing staff is wonderful.
Z A on Google

Visited a headache outpatient clinic. Others have written it, but I have no intention of investigating the cause, and the symptomatology explained here is denied without thinking, and if you want to think so, what if you think so? What do you want me to do It was an attitude that I couldn't think of as a doctor. It's an incredibly terrible headache outpatient. I can't believe the word of mouth is good. I definitely do not recommend it.
Ji Nao on Google

Not recommended. Even though I complained of symptoms, I was not heard. The medicines prescribed at this hospital did not suit the symptoms and had dangerous side effects.
Takehiro Matsuyama on Google

腰痛、頭痛持ちでいつもお世話になっています。 親身に相談にのっていただき助かります!おかげさまで腰ものばせるようになりました! また痛みがきた際にはよろしくお願いします。
I have a backache and a headache and am always indebted. Thank you for your kind consultation! Thanks to you, I've become able to stretch my hips! Also, if you have any pain, thank you.
A R on Google

簡単な問診と血液検査で5000円!!!!!!!! そして結局何も分からない?とにかく高すぎてびっくりしました???
A simple interview and blood test costs 5,000 yen! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! And in the end I don't know anything ? Anyway it was too expensive and I was surprised ???
T Osawa on Google

The attitude of the general receptionist was terrible. .. .. I didn't know that I needed to make a reservation, but when I told him that, I wrinkled my eyebrows and was told that I needed to make a reservation, so I went out as it was. I want you to pay attention to how you say it.
m hiro on Google

昔からひどい片頭痛持ちで、鎮痛剤でごまかしながら生活をしていました。先生に診ていただきお薬を処方いただいてから、ぐっと楽になりました。 紹介した友人も、週に1回は倒れこむほどの酷い頭痛があったのですが、最近では年に1~2回程度まで抑え込めています。 市販の鎮痛剤で痛みを我慢している方、一度診ていただくことをおすすめします。
I've had a terrible migraine for a long time, and I've been living with painkillers. After seeing my doctor and prescribing medicine, it became much easier. The friend I introduced also had a severe headache that caused him to collapse once a week, but recently he has been able to suppress it to about once or twice a year. If you are suffering from pain with over-the-counter painkillers, we recommend that you visit us once.

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