Fukushima Prefecture Souvenir Shop - Fukushima

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Contact Fukushima Prefecture Souvenir Shop

住所 :

コラッセふくしま 1F 1-20 Mikawa Minamimachi, Fukushima, 960-8053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 960-8053
Webサイト : http://www.tif.ne.jp/bussan/bussankan/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–7PM
Sunday 9:30AM–7PM
Monday 9:30AM–7PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–7PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–7PM
Thursday 9:30AM–7PM
Friday 9:30AM–7PM

コラッセふくしま 1F 1-20 Mikawa Minamimachi, Fukushima, 960-8053, Japan
わらわら on Google

お土産で日本酒を買いました。 福島の日本酒最高!
I bought sake as a souvenir. The best sake in Fukushima!
阿部守 on Google

福島駅西口出て直ぐ北側の〔 コラッセ福島 〕内、1階で絶賛営業中?❗️ 福島県内の名だたる特産品やおみやげ品、特に県産地酒、地ビールなども数多く販売もしていますよ? 様々な催事販売なども開催しているようで日曜ともなれば、結構な集客を果たしていますよ?⤴️?
Located on the 1st floor of [Corasse Fukushima] on the north side of the west exit of Fukushima Station, it is open for business ?❗️ We also sell a lot of famous special products and souvenirs in Fukushima prefecture, especially local sake and local beer ? It seems that various event sales are also held, and on Sundays, it is quite attracting customers ?⤴️?
梁瀬健太郎 on Google

浜通り、中通り、会津にある各蔵の日本酒が多数取り揃えられている。(地方発送もやっている) その他、観光物産館なので県内各所のいろんな物産があり、眺めているだけであっという間に時間が過ぎていく。 目の前にある駐車場は最初の30分は無料で、30分毎に100円と低料金なのは、車で訪れる人には有り難いかなと。 自分はそれに気づかず隣のTimes駐車場に止めてしまったが、次来る時はそっちに止めようと思った(笑)
There are many sakes from each brewery in Hamadori, Nakadori, and Aizu. (We also do local shipping) In addition, since it is a tourist product center, there are various products in various parts of the prefecture, and the time passes in a blink of an eye just by looking at it. The parking lot in front of you is free for the first 30 minutes, and the low price of 100 yen every 30 minutes is appreciated by those who visit by car. I didn't notice it and stopped at the Times parking lot next door, but when I came next time I decided to stop there (laughs)
優子 on Google

福島の銘菓やお酒、物産品が売っています。ときどき、イベントもやっていますよ? 新しくなって、日本酒の飲み比べもできるようになりました✨ 日替り(週替り)で県内の有名店のお食事がいただけたりします。 また、東北中央道が通ったことで、相馬の新鮮な海産物も購入できることもあります。 今日は、会津の「牛乳屋食堂」のミルク味噌ラーメンをいただきました。食後には、イチゴパフェを。イチゴパフェは、たっぷりのイチゴとソフトクリームのみで作られていて、とても贅沢でした。
Fukushima's famous confectionery, liquor, and products are on sale. Occasionally, we also have events ? Now you can compare the drinks of sake with the new one. You can enjoy meals from famous restaurants in the prefecture on a daily basis (weekly). Also, by passing the Tohoku Chuo Road, you may be able to purchase fresh seafood from Soma. Today, I had milk miso ramen from "Gyunyuya Shokudo" in Aizu. After a meal, have a strawberry parfait. The strawberry parfait was made only with plenty of strawberries and soft serve ice cream and was very luxurious.
kitchen stand farmers on Google

If you go here, you can enjoy all of Fukushima Prefecture, and you can get simple high-quality ingredients such as seasonings that are directly selected by the producer, so the recommendation of the director Sakurada is especially excellent! Lunch boxes, sake, Japanese sweets, and Western sweets are the best! I can't receive the advertising leaflets to prevent the spread, but I can enjoy it on weekends and weekdays! Everyone's going ?
ひそひそ on Google

地味な感じですがそこそこお客さんはいて、福島のお土産ならなんとなく揃います。駅からは230m先と看板がありましたが、少し離れているイメージです。外観からはそれとわかりませんでした。普通の事務所ビル的な感じ。 なんでもある、と言う感じではありませんが、それでも貧相と言うことでもありません。気に入りました。 飲食スペースにはイベント的に色んなところが入るようになっていて、この時は喜多方ラーメンの「こばや」と言うところが営業していました。勿論、実食。 美味しそうなものが沢山あったものの、電車で帰る事を考えるとそれほど買えません。 日本酒の飲み比べが気になりましたが、朝飯とラーメンでほぼ満腹だったので試せませんでした。 新幹線発車1時間半前頃を目安にしていけば楽しめるかも。
It's sober, but there are so many customers, and somehow Fukushima's souvenirs are available. There was a signboard 230m away from the station, but it is an image that is a little far away. I didn't know it from the outside. It feels like an ordinary office building. It's not like it's anything, but it's not that it's poor. liked it. There are various places in the eating and drinking space as an event, and at this time, the place called "Kobaya" of Kitakata ramen was open. Of course, the actual meal. There were a lot of things that looked delicious, but I couldn't buy much considering returning by train. I was worried about the comparison of drinking sake, but I couldn't try it because I was almost full with breakfast and ramen. You may be able to enjoy it if you use the Shinkansen about one and a half hours before departure as a guide.
Kori Planning on Google

福島の各地のお土産をまとめて見つけることができる場所です。福島駅の西口にあるリッチモンドホテルの奥にあります。 東口の方が、比較的、お店が多いので東口側のホテルに滞在することが多いのですが、今回は西口近くに滞在をしたので足を運んでみました。 福島県各地の名産品やお土産以外にも、お弁当や、パンなどテイクアウトしてすぐに食べられる商品も並んでいます。 桃の甘酒(ノンアルコール)がとても美味しそうだったので購入しました。程良い甘さでとてもおいしかったです。飲み比べをしてみようと思って福島のおいしいお水も3本購入しました。 食べ物以外にも可愛らしい雑貨などが沢山揃っています。福島はお酒の名産地でもあることから、こちらでは品揃えもかなり豊富です。 福島の『おいしい』と『楽しい』が詰まった場所です。自分やご家族へのお土産の購入でも、お友達や、大切な方、会社の方へのお土産等でも、数々の商品が皆様のニーズに応えてくれると思います。
It is a place where you can find souvenirs from all over Fukushima. It is located at the back of the Richmond Hotel at the west exit of Fukushima Station. Since there are relatively many shops at the east exit, I often stay at hotels on the east exit side, but this time I stayed near the west exit, so I went there. In addition to specialty products and souvenirs from all over Fukushima Prefecture, there are also lunch boxes, bread, and other products that you can take out and eat immediately. I bought peach amazake (non-alcoholic) because it looked very delicious. It was moderately sweet and very delicious. I bought 3 bottles of delicious water from Fukushima so that I could compare them. Besides food, there are many cute miscellaneous goods. Fukushima is also a famous liquor producing area, so there is a wide selection of products here. It is a place filled with "delicious" and "fun" in Fukushima. Whether you're buying souvenirs for yourself or your family, or souvenirs for your friends, loved ones, or company, I think a number of products will meet your needs.
根本守 on Google

福島土産を購入するならこちら、コラッセふくしま内にあります福島県観光物産館さんです。 福島の食・工芸品等々が一同に会してます。 大概の物を購入出来ますがお酒好きの方なら日本酒がお薦めです。 数々の品評会で受賞された日本酒が揃ってます。 飲食ラウンジコーナーで日本酒の呑み比べも出来るので好みのお酒を見つけることが出来ます。 お酒のお供は福島市名物いかにんじん・会津地方の馬刺し等々如何でしょうか。 JR福島駅すぐ横ですのでご利用下さい。
If you want to buy Fukushima souvenirs, this is the Fukushima Prefecture Tourist Product Center located in Corasse Fukushima. Fukushima's food, crafts, etc. are all meeting. You can buy most things, but if you like sake, sake is recommended. We have a selection of sake that has won numerous competitions. You can also compare sake at the eating and drinking lounge corner, so you can find your favorite sake. How about the sake companion, such as Fukushima City's specialty, ika ninjin, horse sashimi from the Aizu region, etc. Please use it because it is right next to JR Fukushima Station.

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