とんかつママン - Minamiawaji

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact とんかつママン

住所 :

Fukura, Minamiawaji, 〒656-0501 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Postal code : 656-0501
Webサイト : http://www.mamann.net/
街 : Hyogo

Fukura, Minamiawaji, 〒656-0501 Hyogo,Japan
Masahito k on Google

淡路ツーリングのお昼ご飯に立ち寄りました。 量が相当あり評価が高い理由も納得。 お店に無線LANを搭載されてます。 ワイハイはちょっと受けました。
We stopped by for lunch at Awaji Touring. I understand why the amount is considerable and the evaluation is high. The shop is equipped with wireless LAN. I received a little Wi-Fi.
カズマ on Google

It is a long-established pork cutlet shop. The set meal is voluminous and the taste is perfect. The special dressing also tastes good. Is the drawback slow to come out?
Rie Hashimoto on Google

It is a delicious pork cutlet shop with a rich menu and plenty of volume. Various vegetables are used in the salad, and the dressing is also handmade! It was a calm shop with an atmosphere that has been around for a long time.
hy Pi on Google

他のお店に伺おうと思っていたのですが緊急事態宣言の延長により臨時休業をされていたので、近くのこちらのお店に伺いました。 店内は純喫茶風の落ち着いた雰囲気で席から見える小さなお庭がいい感じでした。 1000円強でロースカツ定食を注文しましたが、量も多くてとても美味しかったです。 ロースカツ定食の付け合わせのキャベツ用にママン特性のドレッシングを出していただきました。オレンジベース?なのか分かりませんがサッパリとしていて油物との相性が良くとても美味しかったです。 キャッシュレス決済はPayPayとLINE Payが使えるみたいですが、個人のお店なので現金でお支払いしました。 また機会があればお邪魔させていただきます。
I was thinking of visiting another store, but I was temporarily closed due to the extension of the state of emergency, so I visited this store nearby. The inside of the store had a calm atmosphere like a pure coffee shop, and the small garden seen from the seats was nice. I ordered a loin cutlet set meal for just over 1000 yen, but the amount was large and it was very delicious. We had you put out dressing of Maman characteristic for cabbage with garnish of low cutlet set meal. Orange base? I don't know if it is, but it was refreshing and compatible with oily foods, and it was very delicious. It seems that PayPay and LINE Pay can be used for cashless payment, but since it is a private shop, I paid in cash. I will bother you if there is an opportunity.
きちけん on Google

この店において、既にトンカツについての賞賛は枚挙に暇が無いかと思いますので、トンカツは単品で注文しつつ、スペアリブ定食を注文しました。 しっかりと煮込まれたお肉は骨からするっとはずれ、赤身のホロホロと骨際のプルプルが絶妙なところに、噛み締める程お肉の旨味が湧き出てきます。スープはビーフシチューかと思うぐらいしっかりとしたコクに仕上がっており、焼きの入ったポテトもいい感じに仕上がってます。 私が行った時間は駐車場は空いてましたが、店はいっぱいでした。地元に愛された食事どころといった感じでしょうか。 またいきたいです。
At this restaurant, I think that there is already plenty of time to praise the pork cutlet, so I ordered the spare rib set meal while ordering the pork cutlet separately. The meat that has been simmered firmly comes off from the bones, and the savory taste of the meat springs up to the point where the lean guinea fowl and the squishy bones are exquisite. The soup is rich enough to make you think it's a beef stew, and the roasted potatoes are also nicely finished. The parking lot was vacant at the time I went, but the store was full. Is it like a meal loved by the locals? I want to go again.
マサキ on Google

私が食べた時は下味の塩味が強かったです ソースを付けてないカツとご飯を口に入れて丁度くらいだったのでソースを付けるとちょっとって感じでした。 特大のボリュームに関しては文句なしですが、1枚で200gのカツと思っていたので2枚で来たのは意外でした。2枚だと衣の量が増えるので学生さんみたいにとにかくガッツリという人には良いと思いますが、大人の方は胸焼けする方もいるかと思います。私も量は食べれる方ですが、全部食べると少し油がキツかったです
When I ate it, the salty taste was strong It was just like putting cutlet and rice without sauce in my mouth, so it was a little bit like adding sauce. I have no complaints about the oversized volume, but I thought that one piece was a 200g cutlet, so it was surprising that I came with two pieces. If you use two, the amount of clothes will increase, so I think it's good for people like students who are sick, but I think that some adults may have heartburn. I can eat a lot, but when I ate all of them, the oil was a little hard.
Stephen Skinner on Google

Very good.
Rebecca B. on Google

I love this place, I eat breakfast here most weekends. It’s a nice quiet local type place, with a very homey atmosphere. It’s a good place to sit with a book or to study. There’s a little garden you can look into as you eat, with tiny fish and cheerful greenery. Breakfast is really comforting to me, and they have a pretty wide range of options. It’s not exactly like my grandma’s breakfast, but it has the same feeling of being in a family kitchen. The lunch is also top tier, their specialty is the tonkatsu but I like the chicken. Everything I’ve had here is delicious. And the owners are really kind people. They’re the type of people who remember which friends of mine have come to the restaurant with me before, and who offer encouragement and extra tea if I’m studying. 10/10, they’re lovely people, and the food is always satisfying. I like the special salad dressing. If you come for lunch, come hungry, the portions are gloriously generous, and I think there’s even seconds offered on rice.

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