
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 二宮産業(株)

住所 :

Fukunari, Minami Ward, 〒702-8022 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://ninomiyasangyo.co.jp/
街 : Okayama

Fukunari, Minami Ward, 〒702-8022 Okayama,Japan
m e on Google

Thank you for your polite and very kind response! thank you very much! We had you collect unneeded items at the time of moving. I was surprised at how cheap it was, even though there was a lot of disused items. Moreover, I am really glad that you were willing to respond and ask me! !! In addition, I would like to ask you for any disused items! !! Thank you for this time!
岩本京子 on Google

Two young people worked very well. When it was a service, they also carried small items. Thank you very much.
ミズシマ on Google

I asked you to remove the garden stones. It was very helpful to respond promptly to urgent requests.
野田のどか on Google

My father entered the facility and left it vacant for about two years, but I was thinking of moving in the future because the house would be damaged. I was stunned by the amount of luggage and thought about using a trader for the first time. It was my first time, so I was worried, but on the day of the event, I was very pleased with the polite and quick work. The reasonable price was also attractive. I would like to ask for the next work as well.
もふ on Google

本日はお世話になりました。 作業日程を決めるところから当日の作業まで無駄がなく、安心してやり取りが出来ました。 とても気さくな社員さんで作業スピードも早いですし、不用品もしっかり持って帰って頂けて、わたし的には安かったですし、言うことないです! またお世話になることがあればぜひお願いしたいと思います。 ありがとうございました!
Thank you for your support today. There was no waste from deciding the work schedule to the work on the day, and I was able to communicate with peace of mind. It's a very friendly employee, the work speed is fast, and I was able to bring back all the disused items, so it was cheap for me, and I have nothing to say! I would like to ask if you would like to take care of me again. thank you!
Chi-ro K on Google

他業者では回収不可だった為、ラインで相談をしました。 電話でなく、ラインなので気軽に相談ができました! 丁寧な対応をして頂き、こちらの希望にも柔軟に対応してくださりました。料金も私的にはとても満足のいく内容で感謝しています!回収当日は時間通りに来てくださり、あっという間でとてもスムーズな回収でした。ホントにありがとうございました!
Since it was not possible to collect it by other companies, we consulted on the line. It's a line, not a phone, so I could feel free to consult! He responded politely and flexibly responded to this request. I am grateful for the price, which is very satisfying for me! They came on time on the day of collection, and the collection was very smooth in no time. Thank you so much!
manさん on Google

とても気さくな社長&社員さんで仕事も早く料金も安い! 賃貸アパート2階で入居の際に窓から搬入したタンスを引越しを機に処分したく依頼しました。他にも何件か見積もりを取りましたが破格料金で吊り下げしてくださり本当に助かりました。 あまりにも親切丁寧フレンドリーに対応していただいたので知人にも紹介させていただきました(•ᵕᴗᵕ•) 今日も突然の連絡にも関わらずリピート依頼しましたが、すぐに来て下さり助かりました。LINE、電話、インスタDMなど連絡もしやすくあっという間に不用品処分ができるので感謝しております!また連絡します!岡山にお住いの方は本当にオススメ☆
Very friendly president & employees, work fast and cheap! When I moved in on the 2nd floor of the rental apartment, I requested that I want to dispose of the chest of drawers that I brought in through the window when I moved. I got some other quotations, but it was really helpful to hang them at an exceptional rate. I was so kind and polite that I introduced it to my acquaintances (• ᵕᴗᵕ •) I asked for a repeat today despite the sudden contact, but it was helpful to come immediately. I am grateful that it is easy to contact LINE, telephone, Instagram DM, etc. and I can dispose of disused items in a blink of an eye! I will contact you again! I really recommend those who live in Okayama ☆
守本幸代 on Google

今回は本当にありがとうございました! 洗濯機一台の回収を頼ませて頂きました。すごく親切な方々でした。電話対応も凄くよくて、訪問して下さった人も優しく感じのいい人でした。従業員の方に聞いた所によると社員さんみんな若い人ばかりで気楽に頼めるのもポイントだと思います。一つからでも頼めるので一度相談してみるといいと思います。ここに頼んで正解でした!また機会があれば頼みたいと思います。
Thank you very much for this time! I asked you to collect one washing machine. They were very kind people. The telephone response was very good, and the people who visited were kind and pleasant. According to the employees, I think it is also a point that all the employees are young and can easily ask. You can ask even one, so I think you should consult with us once. I asked here and it was the correct answer! I would like to ask again if I have the opportunity.

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