Fukui Children's Sports Park - Fukui

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fukui Children's Sports Park

住所 :

3-20 Fukumachi, Fukui, 918-8027, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 918-8027
Webサイト : https://www.pref.fukui.lg.jp/doc/undoukouen/syounen.html

3-20 Fukumachi, Fukui, 918-8027, Japan
Etsuko Ito on Google

いつも綺麗にお掃除もされており、感謝です。でも池が失くなってしまい、残念です。このご時世だからだと思うのですが 、よく筏で遊んだ記憶があります。残念でなりません。
I am grateful that they are always cleaned cleanly. But I'm sorry that the pond has been lost. I think it's because of this time, but I remember playing with rafts a lot. I'm sorry.
松田勇二 on Google

The indoor facility is a little-known spot for families with small children, such as those with few people.
かかと on Google

Large, beautiful, lots of playset ❗ Well-maintained lawn, indoor facilities, free parking lot ❗ Anyway, it's the best (^ o ^)
滝口智弘 on Google

Currently the slide cannot be used. 2022.3.29
林浩典(park) on Google

駐車場から遊び場(幼児・低年齢用)まで少し距離があります。 遊具は新しいのでとても綺麗です。 日陰になるベンチ等もたくさんあります。 芝生で寝転がるのも気持ちいいかもしれませんね。
There is a little distance from the parking lot to the playground (for infants and younger ages). The playset is new, so it's very beautiful. There are also many shaded benches. It may be nice to lie down on the lawn.
青色ベルちゃ on Google

怪我しそうだから立ち入り禁止にしている感満載です。 危険だからって立ち入り禁止にしていたら将来危険な事が分からず危険な所に無意識に行くようになり逆に危険だと思います。
It's full of feelings that you are off limits because you are likely to get injured. If you keep out of the area because it is dangerous, you will not know what is dangerous in the future and you will unconsciously go to a dangerous place, which is dangerous.
Yasuyo on Google

知る日とぞ知る福井の運動公園! ウオーキングやお子さんを遊ばせるには安心できる場所だと思います。
Fukui Sports Park to know the day to know! I think it's a safe place to walk and let your children play.
伏黒ピスケ on Google

休みの日は子供でいっぱいです。 子供の友達とよく会います 2021.11.06現在、遊具に補修工事が入っています。 工事が終わって、裏側の使用禁止の側も安全に遊べる遊具にしてほしいです。
The days off are full of children. I often meet my child's friends As of 2021.11.06, repair work is being carried out on the playset. After the construction is completed, I want the playset on the back side, which is prohibited to use, to be safe to play.

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