まうん 深江橋店

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

東成区で宴会なら「焼肉・ホルモン まうん」 - Maun-higashinari.com


Contact まうん 深江橋店

住所 :

Fukaeminami, Higashinari Ward, 〒537-0002 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Webサイト : http://maun-higashinari.com/
街 : Osaka

Fukaeminami, Higashinari Ward, 〒537-0002 Osaka,Japan
スーパー三角定規 on Google

サイドメニューもしっかり美味しくて お肉もお値頃で美味しかったです
The side menu is also delicious The meat was also reasonably priced and delicious
t v on Google

It's not as delicious as it used to be. The meat is delicious, but the sauce and soup taste light. .. .. .. .. If possible, I wanted the area to be divided into those with children and those without. The kids were noisy and ran around and it was terrible. I think my parents are the worst, but I felt like I was in a family restaurant.
池谷哲 on Google

The meat was tender and the price was surprisingly reasonable and delicious.
snow紫 on Google

すごく柔らかくて美味しいお肉でした! 特にタン最高!ゆず胡椒の上ミノもおすすめです。 ナムル盛りの茄子がとてもさっぱりしていて美味しかったです。 お肉はもちろんですが、サイドメニューもとても美味しくて大満足のお店でした(*^^*)
It was very tender and delicious meat! Especially Tan is the best! Yuzu pepper top mino is also recommended. The namul-filled eggplant was very refreshing and delicious. Not only the meat, but the side menu was also very delicious and I was very satisfied (* ^^ *)
MIHO YAMASAKI (はりきゅう和-nagomi-) on Google

【コスパ良し】 たれ、塩、わさびで食べる焼肉 倹約モードで、並のタンを選んだんですが、「上タンなみ」で、驚きました。コスパ良い!とその段階で思ったのですが、さらに「まうんセット」というのを頼んだんですが、こちらも量が多くて、「ビールとこれだけで、2人なら十分だったね」と。女性二人なら、ビビンパとサラダはまったく余計でした。
[Cospa is good] Yakiniku eaten with sauce, salt and wasabi In the frugal mode, I chose a normal tongue, but I was surprised at the "upper tongue". Cospa is good! At that stage, I thought, but I also asked for a "maun set", but the amount was also large, and "beer and this alone were enough for two people." For two women, bibimbap and salad were totally superfluous.
H ISHIKAWA on Google

The meat was delicious. The inside of the store was beautiful and the clerk was polite.
Takeshi Minami on Google

大阪の行ったので、おすすめの焼肉屋さんに連れて行ってもらいました。 東京には見慣れないような、ホルモン系が沢山あり、どれも美味しくいただきました。 肉質も良く、リーズナブルな値段で大満足です。 大阪に行ったときには、また行きます!
I went to Osaka, so I got a recommended yakiniku restaurant to take me. There are many hormones in Tokyo that are unfamiliar to you, and all were delicious. The meat quality is good and I am very satisfied with the reasonable price. When I go to Osaka, I will go again!
暁生 on Google

数回訪問。 接客があまり良くないです。 暗い印象で気遣いはない。 テーブルなら落ち着けるが、座敷は掘り炬燵ではないので疲れます。 横にファミリーが来た時もたまたまかも知れないが、どのファミリーもうるさく落ち着かなかった。 味は厚切りタンとライスは美味しいが、それ以外は値段の割にはイマイチ。 特にタレ焼きが個人的にはアウト。 焼き肉を食べたいなら訪問しない。 厚切りタンで軽く飲む用に使ってます。 アルバイトのレベルが上がればリピート率も上がると思うので頑張って欲しいです。
Visited several times. The customer service is not very good. It's a dark impression and I don't care. The table is calm, but the tatami room is not a kotatsu, so it gets tired. It may have happened when the families came to the side, but none of them was noisy and calm. The taste is delicious with thick sliced ​​tongue and rice, but other than that, it is not good for the price. Especially the sauce grilling is out personally. If you want to eat yakiniku, don't visit. I use it for light drinking with thick sliced ​​tongue. I think that if the level of part-time job goes up, the repeat rate will go up, so please do your best.

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