Fujita Dermatology Clinic - Okayama

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fujita Dermatology Clinic

住所 :

2-1 Matsuhamacho, Minami Ward, Okayama, 702-8038, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 702-8038
Webサイト : http://www.fujita-hifuka.okayama.jp/

2-1 Matsuhamacho, Minami Ward, Okayama, 702-8038, Japan
ちゃんゆき on Google

Although he was a new teacher, he examined me very carefully. Some doctors didn't say the name of the disease properly, but he told me the name of the disease properly.
&& on Google

People who want to have a refreshing consultation may be a favorite? I think that my head is sharp and my skill is good, but I'm rude, but every time I see that I'm lacking in kindness, I feel like I'm not always kind enough.
しろくま on Google

He has good arms and knows the skin well. He has a gentle personality and humor. Some people are slanderous, but they are anonymous and irresponsible. People who write bad words on Google reviews can almost imagine their personality.
わん on Google

My dad's generation was very reliable and I always used it comfortably with a careful examination. The doctor who seems to be the son has a sense of incongruity because he doesn't have a sense of responsibility for saying the words even though he is a doctor. I used to let children through, but I would never let them through. It is only unpleasant for a sharp response. There are many things I would like to say, but I felt that the rumors that I had heard before were true and the response was poor. I don't want to even get a star.
まよまよ on Google

金属アレルギーで発疹や、顔がパンパンに腫れていたみたいでした。 変な薬を出されたので全然良くならず、違う皮膚科に行ったらすぐに良くなりました。 中は綺麗でしたけどね、、
It seemed that he had a rash due to a metal allergy and his face was swollen. I was given a strange medicine, so it didn't improve at all, and when I went to a different dermatologist, it improved immediately. The inside was beautiful, but ...
くまもん on Google

最低。行かなきゃ良かったです。 事務的で話もろくに聞いてくれず、2時間待って診察は5分以下。患部に触る手つきも乱暴。スタッフも傲慢な態度、二度と行きません。
The lowest. I should have gone. It was clerical and did not listen to me, so I waited for 2 hours and the examination took less than 5 minutes. The touch to the affected area is also rough. The staff is also arrogant and will never go again.
こここかかか on Google

今の若院長先生に代替わりされたばかりの頃に初めて若院長先生に診ていただきました。 新しい治療法を勧めてくださったり丁寧な診察をしていただき誠意ある先生とお見受けしました。だからか元々多かった患者がどんどん増える一方で...。 その内お一人で多数の患者を捌くようになられ余裕が無くなられたのかな?と...。 確かに言葉や態度に厳しい面も見受けられるようになりましたが、腕も知識も病気に対する熱意もある先生だとは思いますので、その辺気にされない人にはオススメの先生だと思います。
When I was just replaced by the current director, Waka, I first saw him. I saw him as a sincere teacher who recommended new treatments and gave me a careful examination. That's why the number of patients who were originally large is increasing steadily. I wonder if I couldn't afford to handle a large number of patients by myself. When.... Certainly, I have come to see some strict aspects in words and attitudes, but I think that he is a teacher who has skills, knowledge, and enthusiasm for illness, so I think that he is a recommended teacher for those who do not care about that. ..
れいな on Google

クチコミがあまり良くなかったので、不安でしたが、看護師さんも丁寧で先生もよく話を聞いて下さりました。 「子供が怒られた」というクチコミも多くありますが、保護者の責任もあるのではないでしょうか。 今日来ていた子連れの方も待合室、全体に聞こえるくらいの声量で子供と話したり笑ったりしていました。 正直、うるさかったので怒られて当然かと…。 子供だから仕方ないとしても、声掛けや配慮をするべきかと思います。 怒り方がどうなのかは分かりませんが、患者だろうといけない事はきちんと言う先生の方が信頼できます。
I was worried because the word-of-mouth communication was not very good, but the nurses were polite and the teachers often listened to me. There are many reviews that "the child was angry", but I think it is also the responsibility of the parents. The person with the child who came today was also talking and laughing with the child in the waiting room with a voice that could be heard as a whole. To be honest, it was so noisy that I should have been angry ... Even if I can't help it because I'm a child, I think I should give some thought and consideration. I don't know how to get angry, but the teacher who says that he should be a patient can be trusted.

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