Fujinomiya Station - Fujinomiya

2.7/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact Fujinomiya Station

住所 :

6 Chūōchō, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka 418-0065, Japan

Postal code : 418-0065

6 Chūōchō, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka 418-0065, Japan
yukiyoshi watanabe on Google

ミッツ on Google

駅員の対応が非常に悪かったです。 乗客をお客と思ってないみたいです。 JR東海さん!ちゃんと教育してください❗️ お願いします。
Correspondence of station staff was very bad. I don't seem to think passengers as customers. JR Tokai! Please educate properly. Please.
froney on Google

시간표를 잘 확인해야 합니다 꼭 최신기준으로 확인하세요 미니패스 기준 타누키호수도 가려면 편도 410엔을 내야 한다고 하는데 복불복입니다 내리면서 패스 보여주면 되는데 혹시 내라고 하면 얼마내야되냐고 물어보세요 타누키호수(2번버스 종점) 먼저 갔다가 돌아오면서 하나씩 들러야 시간 맞추기 편합니다 시라이토폭포는 볼게 별로 없고 입구가아니라 시라이토폭포에서 내리면 됩니다 날씨가 안좋다면 절대로 비추천합니다 이도저도 아니고 아무것도 안보여요 버스도 잘 없고 한번 돌면 하루 날립니다 11시10분 출발 타누키 시라이토 센겐대사 이렇게 갔는데 돌아오니 4시50분이여서 후지산세계유산센터 못갔습니다 시간 잘 짜야합니다
Make sure you check the timetable. Make sure you are up to date. If you want to go to Tanuki Lake, you will have to pay 410 yen one-way. Tanuki Lake (Bus Terminal 2) You have to go first and come back one by one to stop the time. There is not much to see Shiraito Falls. If the weather isn't good, it's never recommended. I'm not seeing anything. I don't have a bus. 11:10 Departure Ambassador Tanuki Shiraito Sengen I went back to 4:50, so I couldn't go to Mt.Fuji World Heritage Center.
木嶋健太郎 on Google

I thought that the bus to the fifth station was a regular route bus, and I could not use an IC card for a sightseeing bus. Be careful as you have to buy tickets at the sales floor.
Tzu-Ping Lin on Google

To the white silk waterfall, Motosu Lake, Lake Kawaguchi aspects of car port on the car number 2.
Mario Guerra on Google

It is very easy to go to 5th station

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