
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 千葉のかき小屋

住所 :

Fujimi, Kisarazu, 〒292-0831 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.kouseisuisan.co.jp/office/fujimi/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–4PM
Sunday 9AM–4PM
Monday 9AM–4PM
Tuesday 9AM–4PM
Wednesday 9AM–4PM
Thursday 9AM–4PM
Friday 9AM–4PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Fujimi, Kisarazu, 〒292-0831 Chiba,Japan
3768.N on Google

On the day we went there, there was no all-you-can-eat plan, you can use the grill stand for free, there is soy sauce and ponzu, if you eat raw oysters, would you have a lemon if it was more delicious? I bought it for 100 minutes at the store and it was all-you-can-eat, but 60 minutes for 2 people was enough. Clams are 300 yen each. Oysters, scallops, and scallops cost 500 yen each, and small butters cost 50 yen. Let's examine when there is an all-you-can-eat plan. There was a free service of oyster ice.
ジョーカー on Google

木更津揚げは美味しいがん〜味はイマイチなんで雰囲気で楽しもう!そとの生牡蠣の方がよいかなーあとは活とはいえ小ぶりで高いかなーー!ドリンクは持ち込みなんで高くはないかなーーー!普段ガチの大振り鮑食べてる俺からすると んーー 味は忘れて雰囲気だな!
Kisarazu fried is a delicious cancer ~ Enjoy the atmosphere because the taste is not good! I wonder if raw oysters are better-they are small and expensive though they are live! Drinks are not brought in because they are brought in! I usually eat big abalone, but from my perspective, I forget the taste and the atmosphere!
なお on Google

Adults 90 minutes all-you-can-eat for 3,500 yen, which was delicious, but I couldn't eat it because the all-you-can-eat shrimp wasn't replenished in the middle. It was like that at around 14:00, so I think I will lose a lot when I come to the store.
chami on Google

自分で焼いて食べるのは楽しい(^^) 海鮮はやや割高に感じるけど、こういう観光地の値段としては妥当な価格かなと。 牡蠣は500円くらいしたけど、大きくて美味しかった♪ 飲み物は持ち込み可能でした。 (コロナ禍緊急事態宣言中なので酒類はNG)
It's fun to bake and eat by yourself (^^) Seafood seems a little expensive, but I think it's a reasonable price for a tourist destination like this. The oysters cost about 500 yen, but they were big and delicious ♪ Drinks could be brought in. (Alcohol is NG because Corona is in the state of emergency)
Nana on Google

浜焼き食べ放題!最高/ . 赤い橋のすぐ近く(徒歩1分くらい)にあったので、偶然入ったお店でしたが、感動しました!!! . 牡蠣やハマグリがすごく新鮮で、 元々海鮮はそこまで好んで食べない私でも、多分人生で1番牡蠣を食べた日になりました!! . 焼き方は詳しく説明する紙もあって、店員さんも優しく教えてくださいます✨ . 牡蠣グラタンと蟹クリーム(コロッケ?)も最高でした....!!? . 一緒に焼けるので、友達、家族、カップル、誰といっても楽しいはずです!!
All-you-can-eat beach grill! Best / .. It was near the red bridge (about a 1-minute walk), so I happened to enter the shop, but I was impressed !!! .. The oysters and clams are very fresh, Even though I don't like seafood so much, it's probably the day I ate the best oysters in my life !! .. There is also a paper that explains in detail how to bake, and the clerk will kindly tell me ✨ .. The oyster gratin and crab cream (croquette?) Were also great .... !! ? .. It's baked together, so it should be fun for friends, family, couples, anyone! !!
らら on Google

着いたのは14:30頃でした。食べ放題は1時間¥2500のコースしかありませんでした。本来なら牡蠣、はまぐり、ボンビノス貝とサザエ4種類なのに、何故か、サザエは除外されて、3種類のみになってしまいました。 しかし、水槽には大量のサザエがあったので、問い合わせてみたら、それは先に食べてる人達の分ですと言われました。在庫が少ないから、提供出来ないと言うけど、お金出せば、1個¥432で買えば食べられる。 同じ金額で払ってるのに、違う待遇受けるのがおかしいな話だと思います。もし本当に在庫が無いなら、仕方ないと思うかも知れないけど、実際に品数があるのに、更にお金出して買わないといけないという理不尽な説明には納得出来ないです! 店側の都合で品物が足りないのなら、その分の値段を下げるのが筋じゃないでしょうか?! 遠くからわざわざ行ったので、仕方なく余分な金額を払いましたが、牡蠣、はまぐり等はとても新鮮でした!
I arrived around 14:30. The all-you-can-eat course was only ¥ 2500 per hour. Originally, there were 4 types of oysters, clams, bombinos shells and turban shells, but for some reason, turban shells were excluded and only 3 types were left. However, there were a lot of turban shells in the aquarium, so when I inquired, I was told that it was for the people who were eating first. I say that I can't offer it because the stock is low, but if you pay for it, you can eat it if you buy one for ¥ 432. I think it's strange that you pay the same amount but receive different treatment. If you really don't have it in stock, you might think it can't be helped, but I'm not convinced by the unreasonable explanation that you have to pay more to buy it even though you actually have a lot of items! If there are not enough items for the convenience of the store, isn't it a good idea to reduce the price by that amount? !! I went all the way from afar, so I had no choice but to pay an extra amount, but the oysters, clams, etc. were very fresh!
maeda kenichi on Google

木更津にかき小屋があることを知り行ってきました。 料金プランは3コースあります。 一番お得なのは90分コースかな? カキ、はまぐり、サザエなど新鮮な魚介類と串焼き肉なんかもあり楽しめました。飲み物の持込みOKなのも嬉しいですね。 焼き方の案内もあるので初心者でも安心です。 少し残念なのが調味料が醤油、塩、胡椒、ポン酢だけなので、酒等持ち込むといいかも(一応飲み物なので)
I learned that there is an oyster hut in Kisarazu. There are 3 price plans. Is the 90-minute course the best deal? I enjoyed the fresh seafood such as oysters, clams, and turban shells, as well as skewered meat. I'm glad that you can bring your own drinks. Even beginners can rest assured that there is guidance on how to bake. It's a little disappointing that the only seasonings are soy sauce, salt, pepper, and ponzu, so it might be a good idea to bring in sake (because it's a drink).
Cutepic-S G on Google

Nov-2018 - popped in late afternoon hour, around 1330ish. Decided to buy some oysters and clams back but 2 out of 3 oysters were smelly when we cooked as sake-mushi (steam in osake). Guess better eat in there as bad ones could be changed soon (or they wouldn't give you bad ones ??). Won't be going there after this experience. ¥3,000 for an hour BBQ table for eat in (as much as possible for a few fixed choices + whatever are there). BBQ table charge only for choices of own as an option also.

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