宮路山 山頂広場 - Toyokawa

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 宮路山 山頂広場

住所 :

Fujikubo, Mitocho Kaneno, Toyokawa, 〒441-0323 Aichi,Japan

Postal code : 441-0323
街 : Aichi

Fujikubo, Mitocho Kaneno, Toyokawa, 〒441-0323 Aichi,Japan
Boss Hatto on Google

The view on a sunny day is wonderful!
稲垣誠 on Google

ハイキングには丁度いい山です。 見晴らしもいいし、 ゴミもないし。
It's a good mountain for hiking. The view is good, There is no garbage.
鈴木雄太郎(ゆうたろう) on Google

The view of Mikawa Bay from the top is wonderful.
takuya hattori on Google

近くの駐車場で、15分ぐらいで山頂に行けると書いてあったので、 軽い気持ちで行ってみると、なかなか大変。 山なのでアップダウンがあるので、30分ぐらいかけて登りました。 登った先には、苦労を忘れるほどの景色が広がっていた。
At a nearby parking lot, it said that I could reach the summit in about 15 minutes, When I went with a light feeling, it was quite difficult. Since it is a mountain, there are ups and downs, so it took about 30 minutes to climb. At the end of the climb, the scenery was wide enough to forget the effort.
ケイシスズキ on Google

From the Higashi-Mikawa Furusato Park parking lot, it is a mountain with a good climb, and if you set it with Goiyama, you can enjoy ups and downs and it is perfect for training. The summit has a view of Mikawa Bay and has many benches, which is perfect for a picnic on a sunny day, but it is crowded on weekends. 30 to 50 people are rough. If you go, it's a weekday.
今泉隆 on Google

This view is wonderful near. The car is OK halfway. It takes about 1.5 hours from below.
因果応報斎 on Google

At the beginning of December, I went hiking on Mt. Miyaji, a famous spot for autumn leaves on the brink. I was impressed that it had been written in the Manyoshu, which has been famous as a famous place for autumn leaves since ancient times! Did. The view from the top of the mountain was exceptionally panoramic ❕ on a well-maintained mountain road.
MegaLlagas on Google

標高は低いながら人気の山なんでしょうね。 日曜日9時過ぎの時点で、登山口の内山駐車場は満車でした。 元に戻って車で山道を走り、奥まで行ったのですが第一駐車場は満車で第二駐車場に停めました。 このルートでは非常にショートコースになってしまい、散歩レベルの歩行時間になってしまいますが、足慣らしやトレーニングなどには非常に良いと思います。 山頂からは三河湾が一望できる素晴らしい眺望で、手軽に来ることが出来る点を考えても良い行楽スポットではないでしょうか? 山道は概ね公園レベルに整備されており、登山靴でなくても大丈夫です。山頂横には宮道天神社奥の院があるので、参拝で来る人もいるのでしょうか? 今回、山頂で雨が降り出してしまったので五井山へは行きませんでしたが、次回晴れの日に再チャレンジしてみたいです。
It's a popular mountain even though it's low in altitude. After 9 o'clock on Sunday, the Uchiyama parking lot at the trailhead was full. I went back and drove on the mountain road to the back, but the first parking lot was full and I parked at the second parking lot. This route will be a very short course and it will be a walking time at the walking level, but I think that it is very good for foot break-in and training. From the top of the mountain, you can get a great view of Mikawa Bay, and it's a good place to go for a leisure trip. The mountain roads are generally maintained at the park level, so you don't have to wear hiking shoes. There is a temple at the back of Miyajiten Shrine next to the summit, so are there some people who come to worship? I didn't go to Goiyama because it started to rain at the top of the mountain this time, but I would like to try again on a sunny day next time.

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