大黒食品工業 本社

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大黒食品工業 本社

住所 :

Fujikawa, Tamamura, Sawa District, 〒370-1101 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.daikokufoods.com/
街 : Gunma

Fujikawa, Tamamura, Sawa District, 〒370-1101 Gunma,Japan
光明愛生 on Google

よく『大黒軒 味噌ラーメン(塩分25%カット)』を食べていますが、普通に美味しいです。皆さん、ぐんまちゃんシリーズについて語られていますが、東京の片田舎では一切見たことがなく、勿論食べたこともありません。東京では販売されていないんですかね…?一度は食べてみたいです。また、大黒食品さんのカップ麺は価格もリーズナブルで、家計にとても優しく、助かっています。
I often eat Daikokuken miso ramen (25% salt cut), but it's usually delicious. Everyone talks about the Gunma-chan series, but I have never seen it in the countryside of Tokyo, and of course I have never eaten it. Isn't it sold in Tokyo ...? I want to eat it once. In addition, Daikoku Foods' cup noodles are reasonably priced and are very friendly and helpful to the household.
鼻毛カッター on Google

"Niboshi Chinese noodles" tasted like a dead crayfish aquarium.
skri ku on Google

Big (not big) wakame soy sauce ramen available at business supermarkets in Tokyo. It was more delicious than the price. The volume is enough because it is a large serving. The soup is delicious. I became a fan
小田桐和也 on Google

最近 安ホテルで仮住まいしてるが、そこでの食事に大黒食品のカップラーメンが出ますが、毎朝 しょうがなく食べていますが毎朝必ず腹を下します。しかもピーピーを越えてシャーシャーです。このままじゃ必ず病気になると思います!ハッキリ言って前からここのカップラーメンは大嫌いです。こんな事情でも無い限り絶対に食べたくは有りません!
Recently, I live temporarily at a cheap hotel, and Daikoku Foods' cup ramen is served there, but I eat it every morning, but I always get hungry every morning. Moreover, it is Shah Shah beyond Phi Phi. I'm sure you'll get sick if you keep going! To be clear, I hate cup ramen here for a long time. Unless this is the case, I definitely don't want to eat it!
Yasuhiro Nakashima on Google

“Soy sauce ramen” is less delicious than “pork bone ramen” because the pork bone smell is tighter. When asked why they bought “soy sauce ramen”, I do n’t know if “pork bone ramen” was sold out, but they were not on the shelves in the supermarket.
ゆうもき on Google

大黒海鮮塩ヌードルをよく食べます。 多少クオリティは落ちますが、コスパは最高ですよ。 カップラーメンの中では美味しい部類。 有名メーカーのシーフードヌードルと味はそれほど変わらない。 宣伝費削減、特定の店舗と契約、若干量を少なく、具を少なく、高価な具材を減らす。 でも味は落とさない。 メジャーなメーカーのものなら一個のところ二個以上買える。これを考えて評価してみてください。 企業努力の結果と思います。 関係者ではありません。
I often eat Daikoku seafood salt noodles. The quality is a little lower, but the cost performance is the best. It is a delicious category of cup ramen. The taste is not so different from the famous seafood noodles. Reduce advertising costs, contract with specific stores, slightly less quantity, less ingredients, less expensive ingredients. But it doesn't lose its taste. You can buy two or more of one from a major manufacturer. Please consider this and evaluate it. I think it is the result of corporate efforts. I'm not a party.
M. S on Google

At the nearby CZ Home Center, I bought and ate "Sauce Yakisoba", a rich liquid sauce with a fragrant scent from Daikoku Foods Factory Co., Ltd. It's a liquid sauce, not a powdered seasoning, so if you put it on hot noodles, the sauce will penetrate into the noodles and it will be chewy and delicious. It is kind to those who eat it, and it is also kind with furikake, and the price is reasonable as you can see from the company's efforts. Above all, it is about 30% cheaper than cup yakisoba from other manufacturers. I love yakisoba sauce. I also love cup noodles. I eat one meal / every day.
ハルォーンdwbH on Google

ソウルなヌー堂 「ぐんまのハナシ」カップ麺シリーズ。 インスタントセレクション。 ご機嫌いかがですか。 ワンダーソン ハルォーン☆ dwb ℋ うたふくです。 さぁ、 エビバディおいしくいただきましょう〜。 This is me(味)-この味あの味に出逢えば。 AKAGIのカップ麺。スーパーで昔からよく見かける定番のカップ麺。これが実にうまい。シンプルでなつかしい。 のハナシだー♪ のん♪ ということで、 はい、 どーですか、 この面構え〜(o^^o) ん〜 雨にも風にもコロナにもへこたれず ハルォーンでございます〜w^_^w
Soul Nudou "Gunma no Hanashi" cup noodle series. Instant selection. How are you. Wonderson Haruon ☆ dwb ℋ It's a song. Now, Let's have a delicious shrimp buddy ~. This is me (taste)-If you come across this taste. AKAGI cup noodles. A classic cup noodle that has been often seen in supermarkets for a long time. This is really good. Simple and nostalgic. It's Hanashi ♪ Non ♪ So, Yes, How is it? This look ~ (o ^^ o) Hmm~ No dents in the rain, wind or corona This is Haruon ~ w ^ _ ^ w

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