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Contact 根岸塗装工業(株)

住所 :

Fujiikamigumi, Hanyu, 〒348-0064 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.negisitosou-kougyo.co.jp/
街 : Saitama

Fujiikamigumi, Hanyu, 〒348-0064 Saitama,Japan
DHdgfghf Hdhdjdhd on Google

最高です! また機会があったらもう一度お願いしたいです
it's the best! I would like to ask again if I have another chance
吉沢昇 on Google

Negishi Paint is a conscientious and warm company ~
柿木智博 on Google

これぞプロだなと感じました! 知り合いにも迷わず紹介したくなるほど、大満足です! 次回も是非お願い致します!
I felt like this was a professional! I am satisfied with the fact that I want to introduce it to my acquaintances without hesitation! I hope you will come again next time!
川口富士子 on Google

こちらに外壁塗装お願いして本当に良かったです。工事終盤に近づきましたが、全ての対応に満足てす。皆さん信頼できる方々です。次回も是非お願いしたいと思い ます!
It was really good to ask you to paint the outer wall here. We are nearing the end of the construction, but we are satisfied with all the measures. Everyone can be trusted. I would like to ask you again next time!
橋本大志郎 on Google

とても満足する仕上がりでした。 担当の方は、毎日の工事内容を説明し、丁寧な仕事ぶりで感心しました。 また、ご近所の挨拶も好評でした。 こちらの注文に対しても、素早く対応をして下さり満足してます。 ただ、ひとつ不満があるとすれば社長自身が職人気質で面白くないところです。(笑) また、ご縁がありましたらお願いさせて頂きます。
It was a very satisfying finish. The person in charge explained the details of the construction work every day, and was impressed with his polite work. The greetings from the neighborhood were also well received. I am satisfied with your quick response to this order. However, if there is one complaint, the president himself is unpopular because of his work popularity. (Lol) Also, if there is a connection, we will ask.
長島恭雄 on Google

初めての外壁塗装でしたが終始安心してお任せ出来ました。社長はじめ、職人さんも信頼できる人ばかりです。 塗装を考えているなら一度見積依頼お勧めします
It was my first time painting the exterior wall, but I was able to leave it to me with confidence from beginning to end. The president and other craftsmen are all reliable people. If you are thinking about painting, we recommend you to request a quote once.
MASA HOSO on Google

I asked Mr. Negishi to paint the outer wall and the answer was correct. The estimate was also better than the house maker and other companies. I was satisfied with the quality and response to the painting of the entrance door and the wooden deck, the finishing of small parts, and the repairs. I was a little surprised that the president came to the site almost every day. There is also a 10-year warranty, so you can rest assured.
K I on Google

外装と屋内の修繕でお世話になりました。見積りの際、根岸社長が塗装した方がいい所しない方がいい所を材質を調べて的確にアドバイス下さいました。他社さんで出来ないと言われた所も大丈夫とのことで根岸塗装さんに決めました。スタッフの皆さんも几帳面に作業して下さり、毎日綺麗に片付けて作業を終えられていました。屋内の修繕は猫対策にもお手数お掛けしました。笑。 大寒を挟んだ寒い中、時崎さん、岡戸さんスタッフの皆さん大変お世話になりました。仕上がりもとても満足しています。
Thank you for the exterior and indoor repairs. At the time of estimation, President Negishi investigated the materials and gave accurate advice on where it should be painted and where it should not be painted. I decided to paint Negishi because it was okay for other companies to say that I couldn't do it. The staff also worked diligently and cleaned up every day to finish the work. We also took care of the indoor repairs to prevent cats. Lol. Tokizaki-san and Okado-san staff were very helpful in the cold weather. I am very satisfied with the finish.

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