プレイハードファイブオー春日井店 - Kasugai

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact プレイハードファイブオー春日井店

住所 :

Fujigaoka, Kasugai, 〒487-0023 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 487-0023
街 : Aichi

Fujigaoka, Kasugai, 〒487-0023 Aichi,Japan
九条光明 on Google

店員が寝ていて、接客態度も悪い。店内はホコリっぽく不衛生。咳が止まらなかった。 近くのADXマミー春日井店のような、消毒作業を行っておらず、感染対策に不安。
The clerk is sleeping and the customer service attitude is also bad. The interior is dusty and unsanitary. My cough did not stop. Unlike the nearby ADX Mammy Kasugai store, it does not carry out disinfection work and is worried about infection control.
まーさん on Google

When I was wondering which game to play, the store manager shouted, "If you don't do it, get out!" The store manager is crazy in Corona.
大城淳 on Google

古い「昭和のゲーセン」を思わせる雰囲気でした。 店のメイン機種はガンダム?かな。 常連さんたちで賑わっていました。 ラブライブの機械もありサラリーマン風の方々が、頑張っていました。スロットマシンもあり、低価格です。 ただ、タバコの臭いが嫌いな人には… あまりお勧め致しません。 でも店員さんも優しい方で、ゲームのアドバイスもいただき楽しめました。 複合店のゲーセンもいいけど、こういった マニアックなゲーセンも あり
The atmosphere was reminiscent of the old Showa game. Is the main model of the store a Gundam? Wonder. It was full of regulars. There were also love live machines and salaried workers were working hard. There is a slot machine and it is low price. But for those who hate the smell of cigarettes ... Not recommended. But the clerk was also kind and enjoyed the game advice. It's nice to have a multi-store game store, but there's a maniac game like this
如月 on Google

前から気になってたのでふらっと立ち寄りどんなゲームがあるのか確認していたところ、「コロナなんだから入ってくるな」と店主らしき人物から叱責をうけました。 あまりにも驚きすぎて店を出ることしかできなかった
I had been interested in it for a long time, so I stopped by and checked what kind of game there was, and I was reprimanded by a person who seemed to be the shopkeeper, saying, "Don't come in because it's a corona." I was so surprised that I could only leave the store
うんじゃらげ on Google

シューティングゲームを探してふらり立ち寄ると、店員が修理の真っ最中。 平日に行ったのが悪かったのか、タイミングが悪かったのか、修理中のモノ以外、電源が入っていなかったが、見回すと私の求めているジャンルのゲームはなく退店した。
When I stopped by looking for a shooting game, the clerk was in the middle of repairing. Whether it was bad to go on weekdays or bad timing, the power was not turned on except for the ones being repaired, but when I looked around, there was no game of the genre I was looking for and I left the store.
むつき on Google

他の方々も書かれているように、入店したら、即、追い出されます 怖いもの見たさや、Youtuberのネタとしてはオススメします
As others have written, you will be kicked out as soon as you enter the store. I recommend it as a story of Youtuber and I saw something scary
浅野賢治 on Google

It feels like an old arcade, and there are many Gundams. After that, dissidia, sound game had love live and pop'n, but I don't know if it's the latest because it doesn't turn on because it looks old.
CANON STOP on Google

昔は、ビデオゲームが沢山あって、ちょっと古いものとか入れてくれて、講義の前によく立ち寄った店だった。良いゲーセンだったんだけど・・・ いまは、筐体自体動いているのか分からないものがほとんどになってしまって、やろうと思えるゲームも無くなってしまって残念な場所になってしまった。あと、このご時世で衛生的にも良い場所とはいえないみたいだし。 格闘ゲームの対戦台とかもあって楽しめる場所だっただけに、衰退ぶりが残念でならない。
In the old days, there were a lot of video games, and they put in some old ones, so I used to stop by before the lecture. It was a good arcade, but ... Nowadays, most of the games I don't know if the chassis itself is working, and there are no games I'd like to play, so it's a shameful place. Also, it doesn't seem to be a good place for hygiene in this age. It's a shame that it's been declining because it was a place where you can enjoy fighting games as well.

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