
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact マルホランド

住所 :

Fuda, Chofu, 〒182-0024 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Tokyo

Fuda, Chofu, 〒182-0024 Tokyo,Japan
白石和靖 on Google

This is the only place to see a motorcycle. The technology is ◎. There is also a wealth of new product information.
ぽんこつ革命 on Google

親切な対応をしてくれました。 カスタムの相談もメリット・デメリットを わかりやすく説明して貰いました。
He was kind to me. Custom consultation also has advantages and disadvantages I had you explain in an easy-to-understand manner.
hamoriya_r4402 on Google

ホンダ系列のバイクショップだが、他メーカーバイクもメンテや修理受け付けてくれる。オーナーの知識に合わせて、長く乗る為のアドバイスをしてくれるのでありがたい。 水曜日定休。
Although it is a Honda-affiliated motorcycle shop, it also accepts maintenance and repairs for motorcycles from other manufacturers. I am grateful that he will give me advice on how to ride for a long time according to the knowledge of the owner. Closed on Wednesdays.
カワカミマコト on Google

Thank you for your kindness. After-sales care after purchase is firm, maintenance is really done without a hand being a professional work.
箕輪加代子 on Google

ホンダのバイクの販売店、修理やさん。 動かなくても軽トラで取りに来てくれます❗ 見積り早い。良心的なお値段。社長が気さく?
Honda motorcycle dealer, repair shop. Even if it doesn't move, it will come to you with a light truck ❗ Estimate early. Reasonable price. The president is friendly ?
きのこひろたろうら on Google

中古でスクーターを、買いました! アフターサービスも良く、社長も親身になってくれる人情味がある人です。 整備士さんも、丁寧で、説明がとてもわかり易く信頼できます。 義理、人情をいつもここに行くと感じます!
I bought a used scooter! The after-sales service is good, and the president is also a kind person. The mechanic is also polite, the explanation is very easy to understand and reliable. In-law, I feel that humanity always goes here!
杉本日出幸 on Google

とにかく親切、信頼性ばつぐんでした。 今年、原付買いました。今まで他店で損しました❗️
Anyway, it was kind and reliable. I bought a moped this year. I lost at another store so far ❗️
箕輪加代子 on Google

社長が面白い??とても親切だし動かないバイクも高級車で取りに来てくれます? 見積もり早いしお安くしてくれます‼️
Is the president interesting? ? Very kind and will come to pick up a motorcycle that does not move with a luxury car ? Estimates are quick and cheap! ️

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