Fresh berries - Sawa District

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fresh berries

住所 :

1 Higoshi, Tamamura, Sawa District, Gunma 370-1103, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 370-1103
Webサイト :

1 Higoshi, Tamamura, Sawa District, Gunma 370-1103, Japan
たあ on Google

いちごを摘んだ?瞬間から、香りでも楽しめる!口に広がる風味も とても美味しい!
From the moment you pick the strawberry, you can enjoy the scent! The flavor that spreads in the mouth is also very delicious!
i on Google

Regular strawberry picking 30 minutes is 1900 yen, strawberry picking course with Daifuku 2050 yen, and other courses with soft serve.
mt mt on Google

The reservation was strictly restricted, there were a lot of crabs, there was a lot of kinds, the rest space was wide, and I could spend a very relaxing time. The service was also good and very nice. The toilet was a bit ... if you say it, but everything else is good, so it is ? ☆ five.
六本木潔 on Google

小粒なイチゴを孫が大好きで買いに行きましたが、売り切れていました。残念‼️ 早く行かないと売り切れてしまいます❗️
My grandson loved small strawberries and went to buy them, but they were sold out. Sorry! ️ If you don't go early, it will be sold out ❗️
萩原幸子 on Google

今シーズン最終日に?狩り行ってきました イチゴが立ったまま もぎ取れて快調 30分で1,900円 63粒いただきました また来年までおあずけです
I went hunting on the last day of this season ? Strawberries are standing and peeling off and are in good condition I received 63 tablets for 1,900 yen in 30 minutes. I'll be back until next year
松本隆博 on Google

【ジューシー】と、【おいCベリー】は、酸味もあり種のプチプチ感が楽しめます。 【やよい姫】は、大粒で形が良くて、みずみずしく 食べ応えがあるので イチゴ狩りの初めがオススメかな? 【もういっこ】や【かおり野】の希少種も甘味がお好きな方に 好まれています。 予約をとって行きました。イチゴ?に対して 入場者が 多すぎないため 大満足でした‼️?
[Jucy] and [Dee C berry] have sour taste and can enjoy the kind of bubble wrap. [Yayoi princess] is a large grain, well-shaped, fresh and eaten, so there is a response that the strawberry hunting is recommended. [Omokukko] and rare species of [Kaori] are also favored by those who like sweetness. I made a reservation. I was very happy because there were not too many visitors to the strawberry strawberry !! Moth
おかんちゃん on Google

甘くておいしいイチゴの食べたい方はここ? スーパーのは、もう買えなくなります☺️
If you want to eat sweet and delicious strawberries, here ? I can't buy supermarkets anymore ☺️
いたゆったん on Google

しっかり感染対策なされていて、今年もコロナで いちご狩りが出来ないのが非常に残念です。 いちごはやよいひめがメイン、時期により、かおり野などがあるらしいです。 お店の方の対応も、電話対応もとても親切です。 また早く いちご狩りが出来るようになると嬉しいですね(≡•̀ㅂ•́≡)
It's a pity that we can't pick strawberries in Corona again this year because we have taken good measures against infection. Strawberries are mainly Yayoi Hime, and depending on the season, there are Kaorino and so on. The correspondence of the shop staff and the telephone correspondence are very kind. I would be happy if I could pick strawberries sooner (≡ • ̀ ㅂ • ́≡)

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