French wine bar UN

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact French wine bar UN

住所 :

Higashishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0083 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Higashishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0083 Osaka,Japan
ぽっぽちゃん on Google

The atmosphere of the restaurant was very good and it was very delicious! It's a shop you'll want to visit again next time! Recommended for wine lovers ☺︎
ちゃむ on Google

あまりフレンチに行ったりはしなかったのですが友人にお勧めされたので行ってみましたがフードもお酒もとても美味しかったです! 特に赤ワインに関してはスタッフのソムリエの方からお勧め頂いたものを飲ませて頂いたのですが味に深みもあり、樽の風味も含まれていてとても美味しかったです。 内装もコンクリート打ちっぱなしで スタイリッシュな雰囲気で個人的にドツボでした。 スタッフの方もとても気さくで 大阪に来た際には是非また友達を連れて行きたいと思います!
I didn't go to French so much, but my friend recommended it, so I went there, but the food and sake were very good! Especially for red wine, I drank the one recommended by the staff sommelier, but the taste was deep and the flavor of the barrel was included and it was very delicious. The interior is also made of concrete It was a stylish atmosphere and I personally felt it. The staff is also very friendly When I come to Osaka, I would love to bring my friends again!
古田千春 on Google

深夜3時まで空いていて一人でも立ち寄りやすい フレンチワインバーです! シェフやスタッフの方は付かず離れずの良い接客をされており 常連のお客さんが多いです。 ワインの取り揃えが多くて 飲み慣れない人でも 楽しく飲み終えるよう 調整してくれる女性スタッフがいます。 シェフのお料理の腕前は 神戸の名店で働かれていただけあって高く、 シェフの独自の技術が光るお料理が リーズナブルに食べられます。 私は遠方に越してしまってあまり立ち寄れなく なりましたが、以前はよく通ってました。 関東など遠方からのお客さんも 増えてきているので 今のうちに行っておいて下さい。笑笑
It's open until 3 o'clock in the middle of the night, so it's easy to stop by alone It's a French wine bar! The chefs and staff are always good at serving customers. There are many regular customers. There is a large selection of wine Even people who are not used to drinking Have fun finishing drinking There is a female staff member who will coordinate. The chef's cooking skills It ’s expensive because I worked at a famous store in Kobe. A dish that shines with the chef's unique technique You can eat it reasonably. I've moved far away and can't stop by But I used to go there a lot. Customers from distant places such as Kanto Because it is increasing Please go now. LOL
きょんた on Google

お洒落な店内、親切な接客、なにより美味しい!! 大切な人との記念日にも合う❤︎パテドカンパーニュがびっくりするほど美味しいから絶対頼んでほしいメニューでした!
Fashionable interior, kind customer service, and above all, delicious! !! It's perfect for anniversaries with loved ones ❤︎ The pate de campagne is amazingly delicious, so it was a menu I definitely want you to order!
Rin Nakao on Google

どれも美味しかったです! 特に野菜は黄金の株や紫の白菜、黄色のにんじんなど見てて楽しいですし本当に甘くて美味しかったです! ワインもですが食材にもこだわってました! 深夜まで営業しているのも嬉しいです
They are all delicious! Especially the vegetables were fun to see, such as golden shares, purple Chinese cabbage, and yellow carrots, and they were really sweet and delicious! As for wine, I was particular about the ingredients! I'm glad that it's open until midnight
KoBaYaShi MeBaE on Google

3日に1回利用させていただいてます。 私のおすすめは野菜のグリルと鴨ロティです。 お通しで出てくるリエットやパテも美味しいです。 野菜は舌だけでなく目でも楽しめるのがおすすめポイント。 臭いがきつくなりがちな鴨ですが、ここの鴨ロティは臭みもなく、柔らかいので何度食べても飽きません。 デザートでよくチーズケーキを頼むのですが、口の中でほんのり広がるチーズ感が忘れられなくなります。 料理にマッチするワインもチョイスして頂けます。 あまり白ワインは得意な方では無かったのですが、通っているうちに好きになりました。 自家製のサングリアもしつこすぎないフルーツ感とスパイス感が楽しめるので、お料理無しでも楽しめます。 オーナーの方もアルバイトの方も気さくで話しやすいので1人でも行けちゃいます。
I use it once every three days. My recommendation is grilled vegetables and duck roti. The rillettes and patties that come out through the streets are also delicious. It is recommended that you can enjoy vegetables not only with your tongue but also with your eyes. The duck tends to have a strong odor, but the duck roti here has no odor and is soft, so you won't get tired of it no matter how many times you eat it. I often order cheesecake for dessert, but I can't forget the feeling of cheese that spreads in my mouth. You can also choose wine that matches the food. I wasn't very good at white wine, but as I went there, I fell in love with it. Homemade sangria can be enjoyed without cooking as you can enjoy the fruity and spicy feeling that is not too persistent. Both the owner and the part-time job are friendly and easy to talk to, so even one person can go.
おかあみな on Google

この前深夜まで営業してるワインとフレンチのお店に行ってきました! 一品で出てくる料理が美味しいのと、ワインもグラスで種類がいっぱいあって満足!(〃ω〃) インスタに写真がいっぱい載ってて何食べたいからすごい迷ったけどお肉は全部美味しかった!!(*´꒳`*)
I went to a wine and French restaurant that is open until midnight the other day! I am satisfied with the delicious food that comes out in one dish and the wide variety of wines in the glass! (〃Ω〃) There were lots of pictures on Instagram and I was really confused because I wanted to eat, but all the meat was delicious! !! (* ´꒳` *)
安部良佑 on Google

店内はコンクリート調の 隠れ家的なレストランです。 マスターも気さくな方で女性1人でも入れそうな雰囲気です。 一見さんでもワインやパスタの好みを言えば 女性スタッフさんがワインを選んでくれます。 価格帯もミナミのフレンチにしては コスパも最高! 席数は少なめなので 事前に連絡された邦画よいかも。
The inside of the store is concrete-like It is a hideaway restaurant. The master is also a friendly person, and it is an atmosphere that even one woman can enter. At first glance, if you like wine and pasta The female staff will choose the wine for you. The price range is also for Minami's French Cospa is also the best! Because the number of seats is small It may be good to have a Japanese movie contacted in advance.

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