freedom copain 倉敷イオン前店

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact freedom copain 倉敷イオン前店

住所 :

Hachiojicho, Kurashiki, 〒710-0816 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト :
街 : Okayama

Hachiojicho, Kurashiki, 〒710-0816 Okayama,Japan
Michiko Hasei on Google

急遽カラーしていただきました。 毎月染められそうなお値段ですが、お値段それなりです。
I had you color it in a hurry. It's a price that seems to be dyed every month, but it's a reasonable price.
こぺ on Google

もー最悪 2度と行かない カラーもマダラ カットもめっちゃ下手くそ シャンプーも爪でゴシゴシ お金返せ 星⭐️1も本当は付けたくねーわ
Wow-Worst Never go again Color is also madara The cut is too bad Shampoo also nails Return money I really want to put on the starry eagle 1
西山みやん on Google

A clerk always parks his car on the no-parking sidewalk next to the store. It's the worst!
Y K on Google

深夜まで営業なので予約が取れれば仕事の帰りにもよれますが予約時間10分前に着くくらいで行っても駐車場がない。店舗前も離れにある駐車場も一杯。離れの駐車場はコーポ前で夜は道中が暗くて怖いし、店舗前の駐車場の空きを待ってるうちに予約の時間が来てしまいました。それが難点です。 スタッフは男性ばかりなので男性が苦手な女性は合わないかも?
It's open until midnight, so if you can make a reservation you can return to work, but even if you arrive 10 minutes before the reservation time, there is no parking lot. The parking lot in front of the store is also full. The parking lot in front of us was scary because the road was dark at night in front of the corporate office, and while I was waiting for the parking lot in front of the store, it was time to make a reservation. That is the drawback. The staff are all men, so women who are not good at men may not fit.
やまのもな on Google

かなりひどいくせ毛の私は必ず前髪とフェイスライン、後ろも根元を中心に縮毛矯正をします。 最近岡山の倉敷へ引っ越してきました。 新しい美容院を探して、縮毛矯正の値段が安い!ホットペッパークーポン使用でトリートメントも付いて1万円しない!とこちらのお店を半信半疑で予約しました。実際、仕上がりも今までの他のお店での縮毛矯正よりしっかりまっすぐ!しかもさらさら!時間もそこまでかからず。 大満足でした。カット料金も安めです。
I have pretty bad hair, so I always straighten my bangs, face line, and back, centering on the roots. I recently moved to Kurashiki, Okayama. Looking for a new hairdresser, the price of straightening hair is cheap! With a hot pepper coupon, you can get a treatment for less than 10,000 yen! I made a reservation for this shop with half confidence. In fact, the finish is straighter than the straightening of curly hair at other shops so far! Moreover, it's smooth! It doesn't take long. It was a great satisfaction. The cut fee is also cheap.
ウーバー on Google

Used by high school sons. I'm grateful to be working until midnight. Earn hot pepper points. You can easily make a reservation on your smartphone. The store is simple and there is no shampoo or sale. It's an impression of a good-looking and good-looking staff, starting with the manager.
やっほほーい on Google

If it's a cut, it's better to do it somewhere else. Only cheap.
みー on Google

先に来たお客よりもあとから来た人を先に通して施術開始。意味わかんない。12時予約でこっちは10分前には着いてるのに待たされさらに待たされる意味がわかんないんだけど。 技術的なとこが良いならそれでもいいけどそうじゃないなら普通にうざいだけ。
The treatment is started by passing the person who came later than the customer who came earlier. I don't know what it means. I made a reservation at 12 o'clock and I arrived 10 minutes ago, but I was kept waiting and I don't understand the meaning of waiting further. If it's technically good, that's fine, but if it's not, it's just annoying.

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