Fortune Salon Si Phoke(シ・ポーケ)

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fortune Salon Si Phoke(シ・ポーケ)

住所 :

Motomachi, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0861 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 12–7PM
Sunday 12–7PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 12–7PM
Wednesday 12–7PM
Thursday 12–7PM
Friday 12–7PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Motomachi, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0861 Kanagawa,Japan
n Ham on Google

It is a well-known place for those who know to stay quietly in Motomachi away from the hustle and bustle of Yokohama Chinatown. Whenever I get lost, I come here! But I'm in the middle of corona, so this time I put up with a phone fortune telling. If it's direct, I'll see the palm and personalities, so I hope I'll be able to go there quickly ...
叶優 on Google

行くまでは勇気がいりましたが お店まで行くと鑑定待ちの人が出てました。 15分からやってもらいましたが、あっという間に終わってしまい気がついたら2回も延長してました。 鑑定士の方も親身になって色々教えてもらい感謝しています。 相談の数じゃなくて時間なので、いくつでも聞いてもらえるのが嬉しかった。 ありがとうございます、また行きます!
I needed courage until I went When I went to the store, there were people waiting for an appraisal. I asked him to do it from 15 minutes, but when I realized that it was over in a blink of an eye, I extended it twice. I am grateful to the appraisers for their kindness and teaching. It's not the number of consultations, but the time, so I was happy to hear as many as I wanted. Thank you, I will go again!
さーやー on Google

恋愛で悩んでいる事があり、相手の生年月日を含めて占っていただきました。私自身のことも伝えていないのに分かっているようで驚きました。悩みや疑問に合った占い方法で、何度も占っていただけました。とても丁寧で優しい占い師の方でこちらも聞きたいことを全部聞けて、占いが終わったあとにはとてもスッキリしました。正直、最初は評価が少なく全部★5つだったので、自作自演かと思いましたが、この占いは間違いなく★5つです(笑) また何かあったらお邪魔したいです!
I had trouble with romance and fortune-telling including the date of birth of the other party. I was surprised to know that I didn't tell myself. You were able to fortune-telling many times with a fortune-telling method that suits your concerns and questions. I was a very polite and gentle fortune teller and I heard everything I wanted to hear, and after the fortune telling was over, I was very refreshed. To be honest, since there were few evaluations at first and all were ★ 5, I thought it was my own work, but there are definitely 5 fortune-tellings (laughs) I would like to bother you if anything happens again!
Yen Aki on Google

The other day, Dr. Sagara fortune-telled. I made a request centering on romance that I had a crush on, but honestly I went without expecting that much, but when I got a card, "I feel like companion love I want to see my partner as a lover! I was surprised to hear how good the results were, and the tension rose. It is a mystery whether Mr. Sagara would really say it because the content of the appraisal was an action or advice from the other party that will come to me from the future in the future, or a word of encouragement, but it is a mystery Thanks to this, I feel more comfortable. I will try again later. Thank you very much!
うみ on Google

とても丁寧にうらなっていただきました。 時間制で、15分、30分、1時間と選べて 時間内だったら、なんでも聞くことができて、他の占いで相性を聞いた時に割増だった事がありちょっと不満だったことがありましたが、そう言うこともなく、相手の生年月日も含めて占ってくれました。よくわからないうちに、時間が過ぎて料金アップなんてこともなく安心出来ました。 延長は、15分づつだとできます。明朗会計でした。
I was very polite. You can choose 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour on an hourly basis. I was a little dissatisfied with the fact that I could listen to anything within the time, and when I heard about compatibility with other fortune-telling, I was a little dissatisfied, but without saying so, including the date of birth of the other party Fortune-telling. Before I knew it well, I was relieved that the time had passed and the price had not increased. The extension can be done in 15 minute increments. It was a cheerful accounting.
ryuji saito on Google

朝日先生に占って貰いました。 最初は中華街に行って占いでも見てもらおうと思ってた所、元町・中華街駅の本町側で降りてしまい彷徨っていた所見つけました。 最初は仕事の悩みだったのが、気がついたら私生活の事や上手く聞けなかった片思いの事まで聞いてました。 ナントカ術?とか言うので誕生日から色々分かるそうで、なんでもその人の傾向が色々分かるんだとか、、 お陰で仕事の方も、片想いの恋もいい感じに進めそうです。 コレもまた運命なのかなと思い次も行ってみようかと思っています ありがとうございました
I asked Mr. Asahi to tell me about it. At first, I found a place where I was thinking of going to Chinatown and seeing it by fortune-telling, but I got off at Motomachi-Chukagai Station on the Honmachi side and was wandering around. At first, I was worried about my work, but when I realized it, I heard about my personal life and unrequited love that I couldn't hear well. Nantoka technique? It seems that you can understand various things from your birthday, and you can understand various tendencies of that person. Thanks to that, it seems that both work people and unrequited love will go well. I wonder if this is also fate, so I'm thinking of going next time. Thank you very much
M Y on Google

Recommended by Asahi-sensei. I was worried about my family relationship, but I was surprised to find out about the date of birth, the personality and behavior of each tarot card, and the events that happened in the past. Even if a bad card came out, he always advised me how to proceed from there to the future. I think it is the teacher's personality that makes me feel positive when I go home. It may be crowded, so you should make a reservation.
澤井隼人 on Google

先日、「かなで」さんに占ってもらいました。 新しいことを始めるタイミングだったりしていたので、仕事運を中心に見てもらったんですが、自分が悩んでいるものも見えたみたいで、とても当たっていてびっくりしました。 自分の考えに裏付けが出来たみたいで、このまま進もうと自信が湧きました! 利用してよかったです。また、「かなで」さんに占ってもらいたいと思います。
The other day, I asked Mr. Kanade to tell me about it. It was time to start something new, so I asked him to focus on his work luck, but he seemed to see what he was worried about, and I was very surprised to find out. It seems that I was able to support my thoughts, and I was confident that I would proceed as it is! It was good to use it. Also, I would like Mr. Kanade to forge.

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