flart - Hiroshima

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact flart

住所 :

2 Chome-13-3 Kanonhonmachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 733-0033
Webサイト : http://flart.in/

2 Chome-13-3 Kanonhonmachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0033, Japan
エルモくん on Google

I always ask for stand flowers. I am pleased with the other side.
Shuji Kasaki on Google

I was glad that they would respond as much as possible to orders that were selfish.
山口康行 on Google

I think it's okay to buy dried flowers for ornamental use at Corona now ❗
ちょこりん on Google

In the past, many seedlings of flowers were lined up at stores at a reasonable price. There are a few fresh flowers in the store, but first of all, the salesclerk's customer service is bad. There is no greeting even if you enter the store. If you ask a question, you'll only get an unrequited response. It wasn't like this before ...
kevin asakasa on Google

スタンドフラワーを注文しました。 細かい注文も親身に対応していただき、とてもありがたかったです。 完成したフラワーも素晴らしく、また機会があればお願いしたいです。
I ordered a stand flower. It was very grateful that the small orders corresponded to my kindness. The completed flower is wonderful, and I would like to ask if there is a chance.
T U on Google

The inside of the store seemed a little cluttered, but the flowers were beautiful and kind.
M M on Google

公式サイトから注文しました。ホームページの画像から要望に近いものを選び、変えてほしい内容も合わせて伝えました。 想像以上に可愛い花束で送った相手はもちろん、私もとても嬉しくなりました。また頼みたいです。ありがとうございました。
I ordered from the official website. From the images on the homepage, I chose the one that was close to my request and told them what I wanted to change. Not to mention the person who sent me a bouquet that was more cute than I had imagined, I was very happy. I want to ask again. Thank you very much.
CO CO on Google

時間も無い中、急なお願いをしたにも関わらずこちらの希望通りに対応していただけました。 店舗に行けずメールでやり取りさせてもらったのですが、支払い等もスムーズに案内してくれてとても良かったです。 こちらのせいで時間も遅くなりましたがきちんと届けていただき、感謝です! アレンジのお花もとても良い物を入れてくださっていました。本当にありがとうございました。
Even though I didn't have much time, I was able to respond as I requested despite my urgent request. I couldn't go to the store and exchanged by e-mail, but it was very nice that the payment etc. were guided smoothly. It's been late because of this, but thank you for delivering it properly! The arranged flowers were also very good. I'm really thankful to you.

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