
5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 自立ラーニングFEED

住所 :

Kisarazu, 〒292-0056 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://jiritsu-feed.com/
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kisarazu, 〒292-0056 Chiba,Japan
Tomoki Kouchi on Google

It gives appropriate guidance to each person and makes them aware of their weaknesses. He also taught me the basics of studying, which was useful in high school.
ポンピー on Google

I attended this cram school when I was in junior high school. The teacher's explanation was very easy to understand and I was able to study without stopping. The study method taught at this cram school is still useful.
林沙季 on Google

I have been studying at this cram school for more than 3 years, but I can acquire various skills such as communication ability and patience as well as studying, and the teacher will teach the students in an easy-to-understand manner until they are satisfied. Will do it. It is also a place where you can find out what you are not good at and how to improve your study style.
Taka_PMH on Google

各個人で生かすべき強味と克服すべき弱点は違うため、”やるべき事”を”やるべき分”だけ出来るこの塾はただ授業を受けるだけの塾よりとても効率的に自身の成績を上げることが出来る塾だと思います。 また、肝心のやるべき事がわからない方でも先生がやるべき事の”見つけ方”を教えてくれるので、塾を卒業してからも勉強のしかたで苦労することはなくなると思います。
Since the strengths that each individual should make use of and the weaknesses that should be overcome are different, this cram school where you can do "what you should do" and "what you should do" can improve your grades much more efficiently than a cram school that just takes classes. I think it's a cram school that you can do. Also, even if you don't know what to do, the teacher will teach you how to "find" what to do, so even after graduating from the cram school, you won't have any trouble studying.
鈴木パンダ on Google

I went there for 3 years from 1st to 3rd. I was worried that the score of the regular test would gradually decrease, but when I entered FEED and taught me the correct study method and studied hard as the head of the school said, I quickly updated my highest score. I was also able to take first place in the grade. Students are also a group of people who really want to improve their scores, so it is a very good environment where they can work hard together. I am currently going to university, but I feel that I am now able to go to a high-level school because of the study method taught by FEED.
Ko on Google

中学生の頃にこの塾に通っていた者です。 先生はとてもお人柄が良く、生徒一人一人とのコミュニケーションをとても大切にされています。 勉強の進み具合もよく気にかけて下さり、自分に足りないものを沢山気づかせて下さいました。 先生のアドバイスを素直に受け入れ、実行すれば絶対に成績向上できると思います。実際に、成績向上を果たし入塾当時のレベルよりもはるかに上のレベルの高校へ合格している人が沢山いました。自分も目標としていた高校に入ることができたのは間違いなく先生のおかげです。 この塾に通って良かったと心から思っています ^ - ^
This is a person who attended this cram school when he was a junior high school student. The teacher is very personal and communication with each student is very important. He also took great care of the progress of his studies and made me realize a lot of things that I lacked. If you accept the teacher's advice obediently and implement it, you will definitely improve your grades. In fact, there were many people who improved their grades and passed high school at a level far higher than the level at the time of enrollment. It is definitely thanks to the teacher that I was able to enter the high school I was aiming for. I'm really glad I attended this cram school ^ --^
れ。 on Google

I attended this cram school from July to the end of February in the third year of junior high school. After being taught the "correct study method", I was able to get the highest grade and the highest score in a certain subject after I entered high school. I'm currently studying for university entrance exams, but I'm glad I attended this cram school because it's still useful in many cases.
yuki on Google

I attended junior high school for three years. The teacher takes a close look at each student and gives guidance tailored to their individuality. Not only can you improve your grades, but you can also feel the growth of your surroundings up close, so let's do our best naturally! It is an environment where you can feel that. I think it is a perfect cram school for those who want to improve their grades but do not fit in the group class, or those who do not know how to study alone. It's a very friendly teacher, so if you're wondering about enrolling in a school, why don't you listen to it?

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