Fashion Center Shimamura - Isumi

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fashion Center Shimamura

住所 :

8-1 Wakayama, Isumi, Chiba 298-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 298-0001
Webサイト :

8-1 Wakayama, Isumi, Chiba 298-0001, Japan
パパイヤンβ版 on Google

ズボンがやぶれてパンツ丸見えの状態でズボンを買いに行きました! 店員さんに『ズボンやぶれてるんですけど、ズボン探すのに店内フラフラしても良いですか?』って行ったら、破れてる部分を隠す服を貸してくれました! しかも、親切にズボンのコーナーまで案内してくれました!! さらに!破れたズボンを捨ててくれようとして、至れり尽くせりでした!! 店員さんに感謝感激でした!
I went to buy trousers with my trousers broken and the pants were exposed! The clerk said, "I'm wearing pants, but can I flutter inside the store to find my pants? I went and lent me clothes to hide the torn part! Moreover, he kindly guided me to the pants corner! !! further! I was exhausted trying to throw away my torn pants! !! I was deeply grateful to the clerk!
くろにゃんこ on Google

店員さんが親切 品揃えがいい 150~160のサイズの服がもう少し充実してたらありがたいです
The clerk is kind and the product lineup is good I would be grateful if clothes of 150-160 size were a little more fulfilling.
ナガトユミコ on Google

大原に用事があって来たので帰りに寄ってみました。 駐車場?️も店内も広くて店内もキレイで 欲しい品物を見るのにもサイズが分かりやすかったです。 店員さん達の明るい挨拶も気持ちが良かったです。 後から来られたお客さんの案内もとっても親切に応対してました。 寄った時間が夕方だったので店内を全部は見れなかったのでまた行けたら寄ってみたいです。
I had something to do with Ohara, so I stopped by on my way home. The parking lot ?️ and the inside of the store are large and the inside is beautiful It was easy to understand the size to see what I wanted. The cheerful greetings of the clerk were also pleasant. The guidance of the customers who came later was very kind. I couldn't see the whole store because it was evening, so I would like to stop by if I can go again.
関裕二 on Google

定期的に、 広告がはいるので 有り難く、利用しています。 信号機が、近く 入出庫が、難しい時があります。 急いでいる方、 気をつけて下さい\(^o^)/
Regularly Because there are advertisements Thank you for using it. The traffic light is nearby It can be difficult to get in and out. Those who are in a hurry, Please be careful \ (^ o ^) /
河村明 on Google

Excuse me, but the selection is perfect for everyday wear and the prices are low. Please forgive me.
中原サユリ on Google

冬用の暖かいお洋服を調達しました 裏起毛とホワホワのアッパーまだ品揃え十分ですよ
I procured warm clothes for winter Brushed back and fluffy upper The assortment is still sufficient.
きぃぶぅ on Google

店員さんの動きや、気遣いは素晴らしいです! お店は、小さめです。 内容は、新店舗のようなしまむらではなく、場所柄てきに、昔のお年寄りから、子供服まであるしまむらという感じです。
The movement and care of the clerk is wonderful! The shop is small. The content is not Shimamura like a new store, but Shimamura, which has everything from old elderly people to children's clothes, depending on the location.
deepak sharma on Google

Difficult to find products which are made in Japan

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