Farmer's Kitchen Almonde - Ogachi District

4.6/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact Farmer's Kitchen Almonde

住所 :

Fumoto-61 Tashiro, Ugo, Ogachi District, Akita 012-1241, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977999
Postal code : 012-1241
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed

Fumoto-61 Tashiro, Ugo, Ogachi District, Akita 012-1241, Japan
mariko on Google

Kuroemon on Google

かこ on Google

勉菅原 on Google

Although it is located in a great mountain, it is a well-maintained and nostalgic mansion. The food is also delicious.
M U.T. on Google

そのとき″あるもんで″…いい名前ですね 週末オープン、数量限定なので予約して伺ったほうがいいです 見事な古民家の、開放的なお座敷で和気あいあいお食事するのが気持ちよく 地元のお母さんたちが作る素朴な季節のお料理の数々 特徴は「郷土食・行事食」だそう めずらしく、おいしく、からだにやさしいお昼どきを楽しめます 6月いただいた(朴の葉に包んだきな粉ごはん)田植えの後によくいただいた″さなぶりメニュー″の一つだそう 相席になった地元の方が、なつかしくて食べにきた と言ってました
At that time, there is "Arumon"... a good name. It's open on weekends, so it's a limited quantity so you should make a reservation It's nice to have a friendly Japanese meal in an open-air Japanese-style room of a wonderful old folk house. A lot of rustic seasonal dishes made by local mothers are said to be "local food/event food" Enjoy a rare, delicious, and body-friendly lunchtime It's one of the "Sanaburi menu" that I often received after planting rice in June (kinako rice wrapped in magnolia leaves). The local who shared the table said that he came to eat because he was nostalgic.
伊藤直樹 on Google

予約してランチを食べました 塩クジラのカヤキ、ヨモギやアカシアの花などの天ぷら、ニシンとフキの煮付け、山菜などなど郷土料理が全部で11皿ぐらい並んだでしょうか 美味しかったしこれで1100円とは驚きです 古民家の座敷からの眺めもよかった
I made a reservation and had lunch I wonder if there are about 11 dishes in total, such as salted whale kayaki, tempura such as mugwort and acacia flowers, simmered herring and butterbur, and wild plants. It was delicious and I was surprised that it was 1100 yen. The view from the tatami room of the old folk house was also good
高山博之 on Google

SNSで豪華なセット料理の投稿を見かけ、確認したら羽後町田代にある「農家キッチンあるもんで」さんとのこと。早速ネタ探しで訪問してみました(*^^)v 片道約30Kmと、田舎道としてはそれほど遠くない距離。しかし、羽後町内から田代までの間にある「七曲峠」が車でもキツい(;・∀・) 旧長谷山邸の古民家を改築し営んでおり、店名にもあるように地元に「あるもんで(有る物で)」作る農家料理を提供してくれます。 メニューは、「ランチ」1種類のみ! その週によりメニューは変わりますので、ホワイトボードの手書きメニューで品目は確認してください。 座席に着くと、先ず「ウエルカムドリンク」が。今回は「スイカサイダー」で、サイダーに地元産の生のスイカが入ってました(*^^)v メニューにも書いてますが、その品数なんと9種類! SNSの投稿で見てはいましたが、実物が目の前に運ばれるとそのボリュームにびっくりです(@_@) メインは、地元産のそば粉を使った手打ちそば。有名な西馬音内そばとは違い更科そばで、コシは比較的軟らかめでどなたでも食べやすい食感ですね。 私的に嬉しかったのは、天ぷら! 一般的にそばの天ぷらと言えば海老が多いですが、こちらは「あるもんで」なので地元の野菜の天ぷらなんです(#^.^#) 今回は、花おくら・みょうが・モロヘイヤ・カボチャでした。旬の野菜なので野菜の味そのものが濃くて、最高に美味しい。 他のメニューも地元のお母さま方が作る優しい味。もちろん、身体にもきっと優しいに違いありません(*^^*) 到着したのが、12時30分。すでに満員で、数名待っている方も(;・∀・) 待っている間、私の後に入ってくるお客様の声が・・・「○○時〇〇分に予約していた✕✕ですけど」 お店の方に聞いたら、ほとんどが予約でいらっしゃるとか(^_^;) 次回は予約して行こうっと!
I saw a post of a gorgeous set dish on SNS, and when I confirmed it, he said "Farmer's Kitchen Arumonde" in Tashiro, Ugo Town. I immediately visited to look for material (* ^^) v It is about 30km one way, which is not so far as a country road. However, the "Nanakuma Pass" between Ugo Town and Tashiro is hard to drive (; ・ ∀ ・) The old folk house of the former Haseyama residence is being renovated and operated, and as the name suggests, it offers farmer's dishes made locally. There is only one type of "lunch" on the menu! The menu changes depending on the week, so please check the items on the handwritten menu on the whiteboard. When you get to your seat, you will first get a "welcome drink". This time it was "watermelon cider", and the cider contained raw watermelon from the local area (* ^^) v As you can see on the menu, there are 9 kinds of items! I saw it in the SNS post, but when the real thing was brought in front of me, I was surprised at the volume (@ _ @) The main dish is handmade soba made from locally produced buckwheat flour. Unlike the famous Nishimonai soba, it is Sarashina soba, and its texture is relatively soft and easy for anyone to eat. What I was happy about was tempura! Generally speaking, soba tempura is often shrimp, but since this is "Arumonde", it is a local vegetable tempura (# ^. ^ #) This time, it was flower okra, myoga, moroheiya, and pumpkin. As it is a seasonal vegetable, the taste of the vegetable itself is strong and it is the most delicious. Other menus also have a gentle taste made by local mothers. Of course, it must be kind to your body (* ^^ *) I arrived at 12:30. Some people are already full and waiting for a few people (; ・ ∀ ・) While waiting, the voice of the customer coming in after me was ... However, when I asked the shop staff, most of them made reservations (^ _ ^;) Next time, let's make a reservation!

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