FamilyMart - Neyagawa

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact FamilyMart

住所 :

23-10 Kuroharatachibanacho, Neyagawa, Osaka 572-0058, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 572-0058
Webサイト :

23-10 Kuroharatachibanacho, Neyagawa, Osaka 572-0058, Japan
織田ゴム長 on Google

最悪なコンビニです。 お客さんによって接客態度を変えるタチの悪い店です。 店長らしき人に機嫌悪そうな表情と態度で応対されました。 昼間の若い女性店員も接客態度はイマイチ、夜間の店員はまずまず良い 二度と行かない、コンビニなんて他にいくらでもあるので。 店内がキレイさは良いが、食品を販売している店なのですから当然であるので誉めるべきことではない。 人を見て態度を変える人間は一番嫌い!!
It is the worst convenience store. It is a bad shop that changes customers attitude by customers. I was responded to a man who seemed like a store manager with an expression that was unfavorable to me and attitude. A young lady clerk in the day does not have a good customer service attitude, a night clerk is fairly good Never go again, there are so many other convenience stores. The interior of the shop is nice, but it is a shop selling food, so it is not surprising that it is natural. The man who looks at people and changes their attitude is the most disliking! !
isao m on Google

とても良いコンビニです。 いつもきれいに掃除してあって、何よりスタッフの皆さんは感じのいい人ばかりです。 特に店長は明るく楽しい人です。 近くにこんないいコンビニがあって幸せと思えます。
It's a very good convenience store. It's always cleaned cleanly, and above all, the staff are all nice people. Especially the store manager is a bright and fun person. I think I'm happy to have such a nice convenience store nearby.
接客業の梟 on Google

この店はどの店員も接客態度が最悪。 以前は接客態度が凄く良い店員が数人居ましたが今は全然ダメですね。 とても残念です。 今の店員は接客態度は全くなっておらず、 お客様に対してタメ口。 ゼロからお客様対応をはじめとする接客というものを学ぶべきです!! この店は二度と行かないです。
All the staff at this store have the worst customer service. There used to be a few clerk who had a very good customer service attitude, but now it's not good at all. It is very disappointing. The current clerk has no customer service attitude at all Tame mouth for customers. You should learn how to serve customers from scratch! !! I will never go to this store again.
かにゃ on Google

店長最悪。 睨みつけるようにレジされてます。 客を選んでるようで、 客が入ってきても挨拶する時としない時があるし、話し方もめちゃくちゃ変わる。 目付きが悪く客が入ってきたら睨みつけるようにずっと見ていて、まるで監視しているようだ。 何かと直ぐに通報もするようだ。 買い物しに行くだけなのに、店長がいると思うだけで不快になる。 他の店員は接客も素晴らしい。 店長が逆に指導してもらった方が良いかと。
The store manager is the worst. It is registered to glare. It seems that you are choosing a customer Even if customers come in, there are times when they say hello and times when they don't, and the way they speak changes a lot. I've been watching it for a long time as if I had a bad eye and a customer came in, and it was like watching. It seems that something will be reported immediately. Even though I just go shopping, it makes me uncomfortable just to think that there is a store manager. Other clerk's customer service is also wonderful. Should the store manager give guidance on the contrary?
寅子 Torako on Google

The clerk in the morning is fine. It can be a bit of a painful reaction, but it's better than being slammed.
daisuke on Google

10月31日深夜に車でタバコ吸っていたらたまたま近くに落ちてあったタバコの吸い殻をを拾った坊主の店員がタバコの吸い殻捨てないで下さいと言ってきた。さっき買ったタバコ。しかも一本目を吸ってる最中に言ってきよった。なんなんアイツは… 自分は正論言うてるつもりか知らんけど覚えのないタバコの吸い殻なんか知るか!! ここのファミマは落ちてるゴミ、タバコの吸い殻は近くに居てる奴が捨てた事にしとけばいいと指導してるのんか? ファミマ本部の苦情を入れます。
On October 31st, when I was smoking in a car at midnight, a shaved clerk who picked up a cigarette butt that happened to fall nearby told me not to throw away the cigarette butt. The cigarette I bought earlier. Moreover, he said while he was smoking the first one. What the heck is ... I don't know if I'm going to say the truth, but do you know what cigarette butts I don't remember! !! The FamilyMart here is the trash that has fallen, and the cigarette butts are being instructed to be thrown away by someone nearby? Make a complaint about FamilyMart headquarters.
Mii W on Google

There are two FamilyMart stores in the neighborhood, but I will extend the distance by 5 minutes to go to this store. The store manager is a very nice woman, and the part-time workers are also very friendly and responsive as to whether they are well-educated. Is it okay when the store manager is fluttering with other customers? I can go home! ?? I'm worried and my personality is very good. It's a good shop at the level I saw for the first time in my life at a convenience store like this ♡
和 和なごみ のどか on Google

I happened to drop in at this convenience store near me to shop, but when I tried to receive the product at the time of checkout, I was told to return the product to my hand and check out. No, Kochi took out his smartphone and prepared for pay payment w I thought this convenience store and I would never go again w

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