FamilyMart Aobadori Ichibancho - Sendai

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact FamilyMart Aobadori Ichibancho

住所 :

2 Chome-5-22 Ichibancho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0811, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 980-0811
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

2 Chome-5-22 Ichibancho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0811, Japan
ricknakka on Google

The sidewalk on the street in front of the store is sticky.
mai kikuchi on Google

接客態度がひどい女性の店員さんにレジやってもらいました。 商品の扱いがひどいです。
I asked a female clerk with a bad customer service to check out. The product is badly handled.
斎藤拓人 on Google

Han here? The foreign man's clerk feels bad! I hear a voice when a customer comes. Isn't it better to quit?
ワイワイ on Google

I sometimes go near my workplace. Owner? The clerk is friendly and feels good.
A ING (YKKP) on Google

接客態度のなってない中年女性店員が多い。タメ口は基本。頭かきむしった手で品物を触る。スキャン終わった商品を投げるように置く。品物を無理やり詰める。箸とかスプーンを適当に居れる。レジ接客中に同僚と私語や雑談を始める。ここは幼稚園ですかね? 棚はホコリだらけで商品も乱雑に並んでいる。店内入口には外から入った落ち葉などがビッシリ溜まっていて汚い。二度とここのコンビニは利用しない。店長を筆頭に店員は全員研修からやり直せ。全てにおいて「雑」で「不潔」
There are many middle-aged female staff who have not become attitude attitude. Tame mouth is basic. Touch the item with a scratchy hand. Put the scanned goods as thrown. Forcibly pack items. I have chopsticks and spoons properly. I will start talking and talking with colleagues during my cash register visit. Is this a kindergarten? The shelves are full of dust and goods are lined up in disorder. Falling leaves etc entering from the outside are collected in the entrance of the shop and are dirty. I will never use the convenience store here again. All store clerks start over from training after the store manager. "Miscellaneous" and "filthy" in all
天ぷらそば on Google

フレンドリーな接客を履き違えた図々しいおばさん店員がいる。終始タメ口、私は何でもできるアピールがすごい。私はあなたの友達じゃない。 他の店員さんは感じいい人が多いです。メルカリの出品物を送ろうとしたところ指定の箱に入りきらず、箱に入れるのを手伝ってくれた店員さんがいました。無事送れました、どうもありがとう!
There is a gallant luncheon clerk who has misunderstood a friendly customer service. Tame mouth from the beginning, I can do anything that appeal is amazing. I am not your friend. Other clerks have many nice feelers. I tried to send a Mercury exhibit, but there was a clerk who helped me put it in a box, but it did not fit into the specified box. Thank you very much!
まるまる on Google

毎朝いるくるくるパーマ頭のおばさんは タメ口で自分が気を利く人材と思っているのか 余計な話をする。慣れてくるとレジ横の新製品を ゴリ押し。そして全て上から目線の口調。 夜にいる外国人の男女は、女性店員のミスで Tポイントを使われたので取り消しをお願いすると それはできないと眉間にシワを寄せ逆ギレし、 隣のレジの男の外国人に異国の言葉で 何かを伝え笑っていました。 仕事前の朝も仕事終わりの夕方も イライラするので行くのをやめました。 不快になるコンビニです。
The perm-headed aunt who comes every morning Do you think that you are a smart person with a tame mouth? Tell an extra story. As you get used to it, you will find new products next to the cash register. Gori push. And all the tone of the eyes from above. Foreign men and women at night made a mistake by a female clerk I used T points, so if you ask me to cancel If you can't do that, you'll get wrinkles between your eyebrows and get angry. In a foreign language to the foreigner of the cashier next door I was laughing at something. In the morning before work and in the evening after work I stopped going because it was frustrating. It is a convenience store that makes you uncomfortable.
ぬめぬめさいぼう on Google

今の時期にウレタンマスクを顎まで下げて働く店員のいるお店 夜勤の接客態度は良くないです 品揃えは普通です
A shop with a clerk who works with the urethane mask down to the chin at this time The customer service attitude of night shift is not good Assortment is normal

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