Ezurikoya - Kitakami

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ezurikoya

住所 :

16 Chiwari-107-1 Kamiezuriko, Kitakami, Iwate 024-0071, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897778
Postal code : 024-0071
Webサイト : https://m.facebook.com/%25E6%25B1%259F%25E9%2587%25A3%25E5%25AD%2590%25E5%25B1%258B-558264274205395/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–12AM
Sunday 11:30AM–10PM
Monday 11:30AM–10PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–10PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–10PM
Thursday 11:30AM–10PM
Friday 11:30AM–12AM

16 Chiwari-107-1 Kamiezuriko, Kitakami, Iwate 024-0071, Japan
華。 on Google

刺身定食を頂きたい為に早めにいくのですが いつも既に並んでいて ついつい到着すると人数を数えてしまいますωω ご飯とお味噌汁が無料でおかわりできます。 盛り沢山のお刺身とおかわりのご飯味噌汁で いつも食べた後はお腹も心もいっぱいになります。次来た時は、おかわりしないて… と思うのですが美味しいので食べ過ぎちゃいます。
I'm going early because I want to have a sashimi set meal I'm always lined up already and when I arrive, I count the number of people ωω You can refill rice and miso soup for free. With plenty of sashimi and refilled rice miso soup After eating all the time, my stomach and heart will be full. The next time I come, don't change ... I think it's delicious, so I eat too much.
e hiro on Google

c定食 焼き魚 食べた。客が多くて提供は12分位かかってた。いろいろ完売のものが出ており残念でした。
c Set meal I ate grilled fish. There were many customers and it took about 12 minutes to provide. It was a pity that various items were sold out.
ノリミウラ on Google

休日は並ばないと海鮮類はたべれません、仕方無くとんかつを食べました、あまり期待していませんでしたが肉は厚く、しかも柔らかい!とても美味しかったです。ご飯も無料でおかわり出来るそうです。 とんかつ専門店より美味いと思いました。
You can't eat seafood unless you line up on holidays, I had no choice but to eat pork cutlet, I didn't expect much, but the meat is thick and soft! It was very delicious. It seems that rice can be refilled for free. I thought it was better than a pork cutlet specialty store.
Kozu on Google

開店前に並ぶ覚悟で、行ってみて下さい。 あらかじめ、メニューを下調べしてからの方が、良いかと思います。 込み合い、メニューが無くなる場合もある為、2~3品は、考えていた方が、良いかな❗ 仮に、自分が、食べたい品がない場合です。 自分の好きなメニューが食べれたら大満足です。☺️
Please be prepared to line up before the store opens. I think it is better to check the menu in advance. It may be crowded and the menu may disappear, so it is better to think about 2 or 3 items ❗ If you don't have what you want to eat. I am very happy if I can eat my favorite menu. ☺️
akico tahata on Google

いつでも開店前から行列。30分前に並んでも限定の刺身定食は食べれず、、、、 が!その他もメニューも旨し! 海鮮丼はコレで1000円。 焼き魚定食も1000円くらい。 とにかく、お魚が美味しすぎる!
There is always a line before the store opens. Even if you line up 30 minutes ago, you can't eat the limited sashimi set meal ... But! Other menus are also good! The seafood bowl is 1000 yen. Grilled fish set meal is also about 1000 yen. Anyway, the fish is too delicious!
K Y on Google

The amount was large for the price, and the dinner set meal was also satisfactory. Curry has more cutlets than you can imagine, so be careful if you have a small meal.
バクロキノコ on Google

I arrived just at 11 o'clock, but 12 people were already in the queue because it was Saturday. Since there were many couples, I was wondering if I could have a sashimi set meal that was limited to the last minute, but there was only one left, and I and my eldest son ordered the Ezuriko set meal. My second son had a sashimi set meal. It was a wonderful dish according to the reputation. It is a very good shop with good support from the clerk. Rice and soup can be refilled. I am full. thank you for the food.
豆ふみ on Google

お弁当でしたが評判の江釣子屋の料理を初めて頂きました。 カツは醤油濃いめでした。かき揚げは油っぽさが強かったです。 鮭とフライはまずまず。 ボリュームがあって食べ応えは充分。
It was a lunch box, but I had the first dish of the popular Ezurikoya. The cutlet was thick with soy sauce. Kakiage was very oily. Salmon and fries are decent. There is plenty of volume and the response to eating is sufficient.

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