Ever Side株式会社 ~総合ファイナンシャル・プランニング事務所~

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Contact Ever Side株式会社 ~総合ファイナンシャル・プランニング事務所~

住所 :

Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://www.everside.life/
街 : Tokyo

Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0023 Tokyo,Japan
ll leary on Google

A teacher who is very trustworthy because he has a neutral position.
ただまさと on Google

初めてFPに相談してライフプラン作成をお願いしました。 疑問に思ったことには理由を添えて回答いただけたので、納得感がありとても参考になりました。
I consulted with FP for the first time and asked to create a life plan. I was able to answer my questions with a reason, which was very helpful and convincing.
s k on Google

節目節目で、保険や運用など様々な相談に乗っていただいています。信頼できる方です。 今後ともよろしくお願い致します。
At the turning point, we have various consultations such as insurance and operation. You can trust me. We look forward to working with you in the future.
Takeya Nasu on Google

I think that it is a reliable partner because you can always judge personal asset management from an objective and professional point of view. Thanks to you, my annual income and assets have continued to increase steadily, and I recently revised my target amount upward.
117 YUE on Google

Is it okay to keep the insurance as it is because my husband is about to retire? When I was thinking about it, I met him and asked him to consult with me very carefully. The proposal with a view to household finances was very helpful. I am grateful for the good encounter that I have created a place where I can consult with confidence. I look forward to working with you for a long time.
Lea NT on Google

結婚のタイミングで、住宅購入、教育資金、老後の年金、心配なことが多く、何から手を付けて良いか分からないままEver Sideさんに相談させていただきました。 今まで色々な営業の方に保険の追加提案を受けていましたが、Ever Sideさんでライフプランを作ってもらったことでむしろ入りすぎていることが分かり、減らしても良いのではないか、という提案を受けたときは感銘を受けました! 保険も色んな会社を比較して紹介してもらたので、納得して見直すことができました! 今後も家族一同お世話になりたいです。よろしくお願い致します。
At the timing of marriage, there were many things I was worried about, such as housing purchases, education funds, retirement pensions, and I was not sure what to start with. Until now, various sales people have been receiving additional insurance proposals, but I got the idea that Ever Side-san made a life plan, so I found that it was too much, so I think it's okay to reduce it. I was impressed when I received the suggestion! I also compared insurance with various companies, so I was convinced that I could review it! I would like to take care of my family in the future. Thank you for your cooperation.
soy 7 on Google

出産をきっかけに、独身時代から加入していた保険の見直しをご相談しました。 保険会社一社に偏らない視点で、丁寧にご説明頂いた内容はまさに目から鱗。各保険会社の強みを組み合わせ、まるでオーダーメイドの様に手続きを進めて下さり我が家にとっての最善のご提案を頂けたと満足しております。 雨の日も何度も足を運んで下さり、迅速にご対応頂き本当にありがとうございました。 今後とも家族共々よろしくお願い致します。
After giving birth, I consulted about the review of the insurance that I had had since I was single. From a perspective that is not biased towards one insurance company, the contents that were carefully explained are truly scale. We are happy that we combined the strengths of each insurance company and proceeded with the procedure as if we were made to order, and we received the best proposal for our home. We would like to thank you for visiting us many times on rainy days and for responding promptly. We look forward to working with you and your family.
しょう on Google

結婚のタイミングで住宅・教育費・老後等、これからどれくらいお金がかかるか、どれくらいかけていけるのかを知りたくて相談しました。 ライフプランを初めて作成して頂きましたが、これからのイベントを多角的に考えた上でお話し頂き、自分が知らないことばかりだったと実感することができました。 今後も相談させて頂きながら、一つ一つ決めて行きたいと思います。
I consulted because I wanted to know how much money it would cost and how much I could spend on housing, education expenses, old age, etc. at the time of marriage. It was the first time for me to create a life plan, but when I talked about future events from various angles, I realized that I didn't know anything about it. I would like to continue to consult with you and decide one by one.

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