フレンチ&バー ディネット

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フレンチ&バー ディネット

住所 :

Eucalyptus Gaoka, Sakura, 〒285-0858 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889987
Webサイト : http://www.wishton.co.jp/restaurant/dinette/
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Eucalyptus Gaoka, Sakura, 〒285-0858 Chiba,Japan
2416 sato4 on Google

ディナービュッフェ(5000円一律)にお邪魔しました。 テーブルに案内後、仕組みの説明やスタートの説明もなし、ドリンクの案内やメニューも無し、いつからスタートなのかも不明でした。 私自身は県内のホテルビュッフェには結構あちこち行っていますが、ここのは品数も少なく、内容も目立って良い訳ではないので正直この値段だと『高過ぎる!』というのが感想です。 また席間隔が狭く、通路も狭いです。 もしベビーカーを持ち込んだら席付近には置けないです。 今まで行った数多のディナービュッフェの中、ぶっちぎりの過去最低でした。 たぶんもう行かないです。
I visited the dinner buffet (5,000 yen flat rate). After guiding to the table, there was no explanation of the mechanism or start, no drink information or menu, and it was unknown when it started. I myself go to hotel buffets in the prefecture quite a lot, but the number of items here is small and the contents are not conspicuously good, so honestly, at this price, "It's too expensive! ] Is my impression. In addition, the seat spacing is narrow and the aisle is narrow. If you bring a stroller, you can't put it near your seat. It was by far the lowest ever among the many dinner buffets I've ever been to. Maybe I won't go anymore.
西村和巳 on Google

It is a store with high cost performance. However, reservations are recommended for brunch because there are relatively few seats.
とげっちさん on Google

The staff are also polite, the service is good and it is comfortable. The food and coffee were delicious.
Iku S on Google

I use it many times for lunch, but all are delicious. Corona measures are perfect! I enjoyed it with confidence.
進真 on Google

it was delicious. Viking course. Corona measures were also solid, and since it is an order buffet, it will bring you to your seat.
kichoh katagiri on Google

Use the lunch course. It seems to be quite crowded, so it seems better to make a reservation on holidays. Satisfied with both taste and quantity. Rather than focusing on the atmosphere, it feels like a local shop that can be easily used by families.
sachoco on Google

平日の昼間に伺いました。 予約無しでも案内して頂けました。 12時を過ぎるとお客さんが増え、複数名のグループもいらっしゃったので予約をした方が安心だと思いました。 今回はランチコース¥2,200を頂きました。 オードブル パン スープ サラダ 肉&魚 デザート コーヒーor紅茶 とボリュームたっぷりでした。 手作り感を感じるお料理ばかりで美味しかったです。 オードブルの卵料理、メインのお魚が美味しいです。 パンは温められており、小麦やバターの香りがしました。 デザートは恐らく業務用ですが食後のカフェ付きでこの価格はお得です。 スタッフさんも穏やかな方ばかりでした。 料理のタイミング、お水の提供も絶妙でした。
I visited during the daytime on weekdays. I was able to guide you without a reservation. After 12 o'clock, the number of customers increased and there were groups of multiple people, so I thought it would be safer to make a reservation. This time I had a lunch course of ¥ 2,200. Hors d'oeuvre Bread soup salad Meat & fish dessert Coffee or tea It was a lot of volume. All the dishes had a handmade feel and were delicious. The hors d'oeuvre egg dish and the main fish are delicious. The bread was warm and smelled of wheat and butter. The desserts are probably for business use, but with a cafe after meals, this price is good. The staff were all calm. The timing of cooking and the provision of water were also exquisite.
c 7 on Google

ホテルランチは色々行きましたが、ここはかなり美味しいと思います。 しかもお値段がとてもリーズナブル。 スタッフの方々もとても感じが良く 帰る時にいつも「次はいつ来よう」と思います。
I went to various hotel lunches, but I think it's quite delicious here. Moreover, the price is very reasonable. The staff are also very nice Whenever I go home, I always think, "When will I come next?"

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