EST Clinic - Hirosaki

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact EST Clinic

住所 :

Shintatezoe-20-1 Fukumura, Hirosaki, Aomori 036-8082, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 036-8082
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

Shintatezoe-20-1 Fukumura, Hirosaki, Aomori 036-8082, Japan
人生twilight on Google

I had a blood test on a regular basis, so I was killed. At first, I questioned the need for a blood test, but at one point liver cancer was discovered and was completely cured by early treatment. Chemotherapy is appreciated.
sho taka (藤) on Google

最悪でした。子供が休日にやけどをして駆け込んだのですが、「軽いので大丈夫。アトも残らないでしょう」と言われて安心して治療を受けました。ワセリンを塗って包帯を巻くだけ。 それを3日くらい通って続けていたら、だんだんぷつぷつが出てきました。「包帯にまけたかなー」と、軽い皮膚炎をおさえる塗り薬をもらいました。 でもぷつぷつは増えるし痒がる。やけどって、薬いらないの?ワセリンだけでいいの??包帯にまけただけ??ていうか隣に皮膚科があるのに、通されるのは内科だか外科の先生なのはなんで?? 不信感が大きくなって、別のやけどの専門医のところへ行くと、 「ひどいやけどですよ。あとも残るでしょうね。このぷつぷつはとびひです!」 信じられない気持ちでした。休日だったとは言え、ESTなんかに行ったのが間違いだった。今でも怒りがこみ上げてきます。出来ることなら訴えたい気持ちでした。もう二度と行きません。
It was the worst. The child burned down on a holiday and rushed into it, but he said, "It's fine because it's light. Just apply vaseline and bandage. When I went through it for about 3 days, it started to come out gradually. "I wonder if it was a bandage," and I got a paint to control mild dermatitis. But there is a lot more trouble. Don't you have any burns? Is it all right with vaseline? ? Did you only wear bandages? ? I mean, there is a dermatologist next to me, but what is passed is internal medicine or is it a surgeon's teacher? ? When my distrust grows up and I go to another burn specialist, "It's awful burns. It will remain. This is a tobihi!" I felt unbelievable. Although it was a holiday, it was a mistake to go to EST something. Anger is still rising. I wanted to appeal if I could do it. I will never go there again.
むー on Google

遅くまでやってたり、土日も診察可能など便利。ただ医師が…。以前診てくれてた医師はぶっきらぼうな感じはしたけど、慣れたらまぁまぁな感じ。しかし最近新しく来た医師は、それ以上に印象良くない! 話しにくさ満載だわ。看護師に対してもツンケンした言い方だったなー。医師ってさぁ、なんでこんな人ばっかなの?聞きたいことも聞けない雰囲気、そのくらい大したことないだろ、特にアドバイスくれるでもなく、これからのこと話してくれるでもなく…(´Д`)ハァ…ってかんじ。医師ってもっと親身にならなきゃいけないんじゃないの?命がかかってるのにさぁ。生まれてこのかた、この先生はいい!って思ったの2人くらい。でも常勤でいる先生じゃない(=_=) こんなとこで愚痴っても意味ないね。(´▽`) '`,、'`,、
It is convenient because you can do it until late and you can see it on Saturdays and Sundays. Just a doctor ... The doctor who had seen me in the past seemed blunt, but once I got used to it, it wasn't good. But the newly arrived doctor is no better than that! It's so hard to talk. It was a way of saying it to nurses too. Why is a doctor like this? Atmosphere where you can't hear what you want to hear, it's not that big, it doesn't give any particular advice or talk about the future ... ('Д `) ha ... Doesn't a doctor need to be more friendly? That's life. Born, this teacher is good! I thought about two people. But I'm not a full-time teacher (= _ =) It doesn't make sense to complain about this. ('▽ `)'` ,, '`,,
on Google

眼科の看護婦すごい態度悪いです。 コンタクト処方薬もらいに行きましたが、感じ悪すぎでダメです。見えないから合わせに行ってるのに、前より全然見えません。高いお金払ってコンタクト買って、これでは買い直しです。弁償してって言いたいくらいです。何回か眼科利用してますが、先生は良い方なんで残念です。二度と行きません。
Ophthalmologist nurses have a bad attitude. I went to get a contact prescription drug, but it feels too bad to use. I can't see it, so I'm going to match it, but I can't see it at all. I paid a lot of money to buy contacts, and this is a repurchase. I would like to say that I will compensate. I have used ophthalmology several times, but I am sorry that the teacher is a good person. I will never go again.
おまつ on Google

皮膚科の先生、看護師は丁寧だったが受付の一人がぶっきらぼう 初めての来院だったので念のため調剤薬局の場所を尋ねたら、聞き終わる前に食い入り気味で「どこの調剤薬局行っても貰えるので」とバッサリ 調剤薬局を指定できないのはわかるが、近くの場所を教えることくらいできたんじゃないのか?と少し腹が立った
The dermatologist and nurse were polite, but one of the receptionists was blunt It was my first visit to the hospital, so I asked for the location of the dispensing pharmacy just in case. I understand that you can't specify a dispensing pharmacy, but couldn't you just tell me where you are nearby? I was a little angry
ga sh on Google

総合診療で診察の度に血液検査だの薬だのと、時間と治療費かかりすぎるので止めました。1年以上通ったけど特に改善せず。 他の病院に換えたら、これくらいの(血液)数値なら半年に1回の血液検査でも充分と言われ、薬も半分以下に減りました。 金儲けの為と思われる検査多過ぎ。 土日祝もやってるので、お金持ちで土日祝しか行けない人はいいかも知れません。 担当医が高圧的な感じでしたが、後で知ったけど担当医は院長でした。
I stopped it because it took too much time and treatment cost to take a blood test and medicine every time I had a general medical examination. I've been there for over a year, but it hasn't improved. When I changed to another hospital, it was said that a blood test once every six months would be enough for this (blood) value, and the number of medicines was reduced to less than half. There are too many tests that seem to be for making money. We also do weekends and holidays, so it may be good for people who are rich and can only go on weekends and holidays. The doctor in charge seemed to be overwhelming, but as I learned later, the doctor in charge was the director.
親指指 on Google

高校生は7時間授業あり、学校終わるのが16:15。 6時間授業の時で15:15に終わったとしても、皮膚科に着けば(頑張って15:50)毎回「本日の診療は終了致しました。」 ならいつ来たらよろしいのか。 土曜日に来れば問題無いのかもしれないが部活もありなかなか来れない。 もう少し診療時間の延長をお願いしたい気持ちもあるが、それはむずかしいことなのだろう。 ただ出来るのであればあと少しでも長くしてもらいたい。
High school students have 7 hours of lessons, and school ends at 16:15. Even if it ends at 15:15 during the 6-hour class, every time I arrive at the dermatologist (do my best at 15:50), "Today's medical treatment is over." Then when should I come? It may be okay if I come on Saturday, but I can't come because of club activities. There is a desire to ask for a longer consultation time, but that may be difficult. However, if possible, I would like you to make it as long as possible.
太陽ひまわり on Google

診察が雑だった 泌尿器科の貝塚は医者っしての資質にかける 口が悪いし頭が硬い 覚えてるふりして適当にやってる感がある! やたらと検査して点数稼ぎしてる感じだ なぜなら検査結果を診察の時何も言わないw 10秒ぐらいで終わるw患者に説明義務を果たしてない!医者を辞めて欲しい!目障りだ!
The medical examination was rough Urology shell mounds depend on the qualities of a doctor I have a bad mouth and a stiff head. I pretend to remember and feel like I'm doing it properly! It feels like I'm earning points by inspecting a lot because I don't say anything at the time of the examination. It takes about 10 seconds w I haven't fulfilled my obligation to explain to the patient! I want you to quit the doctor! It's annoying!

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