Espresso D Works

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Espresso D Works

住所 :

Shichirigahama, Kamakura, 〒248-0026 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978797
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Shichirigahama, Kamakura, 〒248-0026 Kanagawa,Japan
Hi Moo on Google

口コミで言われている程改善されているせいか接客が悪いとは感じませんでした。 クロワッサンがとても美味しかったのと屋上のロケーションは最高です。
I didn't feel that the customer service was bad, probably because it was improved as much as the word of mouth said. The croissants were very good and the rooftop location is great.
H R on Google

立地は抜群ですが、オープンしたてを差し引いても、スタッフのバタバタ感が否めない感じでした。(オーダーミス、パンケーキ焼き直し、メープルシロップ忘れなど。) 系列の恵比寿店が最高な接客と味だっただけに、非常に残念でした。 頑張ってくださいの意味を込めて 辛めの評価とさせて頂きます。
The location is excellent, but even after deducting the opening, the staff felt fluttering. (Missing order, rebaking pancakes, forgetting maple syrup, etc.) It was very disappointing because the affiliated Ebisu store had the best customer service and taste. With the meaning of doing your best It will be a spicy evaluation.
eri abe on Google

海が目の前で最高のロケーション。 クロワッサン?がとても美味しい! 雨の翌日だったので、店内に案内されましたが、屋上テラスが気持ち良さそう!
The best location in front of the sea. The croissants ? are very delicious! It was the day after the rain, so I was guided to the store, but the roof terrace looks good!
みぽ こぽこ on Google

スタッフさんの お出迎えからお見送りまでも すごく気持ちのいい対応でした☺️ わんこと伺いましたが 皆さんにお気遣いを頂き 快適に過ごせました✨ 散歩終わりでわんこ?と寄れる場所が増えてとっても嬉しいです! 注文したパンケーキ?は ナッツがラム酒漬けだったと思うのですが とーっても美味しかったです♡ パンケーキもふわふわ!!シェアしてもいいようなボリューム感です?
Staff's From pick-up to see-off It was a very pleasant response ☺️ I asked you about the dog Thank you for your concern I was able to spend comfortably ✨ I am very happy that there are more places to stop by at the end of the walk! The pancakes I ordered ? I think the nuts were pickled in rum It was very delicious ♡ The pancakes are also fluffy! !! It's a voluminous feeling that you can share ?
令和のカフェニスト on Google

前から車で前を通るたびに気にしていた、海沿いのカフェ。年末に行って来ました? 専用の駐車場がない為、七里ヶ浜駅近くの大型駐車場に停め、3分程のお店? モーニングの時間に伺った時は比較的空いてましたが、帰るランチタイム時はお客さんが並んでました❗️ オープンしたてで、オペレーションは多少不慣れでしたが、モーニングで頂いたクロワッサンの「エッグベネディクト」に「カフェラテ」をお供に絶景のオーシャンビューを満喫?? このオーシャンビュー、湘南ナンバー1、いや、日本ナンバー1とも言えるくらい素晴らしかった?‍♂️ スタッフさんが明るく、晴れの湘南の海も眺めながら、元気もらって帰りました? あまり教えたくないくらいの絶景カフェ☕️です。
A cafe by the sea that I was worried about every time I drove in front of me. I went to the end of the year ? Since there is no dedicated parking lot, we parked in a large parking lot near Shichirigahama Station, and the store is about 3 minutes ? It was relatively empty when I visited during the morning time, but the customers lined up at lunch time when I returned ❗️ It was just opened and I was a little unfamiliar with the operation, but I enjoyed the magnificent ocean view with the croissant "Eggs Benedict" and "Cafe Latte" that I received in the morning ?? This ocean view, Shonan number 1, no, it was so wonderful that it could be called Japan number 1 ?‍♂️ The staff was cheerful, and while looking at the sunny Shonan sea, I got energized and went home ? It's a superb view cafe ☕️ that I don't want to teach too much.
hiko on Google

A restaurant where you can enjoy watching Enoshima and the sea to the fullest. The clerk is also very friendly and comfortable. At the terrace seats, you can enjoy rice and a cafe while feeling the sea breeze.
アンドレア on Google

I visited before 10am on Sunday morning. It wasn't lined up and it didn't seem to be on the roof. All seats have ocean views and are wonderful! Breakfast was also delicious. 2200 yen for Plekfast set and coffee. The staff felt awkward.
Taichi Kogure on Google

休日は激混みで1時間待ちとの事ですが、平日お昼過ぎは待たされる事なく入店できました。 ロケーションは最高でした。 クロワッサンとコーヒーは美味しいですが、チキンとビーツのサラダランチはチキンの代わりにエビでしたが、かなりボリュームが少なく残念でした。
It is said that it is extremely crowded on holidays and waits for one hour, but I was able to enter the store without waiting after noon on weekdays. The location was great. The croissants and coffee are delicious, but the chicken and beet salad lunch was shrimp instead of chicken, but it was a shame because it was quite small.

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