ENEOSジェイクエスト 豊栄店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ENEOSジェイクエスト 豊栄店

住所 :

Kuzutsuka, Kita Ward, 〒950-3321 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト : https://www.j-quest.jp/service-station/%25E8%25B1%258A%25E6%25A0%2584/
Opening hours :
Saturday 7AM–10PM
Sunday 7AM–10PM
Monday 7AM–10PM
Tuesday 7AM–10PM
Wednesday 7AM–10PM
Thursday 7AM–10PM
Friday 7AM–10PM
街 : Niigata

Kuzutsuka, Kita Ward, 〒950-3321 Niigata,Japan
中華鍋 on Google

特に問題なく月2、3で利用しています。 休日は洗車機が激混みの場合が多いです。
I use it a couple of months a month without any problems. Car wash machines are often extremely crowded on holidays.
ken 0363 on Google

Although it is a self-stand, the treasurer is a cash register, so you buy sweets and drinks in the store. Both gasoline and car wash are cheaper. Gasoline can be cheaper at points and events.
瞿麦 on Google

後精算タイプのセルフスタンドで、店内はコンビニのようになっています 地域的にこのあたりは周囲より安いところが多く、更にTカード提示などで更に少々の割引アリ
A self-standing stand of post-payment type, the inside of the store looks like a convenience store There are many places where this area is cheaper than the surrounding area, and a little more discount ants by presenting T cards etc.
アキ on Google

平日20リッター以上詰めると箱ティッシュプレゼント券がたまに貰えるのでありがたいです。 少し混む時もありますが他と比べて少し安めなので便利です。
If you pack more than 20 liters on weekdays, you will get a box tissue gift voucher from time to time. It may be a little crowded, but it is convenient because it is a little cheaper than others.
中村政樹 on Google

ENEOS限定かもしれないが スナック菓子のカール が発売されている
It may be limited to ENEOS Curls for snacks are on sale
神咲恭也 on Google

店舗が狭い上に比較的いつも混んでいる。 普通のセルフ給油機と違う操作と、後払い精算方法(給油後、店内のレジで精算)なので、初見では非常に使いづらい(説明が全くないので)。
The store is small and relatively always crowded. It is very difficult to use at first glance (because there is no explanation) because it is an operation different from a normal self-fueling machine and a postpaid payment method (after refueling, payment is made at the cash register in the store).
Toshi-Yuki Tossy on Google

Even though I liked it, the sales of Enekey are persistent. I think I will go to another GS next time.
たけたけ on Google

・セルフ式ガソリンスタンド。 ・店内後払い方式。 ・ENEOS直営のためか、周辺GSより比較的安価。 ・給油量に応じたスタンプカード有り〼。10L給油で1スタンプ。20スタンプが貯まると粗品プレゼント。火木土日祝はTポイント2倍。+SC買い物レシート提示で+2スタンプ。 ・隣接SC買い物レシート提示で上記より更に値引き(+通常1スタンプ、上記曜日+2スタンプ)が入る。 エネキーや洗車利用レシート提示で値引もある。不定期的に特別割引券や箱ティッシュプレゼントクーポンが配布される。 ・灯油販売&洗車利用可能。 洗車拭き用タオルが使いやすい。事前洗いや洗車拭き用タオル、空気圧測定、コイン式車内掃除機もある。 こまめに利用する人にとっては非常にありがたい存在のお店。 ・店舗内販売ではタバコが種類豊富。 ちょっとしたカー用品、この辺ではあまり見かけないような菓子(最近ではめんべい、今では関西限定となってしまったカールなど)飲料販売がある。 ☆店員さんが優しい。いつも有難うございます。 難点 土地柄、横なぐりの雨が降ると店内と会計の 客がすぐびしょびしょに濡れる。風除室はない。 トイレは狭く、車椅子利用者には不向き。 客の民度が低いからなのか、待ってる順番を先に飛ばされた経験あり。ホースと給油口が逆でも給油出来ることを知らないからなのか、あるいは店舗入口が極端に狭いからか、店舗入口付近で車を立往生させ、後列客が迷惑したり、歩道の通行人の妨げになったり、店に関係の無い車が無理にすれ違おうとして危険と感じたりしたこと多々あり。 店舗側も危険度を認知しているのか、混雑時は豊栄駅方面から利用する旨、立て看板があるが、効き目は薄い。 導線の確保(入口に立ち止まらず奥まで進むよう指示するモノか、出入口を一方通行にして逆入を防ぐなど)して何かしらの対策が欲しいので☆−1にした。店舗配布アンケートでも答えているがレスポンスは無い。改善を望みます。
・ Self-service gas station. ・ In-store postpaid method. ・ It is relatively cheaper than the surrounding GS, probably because it is directly managed by ENEOS. ・ There is a stamp card according to the amount of refueling. 1 stamp with 10L refueling. When 20 stamps are collected, a gift will be given. T-points are doubled on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. +2 stamp by presenting + SC shopping receipt. ・ If you show the adjoining SC shopping receipt, you will get a further discount (+ normal 1 stamp, above day of the week + 2 stamps). There is also a discount by presenting the energy key and car wash receipt. Special discount coupons and box tissue gift coupons will be distributed irregularly. ・ Kerosene sales and car wash are available. Car wash towels are easy to use. There are also towels for pre-washing and car wash, air pressure measurement, and coin-operated car vacuum cleaners. This shop is very grateful for those who use it frequently. ・ A wide variety of cigarettes are available for sale in stores. There are small car supplies and beverages that are rarely seen around here (such as Menbei these days and curls that are now limited to Kansai). ☆ The clerk is kind. Thank you very much. Difficulty Due to the nature of the land, when it rains sideways, the inside of the store and the customers of the accounting get wet immediately. There is no windbreak room. The toilet is small and not suitable for wheelchair users. Perhaps because the number of customers is low, I have had the experience of skipping the waiting order first. Maybe it's because you don't know that you can refuel even if the hose and the refueling port are reversed, or because the store entrance is extremely narrow, the car gets stuck near the store entrance, annoying the back row customers and hindering the passersby on the sidewalk. There were many times when I felt that it was dangerous for a car that had nothing to do with the store to pass by. Perhaps the store is aware of the degree of danger, there is a sign that says that it will be used from the direction of Toyosaka Station when it is crowded, but the effect is weak. I wanted some measures to secure the conductors (such as things that instruct me to go all the way without stopping at the entrance, or one-way traffic at the entrance to prevent back entry), so I chose ☆ -1. I answered the store distribution questionnaire, but there was no response. I hope for improvement.

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