ENEOS Frontier Shinakitsu Filling Station - Higashimurayama

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ENEOS Frontier Shinakitsu Filling Station

住所 :

1 Chome-25-1 Akitsucho, Higashimurayama, Tokyo 189-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Postal code : 189-0001
Webサイト : https://eneos-ss.com/search/ss/pc/detail.php%3FSCODE%3D372350

1 Chome-25-1 Akitsucho, Higashimurayama, Tokyo 189-0001, Japan
ねこ on Google

In addition to refueling, it is used for car washing and slight maintenance. It ’s a lot of work, so it ’s expensive. It is a convenient GS if you know what you need and select and use it.
英栄野村 on Google

注意が必要な店! 当店で修理したタイヤから、空気漏れしている、改めて持っていったら、うちではこのような修理はしないと、また再修理は不可能と嫁が言われ新たにタイヤを買うように勧められる。 後日、ディーラーに修理を依頼したらどこからも空気漏れは無く、スタンドマンのセールスだったのでは?とのこと 女性が一人で行くと何でも売り付けているようです
A store that needs attention! My tires repaired at our shop are leaking air, and if I bring it again, I will be told that I will not repair it again and it is impossible to repair it again and I am advised to buy new tires. Later, when I asked the dealer for repair, there was no air leak from anywhere, and it was a standman's sales? And that It seems that women sell everything when they go alone
NaO mi on Google

営業が熱心というか、押し付けがすごい。 オイル交換勧められたのでちょうどいいやと思ってお願いしたのですが、作業中に色んなところを見てなんやかんやと言われ、2ヶ月前に交換したフィルターを外して一言「黒ずんでるので交換してください」と。それ活性炭の黒ですよ。車の相手をするならもっと車のことを勉強してほしいです。
The sales are enthusiastic, or the imposition is amazing. I was advised to change the oil, so I thought it was just right, but when I saw various places during the work, I was told that something was wrong, and I removed the filter I replaced two months ago and said, "It's dark, so replace it. Please do. " It's black activated carbon. I want you to learn more about cars if you are dealing with cars.
豆乳ステロン on Google

I had a staff member named Mr. Morie take charge of it, but I was very uncomfortable because I was desperately trying to expand the scope of repairs even though I was only asking for a car wash.
千風 on Google

ガソリン入れるだけなら問題なし ただ、押し付け営業が、、少しひどいかな? 頼んでもいない見積出して、断ると ここまでしてるのに!と少しご立腹 営業は確かに押しなのかもしれないけど 引く事も覚えて。 人柄は良さそう。
No problem if you just add gasoline However, is the forced sales a little terrible? If you make an unsolicited quote and decline I've done so far! And a little angry Sales may be a push, Remember to pull. Personality looks good.
佐藤国子 on Google

It is convenient to be close.
T.B (T.B) on Google

原口という店員の態度が悪い ドア閉めは半ドア、 窓拭きは勢いをつけすぎて窓が「ドン!!」鳴るほど 最後のドア閉めはヤケクソ気味なのか目茶苦茶な勢いで閉められました 初めて使いましたが印象は最悪でした
The clerk named Haraguchi has a bad attitude Door closing is half door, The window cleaning is so strong that the window makes a "don !!" The last door was closed with a mess, maybe it was a mess I used it for the first time, but the impression was the worst
Kamba Go on Google

タイヤ交換してほどなくして空気が抜けており、行ってみたらパンク。修理の前に交換を勧められ、価格はブリジストンはどこいっても同じ価格とのこと。 結局修理をしたのだが、そのうち空気抜けてくるのでそしたら交換になってしまう…との話。そのうちってどのくらいの期間?色々言ってくる割にほしい情報はまったくないし、嫌でも色々と疑ってしまう。 他の方もコメントにあるように、その他の押し付け営業も多いし、二度とここでは作業してもらう気はない。
Shortly after changing the tires, the air was deflated, and when I went there, I got a flat tire. It is recommended to replace it before repair, and the price is the same everywhere in Bridgestone. After all, I repaired it, but eventually the air came out, so I had to replace it ... How long is it? I don't have any information I want for all the things I say, and even if I don't like it, I doubt it. As other people have commented, there are many other forced sales positions, and I have no intention of having them work here again.

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