ENEOS EneJet イオンモール明和SS (株)谷口リテール販売

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ENEOS EneJet イオンモール明和SS (株)谷口リテール販売

住所 :

Nakamura, Meiwa, Taki District, 〒515-0348 Mie,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://eneos-ss.com/search/ss/pc/detail.php%3FSCODE%3D510235
街 : Mie

Nakamura, Meiwa, Taki District, 〒515-0348 Mie,Japan
am on Google

We used at destination. The area around Ise Jingu Shrine and the couple's stone was expensive even if there were few gas stations. When I visited a nearby AEON MALL, it was cheaper than other places! lucky! ! !
うえの“安くて美味しいものを食レポ&キャンプ関係” on Google

Gasoline was cheap. 5 yen was cheaper than the others.
Yu Houki on Google

On the way back from the visit to Ise Jingu, the gas stations are closed for the New Year holidays, so it will be impossible to refuel unless we come here. Thank you Aeon Mall.
YA TA on Google

給油すると次回割引のレシートが貰えて かなりお得だと思います 給油機や店内、ピットなどとても綺麗で とても気持ちよく利用出来ます
When you refuel, you will get a receipt for the next discount I think it's a good deal The refueling machine, the inside of the store, the pit, etc. are very beautiful You can use it very comfortably
mi ka on Google

Self but kind. I happened to get Kitty's tissue when I went, so I'm glad ♪
piro19xx on Google

付近のスタンドではここが1番安いかと思います。 ただそれだけですね。 給油以外のことはした事ないんですが可もなく不可もなく普通かなと思います。
I think this is the cheapest stand in the vicinity. That's it. I haven't done anything other than refueling, but I think it's normal.
RYO MINATO on Google

I was about to run out of gasoline, so I tried to stall at the parking lot in Aeon. Can you help me with a carrying can? Even if I go to say that, I have to press the carrying service ✖️. Well, I understand, but I pushed it by myself while turning the steering wheel, but since I came to the slope in front of me, I think it's okay to push it that much. I know I won't climb, but I'm just looking. I was able to climb because the Cainz clerk pushed me in good faith. It would be highly appreciated if you could help me there alone. Well ... I don't know ... I don't want to receive other services (replacement or inspection).
marcus santos on Google

It's a gas station...

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