ENEOS Dr.Driveセルフ西大宮 SS (ENEOSフロンティア埼玉カンパニー)

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ENEOS Dr.Driveセルフ西大宮 SS (ENEOSフロンティア埼玉カンパニー)

住所 :

Miyamaecho, Nishi Ward, 〒331-0046 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : https://eneos-ss.com/search/ss/pc/detail.php%3FSCODE%3D372359
街 : Saitama

Miyamaecho, Nishi Ward, 〒331-0046 Saitama,Japan
北条うぢやす on Google

初めて利用しました、セルフのスタンドで事務所とは別にトイレがついています。事務所併設型のスタンドは深夜になるとトイレが使えない所が多いのですが、ここは分からないです。トイレには貸し出しタオルを自由に使えるようにしていたが、持ち帰りが多いので、事務所で対面で貸し出す旨の貼り紙がありました。洗車拭き取りタオルくらい持ってくればいいのにね? 確かに細かい所まで拭き上げるとタオルはまっ黒になりますが、最近の人はモラルがないのでしょうか?
I used it for the first time, it is a self-stand and has a toilet separate from the office. There are many places where you can't use the toilet at midnight, but I don't know here. I was allowed to use the rented towels freely in the toilet, but since I often take them home, there was a sticker saying that I would rent them face-to-face at the office. I should bring a car wash wipe towel, right? It is true that the towel will turn black if you wipe it to the smallest detail, but do people these days have no morals?
おし on Google

車検の見積もりをしましたが、車検通過に必要のないものまで交換する内容になっていて、説明を求めると交換しないと車検に通らないと言われました。 他で見積もりをしたら、交換の必要無しということでここの見積もりより約10万円安く済みました。 それから2年経ちますが車は故障もなく順調です。 あまりに衝撃的だったので、その時の見積書は記念に保存しています。
I made an estimate for the vehicle inspection, but it says that even things that are not necessary for passing the vehicle inspection will be exchanged, and when I asked for an explanation, I was told that I could not pass the vehicle inspection unless I exchange it. If I quote it elsewhere, it's about 100,000 yen cheaper than here because there is no need to replace it. Two years have passed since then, but the car is in good condition without any breakdown. It was so shocking that I kept the quote at that time in memory.
たきゃ粉(たきゃこ) on Google

This is the first car wash machine that can't wash the hood (laughs) I often didn't even have a towel to wipe up, and I don't use it anymore.
大魔王 on Google

It's a stand dedicated to the former company, but it's a stand where you can be healed by the staff's response, greetings and smiles.
yas opal on Google

TIREHOODで注文したタイヤの交換を依頼しました。 対応やサービスは丁寧で好感が持てます。GSの会員登録や車検の勧誘等は余計でしたけど。
I requested to replace the tires ordered from TIRE HOOD. Correspondence and service are polite and have a good impression. It was superfluous to register as a GS member and solicit vehicle inspections.
tanuちゃん on Google

下の人(mintなんとかさん) 乗っている車とか知らないからなんとも言えんが、何をもって「ぼったくり」と言っているのか… 私もこのお店使ってますが、安いと思った事は無いが高いと思った事もない(物によっては相場より安い時もある) どうせこういう方はネットで見てとかだと思うけど、単純な金額だけでも最低でも比べるなら全く同じ商品で比べないと意味無くない? メーカーが違えば値段が違うのも当たり前、質が違えば値段が違うのも当たり前だと思うのですが。 人による価値もついてくるものだと思いますけどね。 まさか専門店で高級和牛買った後にスーパーで輸入牛肉見て「ぼったくられた」とか言うんですかね笑 多分ディーラーで同じ商品を同じ値段で提示されても「ぼったくり」って言わないでしょ笑 真面目にやってる(たぶん)スタンドの人も、お金が無い人に見た目の値段だけでこう言われちゃかわいそうですねぇ
The person below (mint somehow) I can't say anything because I don't know the car I'm in, but what do you call "rip-off" ... I also use this shop, but I never thought it was cheap, but I never thought it was expensive (some things are cheaper than the market price) Anyway, I think that this kind of person is looking on the net, but if you compare at least a simple amount of money, isn't it meaningless unless you compare with exactly the same product? I think it is natural that different manufacturers have different prices, and different qualities have different prices. I think that the value of people also comes with it. After buying high-class Japanese beef at a specialty store, you see imported beef at a supermarket and say, "I was sick." Maybe even if the same product is offered at the same price at the dealer, you wouldn't say "rip-off" lol Even those who are serious (probably) at the stand are sorry to say this to people who do not have money just for the apparent price.
mint apple on Google

必要なことだけやってさっさと帰りましょう。 タイヤを見せたり、ボンネットを開けさせたらぼったくられます。 4本2万円以下で買えるタイヤを今月末までの値段と25000円。バッテリーも、まだ電圧出てたと思うが(13.8~14.0V安定して出ていた)。電圧11Vしか出てない、年数経っている、工賃は無料です、と言われお願いしたら、6千円ちょっとのものを15000円取られた。 後で値段を知って残念な気持ちになった。少しスタンドの儲けを入れたとしてもやりすぎだと思います。 バッテリーチェッカーを買い、タイヤの空気管理も自分でしっかりやります。 忘れようと思いましたが、ふとした瞬間に思い出して嫌な気分になるので書かせていただきました。
Do only what you need and go home quickly. If you show the tires or open the bonnet, you will be crushed. You can buy 4 tires for less than 20,000 yen at the price until the end of this month and 25,000 yen. I think the battery was still out of voltage (13.8 to 14.0V was stable). When I was told that the voltage was only 11V, it was a long time ago, and the wages were free, I was asked to pay 15,000 yen for a little over 6,000 yen. I was disappointed to know the price later. I think it's overkill even if you make a little profit on the stand. Buy a battery checker and manage the tire air yourself. I thought I'd forget it, but I wrote it because it made me feel uncomfortable at the moment.
Toseef Ahmed on Google


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