ENEOS Dr.Driveセルフ箕島 SS (ENEOSフロンティア中国カンパニー)

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ENEOS Dr.Driveセルフ箕島 SS (ENEOSフロンティア中国カンパニー)

住所 :

Mishima, Minami Ward, 〒701-0206 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : https://eneos-ss.com/search/ss/pc/detail.php%3FSCODE%3D372628
街 : Okayama

Mishima, Minami Ward, 〒701-0206 Okayama,Japan
Hiro Go (ヒロアキ) on Google

燃料補給はもちろん、オイル交換や洗車もお世話になってます。 燃料入れるのは確かにセルフなんだが、それ以外はセルフじゃないGSのようなエネオス。
Not only refueling but also oil change and car wash are taken care of. Eneos like GS are not self-fueled, but they are self-fueled.
川上浩 on Google

いつも利用してます。 ゴミ箱を各ステーションの横に置いてくれるとありがたいのですが。
I always use it. I'd be grateful if you put trash bins next to each station.
dj IKARIYA on Google

スタッフが詐欺と脅迫紛いをしてくる最低最悪なスタンド タイヤ交換をお願いすると見積りより安いタイヤをつけて、値段は見積もりのままで請求してくるのを当たり前のようにしてくる また、車検が近い車には無理矢理に時間をかけ車検切れにし、自分のところで車検をさせようとこのままでは道路を走れませんよ、捕まりますよ、などと脅してくる ガソリンの値段もそんなに安くないので、他に安いところがそちらで給油した方がいい ちゃんと働いてるスタッフには悪いがこういったスタンドは早くなくなった方がよい
The worst stand that staff members make scams and threats If you ask for a tire change, put on a cheaper tire than the estimate, and the price will be charged as it is estimated. In addition, I will take time to force a car inspection to a car close to the car inspection, and I will not be able to run on the road if I try to carry out a car inspection at oneself. Since the price of gasoline is not so cheap, it is better to refuel at other cheap places It is bad for the staff working properly, but it is better to lose these stands early
ウータンオラ on Google

It is a gas station with a convenience store along the prefectural road. It was a self service, but the staff was always looking around
hood neighbor on Google

It is a self, but the sales clerk's voice is over-emphasis sales. It may be subtle for those who are bothersome and use self.
犬塚正樹 on Google

The staff feels good, and it's comfortable because they don't come to sell this and that ? It's hard to understand because the car wash is at the back ☺️
火星蜘蛛 on Google

タイヤ空気圧見てもらいました。 説明も親切で気持ちよく、その後ドライブに行けました。 因みに、エアもセルフ可能(次はやってみよ)
I had them look at the tire pressure. The explanation was kind and pleasant, and then I was able to go for a drive. By the way, air can also be self-made (try it next time)
ra syu on Google

月に3回ほど給油に訪れますがどのスタッフさんも非常に愛想が良くて一番気に入っているガソリンスタンドです 無料で空気圧やオイルをチェックしてくれるのがとても助かっています
I visit to refuel about three times a month, but all the staff are very friendly and my favorite gas station. It is very helpful to check the air pressure and oil for free.

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