
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 整体フットケアサロンena

住所 :

Shimo, Kita City, 〒115-0042 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://fromfeet.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Shimo, Kita City, 〒115-0042 Tokyo,Japan
S M on Google

産後特に、首、肩凝り、姿勢の悪さに悩んでいました。 施術前に丁寧にヒアリングしてくださり、施術中も色々なアドバイスをいただきました。 施術前と施術後の姿勢の違いを写真で見せていただき、効果を実感できました。 絶妙な力加減で、癒しの時間になりました。 部屋も落ち着いていて、女性一人でも安心して行くことができました。 近いうちにまた通おうと思います。
Especially after giving birth, she was suffering from neck and shoulder stiffness and poor posture. He listened carefully before the treatment, and received various advice during the treatment. The difference in posture before and after the treatment was shown in the photos, and the effect was realized. With exquisite power, it was time for healing. The room was calm, and even a single woman could go with peace of mind. I will come back soon.
ATK on Google

肩凝りや偏頭痛など様々な症状についてもとても丁寧に対処法を指導していただきました。 施術をしていただきながら、自宅でも継続して行えるよう併せて教えてくれます。 健康的に過ごす為の勉強を積極的に学ばれていて、お話しも面白い先生です! サロンも落ち着いた雰囲気で、リラックスして施術を受けられます。定期的に通いたいと思います。
He gave me guidance on how to deal with various symptoms such as stiff shoulders and migraines. He / she teaches to be able to continue at home while performing treatment. The teachers are actively learning about how to spend a healthy time, and the talk is also interesting! The salon also has a relaxed atmosphere where you can relax and receive treatment. I would like to go regularly.
A kumiko on Google

初めて行きました。 施術前に丁寧なカウンセリングがあり安心できたのと、1対1でゆっくり施術してもらえ施術中はとてもリラックスできました。また今まで悩んでいたのですが施術が終わって体が軽くなったのはビックリ!すごい楽になりました! 施術後もストレッチの仕方などアドバイスいただき 親身に対応してくださり、定期的に通いたいなと思います。
I went there for the first time. I was able to relax with one-on-one treatment, and I was very relaxed during the treatment. I was also worried until now, but I was surprised that my body was lighter after the treatment! It has become so easy! Advice on how to stretch after treatment I would like to go to my parents and go regularly.
yumi t on Google

They asked me to measure the size of my feet and taught me how to choose shoes that fit my feet and how to wear them. Just changing the way you wear it is completely different, and I made an insole in the shoes I had worn so far. My feet were lighter, I was able to walk very comfortably, and my whole body became better. I knew how good it was to wear, so I don't want to wear shoes that don't have an insole.
rimi on Google

もうすぐ2歳になる息子の靴を買い替えたので相談に行きました。歩いている様子を見て、息子の癖をすぐ見つけてインソールを作ってくれました!足のサイズも測ってくださり、靴を買うときのアドバイスまで教えてくれて本当に助かりました◎インソールを入れた靴を履いて、癖も治り歩きやすそうにたくさん歩いていました!相談しに行って本当によかったです!!また買い替えたときに行きたいと思える子供にも優しい先生で、サロンもキレイで落ち着く雰囲気でした✨ 次もよろしくお願いします☺️
Soon after I bought a replacement for my son, who was two years old, I went to a consultation. Watching walking, I immediately found my son's bag and made an insole! I was able to measure the size of the feet and gave me advice when buying shoes. I was really saved. ◎ I wore shoes with insole and walked a lot to make my heels healed! It was really nice to go to consult! ! It was also a kind teacher for children who would like to go when they bought a new one, and the salon was beautiful and calm. See you next time ☺️
R T on Google

中高生の頃から外反拇趾と付き合ってきましたが、少しでも普通の足に近くなるなら…と思って伺いました。 中敷きを入れただけで、安定しなかった歩き方に変化がおきたのにはびっくり。 これまでも歩く時に足をどう動かしているかとか、姿勢について意識してはいたけれど、中敷きの助けを借りるだけて安定した歩き方になるとは。 楽しく会話しながら、あらゆる疑問に応えてくださるし、オススメです!
I've been dating hallux valgus since I was a junior and senior high school student, but I thought it would be a little closer to a normal foot. I was surprised that the unstable walking style changed just by adding the insoles. I've always been conscious of how I move my legs when walking and my posture, but with the help of insoles, it's possible to walk in a stable manner. It is recommended because it will answer all your questions while having a fun conversation!
tomoyuki chiba on Google

肩の痛みが酷く、友人の紹介でお世話になりました。 施術前後の姿勢のよしあしを写真で分かり易く説明いただいたり、日々のストレッチの仕方や痛みがでる仕組みを懇切丁寧に分かり易くご指導いただきました。 お蔭様で痛みがだいぶ和らぎました。 今後もご指導いただいたストレッチを続けていきたいと思います。
My shoulder pain was so severe that I was taken care of by a friend's introduction. He explained the goodness of the posture before and after the treatment in an easy-to-understand manner with photographs, and gave careful and easy-to-understand guidance on how to stretch daily and how pain occurs. Thanks to you, the pain has eased a lot. I would like to continue the stretching that I received guidance from.
YouTube用山口大夢 on Google

いつもお世話になっています! 体に悩んでいる方がいればぜひ行って欲しい! フットケアサロンですが 足だけでなく体全身からケアしてくれます♪ 自分自身でも気づかなかった体の歪み、日頃の姿勢などを しっかりと直していただけます。 病気にならない健康的な体づくりには最適です♪
I am always indebted! If you have any physical problems, please go! Although it is a foot care salon It cares not only for your feet but also for your whole body ♪ Body distortions, daily postures, etc. that I didn't even notice You can fix it firmly. Ideal for building a healthy body that does not get sick ♪

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