
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おしゃれ生活空間シャンブル駅家店

住所 :

Ekiyacho, Fukuyama, 〒720-1133 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897777
Webサイト : http://www.shimamura.gr.jp/shop/map_detail_3902.html
街 : Hiroshima

Ekiyacho, Fukuyama, 〒720-1133 Hiroshima,Japan
mi ko- on Google

A general store with fashionable items. The customer service of the clerk is also my favorite shop. Some are free of wrapping.
ねこ on Google

There are lots of cute miscellaneous goods and it's fun just to look at them.
多流謙 on Google

Stationery and household goods are widely exhibited and sold in three dimensions. A popular store for girls in elementary, middle and high school. Event accessories such as Valentine and Christmas, wrapping is considered well.
O K on Google

In addition to miscellaneous goods, natural clothes are petit plastic, so I like this shop.
Mitsue Tsukamoto on Google

好きなブランドがあるから良い。 ここはでかい旦那用とかもあるので1度で用事が済むので良い
Good because I have a favorite brand. There is also a big husband here, so it's good because you can do it once
のぶ“のぶりん”りん on Google

和みます☆ でも前よりは買わなくなった気がします。なんでだろう? 今日はレジ前にお買い得品があったので買いました。アベイル→Chambre→しまむらとはしごするのが楽しい♪
It's soft ☆ But I feel like I'm not buying as much as before. Why? I bought a bargain today because I had a bargain before the cash register. Availe → Chambre → It's fun to work with Shimamura ♪
a k on Google

普通のお店です。 雑貨も服もあるので時間があるときによるようにしています。 しまむら系列だけどしまむらにはないデザインの物も多いと思います。 ゆるナチュラル系みたいな感じかな。 ピアスが欲しいときには、ここで見ています。 ネットで買うより安いので、失くしてもショックを受けないし、壊しても痛くない値段だと思います。 特別な時の服はないけど、普段着なら問題ない物があるかな。
It is an ordinary shop. Because there are miscellaneous goods and clothes, it depends on when there is time. I think that there are many designs that are not in the Shimamura series but are in the Shimamura series. It's like a loose natural system. If you want piercings, look here. Because it is cheaper than buying online, I think it is a price that will not hurt you if you lose it, and will not hurt if you break it. I don't have any special clothes, but I don't think there are any problems with everyday clothes.
m on Google

There are many cheap and cute miscellaneous goods. It's fun to watch ☺️ It's convenient because it's connected to Avail. The parking lot is large and you can relax ?

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