とんかつ 丹

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact とんかつ 丹

住所 :

Ekiminamicho, Oyama, 〒323-0822 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88799
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Tochigi

Ekiminamicho, Oyama, 〒323-0822 Tochigi,Japan
つん“つんぴぴ”ピピ on Google

ランチの時間に入りました。 券売機での購入方式で先会計なので楽な点は良かったです。 今回は、上トンカツをチョイス。 値段の割には、申し分無い。 ランチ限定でご飯おかわり自由とかキャベツおかわり自由とかあればもっと良かったかも。
It's lunch time. It was good that it was easy because it was a pre-payment method using a ticket vending machine. This time, I chose the upper pork cutlet. It's perfect for the price. It would have been better if we had free refills of rice and cabbage for lunch only.
jan mimi on Google

アジフライも美味しいですが、ヒレカツが分厚いのに柔らかく最高でした! 店員さんの対応も良かったです♪
Aji fry is also delicious, but the fin cutlet was thick but soft and awesome! The correspondence of the clerk was also good ♪
ta koma on Google

小山に長いこと住んでいますが、今まで知らなかった事に後悔。 ずっと館林の福よしに通っていて、そちらもとても美味しいのですが、年々提供される料理の量が減っていき、ちょっとうーんとなっていたのですが、こちらは美味しいのとボリュームが大変満足でした。 メニューも以前の口コミからリニューアルされていて、食券になって値段も値下げされたようで、ボリューム満点、しかもリーズナブルとなっています。 また、来たいと思います。
I've lived in Koyama for a long time, but I regret what I didn't know before. I've been to Tatebayashi's Fukuyoshi for a long time, and it's also very delicious, but the amount of food served is decreasing year by year, and it's been a little ummm, but I'm very satisfied with the deliciousness and volume. did. The menu has also been renewed from the previous word of mouth, and it seems that the price has been reduced as a meal ticket, and it is full of volume and reasonable. I would like to come again.
おさ on Google

初めて伺いました。 アジフライはふわふわで美味しかったです 他の海老フライヒレカツも美味しくいただきました。ご馳走さまでした。 また伺わせていただきます。
I visited for the first time. Aji fry was fluffy and delicious The other fried shrimp pork cutlet was also delicious. It was a feast. I will visit you again.
外食好きなM on Google

2022.1 久々に再訪。 夜営業がなくなり、ランチのみ。システムも食券を事前購入するかたちになってました。 ピーク過ぎに行ったのですんなり入れましたが、相変わらずの人気ですね。 上ロースを頼みましたが、セットの豚汁もボリューム満点、ご飯も普通の茶碗の二杯分はありそうな量で満腹。初めての方はご飯は少なめが良いかもです。 揚げ具合も好みで美味しかったです。 地元民に愛されるとんかつ屋。エビフライや海鮮フライとのセットや、牛タンとかサーロインステーキとかもあったりとバラエティ豊か。 ご飯大盛りはかなりのボリュームなので、体育会の人とか、自信あるひとじゃないと残しちゃうかも。
2022.1 Revisited after a long time. No longer open at night, only lunch. The system has also become a form of pre-purchasing meal tickets. I went past the peak, so I put it in, but it's still popular. I ordered the top loin, but the pork soup in the set was full of volume, and the rice was full with the amount that seems to be enough for two bowls of ordinary tea. For the first time, it may be better to have less rice. I liked the fried condition and it was delicious. Tonkatsu restaurant loved by locals. There is a wide variety of dishes such as fried shrimp and fried seafood, beef tongue and sirloin steak. A large serving of rice is quite a volume, so I may leave it if I am not a person at the gym or a confident person.
お出かけ大好き on Google

こちらのとんかつ屋さんは味、ボリューム、サービスで納得の星5つ あくまで個人的な感想です‼️ とんかつ(写真は上とんかつ定食1,500円) ライス、豚汁、小鉢が2つにお新香が付いています(*^^*) 味は言うことなし!! 従業員の方々も気配りが出来ており皆さんテキパキと仕事をこなしておりました(=^・^=) 今回、伺うのは2度目でしたが前回以上にそう感じました(⑅•ᴗ•⑅) 近くに来た際は是非ともオススメ致します✨ R4年2月14日 久しぶりにお邪魔しました (´∀`∩)↑age↑ 変わらぬ美味しさ(´∀`∩)↑age↑ ありがとうございますm(_ _)m 大変美味しい食事でした(´∀`∩)↑age↑
This pork cutlet shop has 5 stars that are convincing in terms of taste, volume, and service. It's just a personal impression! ️ Tonkatsu (pictured above is a set meal of 1,500 yen) Rice, pork soup, and two small bowls with new incense (* ^^ *) No taste to say !! The employees were also attentive and everyone was doing their job well (= ^ ・ ^ =) This was the second time I visited, but I felt that way more than last time (⑅ • ᴗ • ⑅) I definitely recommend it when you come nearby ✨ February 14, R4 I visited you for the first time in a long time (´∀ ` ∩) ↑ age ↑ Unchanging deliciousness (´∀`∩) ↑ age ↑ Thank you m (_ _) m It was a very delicious meal (´∀`∩) ↑ age ↑
T Riverside on Google

わらじかつ定食+ご飯大盛頂きました。 分厚い豚ロースのトンカツで、余熱で火が通るように揚げてあるのか衣はサクサクで肉は非常に柔らかく最高でした。 付け合わせの大豆の煮物は薄味なのに味わい深く、漬物も美味しく、味噌汁も大きめの大根がこれまた柔らかいのに煮崩れしない最高の硬さで味が染みており最高でした。 一つ一つの料理に手が込んでいるのが伝わってくるお店でした。
We had a set meal and a large serving of rice. It was a thick pork loin tonkatsu, and it was fried so that it could be cooked with residual heat. The batter was crispy and the meat was very tender and the best. The simmered soybeans with the garnish were light but tasty, the pickles were delicious, and the large radish with miso soup was also soft, but the taste was soaked with the highest hardness that did not crumble, which was the best. It was a shop where you can see that each dish is elaborate.
冨田直弘 on Google

good size with very high quality

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