目利きの銀次 益田駅前店

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 目利きの銀次 益田駅前店

住所 :

Ekimaecho, Masuda, 〒698-0024 Shimane,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : https://www.monteroza.co.jp/shop.html
街 : Shimane

Ekimaecho, Masuda, 〒698-0024 Shimane,Japan
koha ori on Google

近所の居酒屋と比べると再度来店しようとは思いませんでした。 鮮魚も地元産に比べると美味しくありません。
I didn't think I'd come back again compared to a local izakaya. Fresh fish is also less delicious than the local ones.
D on Google

I can't handle it when there are many people
katu tamu on Google

厨房で隠れてタバコ吸ってました。 そして注文してから一番最後に出てくるうどんて、、、、、 もう二度と行きません
I was hiding in the kitchen and smoking a cigarette. And udon which comes out last after ordering ,,,,, I will never go there again
ジョーギリアン on Google

I forgot what I ordered, I heard the chat between the store clerk, and I was charged even though I didn't drink. I will never go again.
ダック on Google

注文間違い3回、頼んだ物が通ってない事1回。 店内の客は私達含めて二組なので忙しいわけでもない。 店員の喋り声と大きな笑い声をBGMに飲んでました。久々にネタのような店に出会いました。二度と行きません。
I made an order mistake 3 times, and the thing I ordered didn't pass once. There are two groups of customers in the store, including us, so we are not busy. I drank the clerk's chatter and loud laughter into the BGM. It's been a while since I came across a store like a story. I will never go again.
channel on Google

2019年1月1日13時、家族での初詣帰りにどこか昼食がとれるところがないかと益田駅に降り立ったところ、奇跡的に営業していました。 ランチメニューを見ると海鮮丼が数種類並び、小皿料理は限られたものしかなく居酒屋メニューはやっていないようでした。子供たちは刺身が好きなので喜んでいましたが、ごはんの量が多く食べきれませんでした(父が代わりにいただきました)。味は、、、値段相応かなと。 ランチタイムは生ビールが半額269円と書いてあったので、これはラッキーと思い2杯ほどいただいたのですが、お会計が予想以上に高くレシートを見るとまさかの通常料金、、、店員に「POPには半額と書いてあったんですけど」と問いただすと「正月は通常料金なんです」とのこと。どこにも書いてなかったぞ!! このあたりではお正月にランチをやっている店が少ないため、そういった点では大変ありがたいお店と思います。一方でスタッフの人数も少なくオペレーションが行き届いていない印象を受けました。また行きたいかと言われれば、、、うーんといったところ。
On 1 January 2019, 13 o'clock, when I got off to Masuda station whether there was a place where I could have lunch somewhere after my first visit to the shrine at my family, I was working miraculously. Several items of seafood rice bowls were arranged when seeing the lunch menu, and there were only small dish dishes and the tavern menu did not seem to be doing. The children were happy because they liked sashimi, but I could not finish eating a lot of rice (my father got in return). The taste is,, suitable for the price. It was lucky that the draft beer was written at half the price 269 yen, so I thought it was lucky I got about two cups, but if the accounting is higher than I anticipated the receipt is higher than normal, the usual fee, "It was written as half price" but if you ask it, "New Year is a normal charge". I did not write it anywhere! ! Because there are few stores that are doing lunch at New Year's around here, I think that it is a very appreciated shop at such a point. On the other hand, I got the impression that the number of staff members was small and the operation was not well received. Would you like to go there again?
黒森麒麟 on Google

ご飯はすごく美味しかったです!あの、タコしゃぶ?って言うヤツが、絶品でした! 他の玉子焼きとか、お酒もとても美味しかったです! ただ店長さんが少し怖かったです(´;ω;`) ガラスメンタルには耐えられない…??
The rice was very delicious! That guy who said octopus shabu-shabu was excellent! The other omelet and sake were also very delicious! However, the store manager was a little scared (´ ; ω ; `) I can't stand glass mental ... ??
Lyle Newman on Google

Had a great time.friendly staff

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