
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フルミチ

住所 :

Ekimae Honcho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, 〒210-0007 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://twitter.com/sakabafurumichi
Opening hours :
Saturday 3:30–9:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 4–9:30PM
Tuesday 4–9:30PM
Wednesday 4–9:30PM
Thursday 4–9:30PM
Friday 4–9:30PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Ekimae Honcho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, 〒210-0007 Kanagawa,Japan
taka taka on Google

京急川崎駅からJR川崎方面へ向かうとすぐに有ります。 隣りは「元祖立ち飲み屋」で経営者は同じ? 同じ立ち飲みですが、こっちは洋風って感じです。 16時から隣で飲んで帰り途中にこちらにもちょい寄りです。 混み具合が隣りよりは少ない感じで窮屈感は有りません。
There is as soon as you go from Keikyu Kawasaki Station toward JR Kawasaki. Next door is “Original Standing Bar” and the owner is the same? It's the same standing drink, but this one has a Western feel. I drank next door from 16:00 and on the way back, I stopped by here. It feels less crowded than the neighbors and does not feel cramped.
Suzuki Tomoaki on Google

シェフはフレンチ出身らしい。 今日のお刺身が新鮮ながらも、肉のメニューがまた素晴らしい‼️ イタリアンとフレンチ、和食が絡みあう、フュージョンつまみ系が充実!
Chef seems to be from French. Today's sashimi is fresh, but the meat menu is wonderful again. ️ Italian and French, Japanese food is intertwined, fusion knob system is fulfilling!
伊藤俊明 on Google

立ち飲み屋です。 川崎駅界隈においてこちらのお店は日本酒CP最強だと思います! この日はエンガワと温奴を肴に2杯(天寶一 山田錦純吟 限定直汲生,尾瀬の雪どけ ~Padlock of Love~愛の南京錠 )飲んで飲み代はおよそ1,500円也(安!)。 日本酒大好きの自分は冷蔵庫の中に並んだ日本酒を眺めているだけでニンマリしちゃいます。
It is a standing bar. I think the shop here is the strongest sake CP at the Kawasaki station neighborhood! On this day, we drank 2 cups (Ten and Seven Yamada Nishinsei Limited direct soup, Oze's snowflake ~ Padlock of Love ~ Padlock of love) with a cup of 1,500 yen (cheap!) Drinking around. I love sake, she just watches Japanese sake brought in the refrigerator and she makes me smile.
石川啓 on Google

1人~2人客をメインにいつも賑わっています。日本酒の品揃えが魅力的で、食事も鶏カラやポテトフライ、牛の煮込みといった定番のものから、定期的に入れ替わる変わり種の限定メニュー(イタリアンなメニュー多し)まで種類が豊富。支払いが纏めて後精算なのも個人的にはポイント高し。混み合うとカウンターがかなり窮屈な点が唯一の弱点。 [2019/08/15追記] 久々に再訪し、フルミチさんはとにかく料理が旨いことを再認識。ザ・居酒屋な定番メニューは勿論のこと、定期的に入れ替わる欧風メニューも美味い。今日は豚肉の赤ワイン煮を頼みましたが、380円(税込)とは思えないレベルの味とボリューム。ゴロゴロとした豚肉が五個程入っており、噛むとホロホロ口の中で崩れます。余ったシチューはつけパンや、奈良漬けチーズ等についてくるリッツをデイッブして頂くと吉。タンドリーチキンのトマトチーズ焼き(330円(税込))も同様に美味。総じて、料理の質と量は立呑屋の水準を超えてますが、一つ注釈すると、この店のフードメニューは全般的に味が濃いです。酒はとにかく進むので、酒好きには堪りませんが、下戸やあまりお酒の強くない人には向かないかもしれません。 その他、再訪して気付いた点。 ・日本酒を注文すると、別個に頼まなくてもお冷やを持ってきてくれる ・トイレは男女共用で一つのみだが、ウォシュレット完備でキレイ(その日の客にもよるでしょうが) [2021/2/7追記] 緊急事態宣言下、営業時間が19:30まで(ラストオーダーは19:00)となっており、平日の訪問はなかなかハードルが高くなっています。昨日2/6(土)17:00頃に訪れた際は入店まで15分ほど待たされ、入店後も定期的に入店待ちのお客さんが外に並んでおり、コロナ禍にあっても変わらぬ人気ぶりがうかがえます。今は牛スジ煮込みや塩角煮など、一部の人気メニューがテイクアウト可能となっていて、自宅でフルミチの味を楽しめるのは嬉しいところです。テイクアウトは緊急事態宣言があけた後でもぜひ継続して欲しいですね。
It is always crowded with one or two guests. The assortment of sake is attractive, and there is a wide variety of meals, from standard meals such as chicken fries, french fries, and stewed beef to limited-edition menus (many Italian menus) that change regularly. Personally, the point is high that the payment is collected and settled afterwards. The only weakness is that the counter is quite cramped when it gets crowded. [2019/08/15 postscript] After a long absence, Mr. Furumichi reaffirmed that the food was delicious. Not only the standard izakaya menu, but also the European-style menu that changes regularly is delicious. I ordered pork boiled in red wine today, but the taste and volume are so high that I can't believe it's 380 yen (tax included). It contains about 5 pieces of rugged pork, and when chewed, it crumbles in the mouth. For the surplus stew, it is good to dive the Ritz that comes with the bread and Narazuke cheese. Tandoori chicken grilled with tomato cheese (330 JPY (incl. Tax)) is also delicious. Overall, the quality and quantity of food is above the standards of a drinker, but one note is that the food menu at this restaurant is generally tasty. Sake goes on anyway, so it's unbearable for liquor lovers, but it may not be suitable for Shimodo or people who are not very strong. Other points that I noticed when I visited again. ・ If you order sake, it will bring you cold without asking for it separately. ・ There is only one toilet for both men and women, but it is clean with a washlet (depending on the customer of the day) [2021/2/7 postscript] Under the state of emergency, business hours are until 19:30 (last order is 19:00), and weekday visits are quite difficult. When I visited around 17:00 on 2/6 (Sat.) yesterday, I had to wait about 15 minutes before entering the store, and even after entering the store, customers waiting to enter the store are lined up outside, and I was in the corona. You can see how popular it is. Now that some popular menus such as beef tendon stew and salted kakuni are available for takeout, it's nice to be able to enjoy the taste of Furumichi at home. I hope that takeout will continue even after the state of emergency is declared.
N. N. on Google

仕事終わりに同僚とふらふら。 目に止まったのがフルミチさん! 平日の夜でしたが、店内はお客さんでいっぱい! 立ちのみなので回転が早いのか、店の前で悩んでたら一組出てきたので反射的に席が空いたことを感じ入店を決意。笑 店内はカウンターもあり、二人テーブルもあり4人テーブルもあるような店内でテレビが数か所に設置してあるのにテレビの音が聞こえないようなガヤガヤ。 (久々にテレビみたなぁ) 笑い声が多数から聞こえいるだけで楽しく元気になれる気がじした。 店員さん動きが機敏でさほど待つ印象はありませんでした。 素敵☆ 日本酒をオーダー! 並々注いでくれました! つまみはゴーヤとにん芽のスタミナ漬けと塩角煮。 ゴーヤは苦味臭さがさほどせず、あのゴーヤ独特の味が体が喜んでる気がしました笑 塩角煮は角煮の味付けが塩味と思っていただければ。 案外出会ったことがなくて、当然美味しかったプルプルジューシー! ぷらっと立ち寄れるし、つまみも300円前後でオーダーできるので安くて嬉しい! また寄りたいと思います。 ごちそうさまでした。
Flirting with my coworkers at the end of work. Hulumi's eyes caught! It was a weekday night, but the store is full of customers! Because it is only standing, I think that the turn is fast, I felt that the seat was reflective because I came out when I was troubled in front of the store and decided to enter the store. Lol There is a counter in the shop, there is a table with two people and a table with four people, but even if the TV is installed in several places in the shop, you can not hear the sound of TV. (I watched TV after a long time) I felt that I could be happy and happy just by hearing a lot of laughter. There was no impression that the store clerk movement was quick and waited so much. Nice ☆ Order sake! It poured very much! As for the knob, the stamina pickles and gourd of sesame and bitter gourd. Bitter gourd does not have a bitter smell so much, I feel that the taste is unique to that bitter gourd body If you can think of salted simmered salted salted salted vegetables. Of course I had not met unexpectedly, and of course it was delicious. I'm glad to be able to stop by plat and order the knob for around 300 yen so cheap! I would like to come back again. Thank you for the meal.
K A on Google

川崎駅近くの立ち飲み屋さん。 平日18時過ぎくらいに行きました。お客さんはほぼ満席で流石人気店という感じ。 注文したのはこれ。 ホッピー 440円 マカロニサラダ 280円 牛タタキ 380円 まぐろのスタミナ漬け 300円 中 160円 合計1560円です。席料やお通し代はなくてメニューは税込表示です。 値段は非常にお得に感じるし、料理は美味しくいいお店だと思いました。 タバコが吸えるのも、喫煙者にとってはポイント高いです。
A standing bar near Kawasaki Station. I went around 18:00 on weekdays. The customers are almost full and it feels like a popular restaurant. This is what I ordered. Hoppy 440 yen Macaroni salad 280 yen Beef tataki 380 yen Tuna pickled in stamina 300 yen Medium 160 yen The total is 1560 yen. There is no seating fee or izakaya fee, and the menu is tax-included. The price was very good and I thought the food was delicious and good. Smoking cigarettes is also a high point for smokers.
加藤清隆 on Google

一人呑みか少人数呑みの向けの立ち飲み店。 地酒が安く、なかなか他では飲めない日本酒も多い。 つまみも安い割に美味しい。 コロナ対策で間引きして営業しているし、 常時換気してる為、冬は席によっては凄く寒いです。 お酒、料理の値段を考えるとどうしてもここに通ってしまう。。。
A standing bar for single drinkers or small group drinkers. Local sake is cheap, and there are many sakes that you can't drink anywhere else. The knobs are cheap but delicious. We are thinning out for corona measures, and we are open Because it is constantly ventilated, it is very cold in winter depending on the seat. Considering the prices of alcohol and food, I definitely go here. .. ..
しみずあゆみ on Google

立ち飲み屋として、味と値段とサービスが完成しています カレーのチーズ焼きが特に美味しかったです
As a standing bar, the taste, price and service are complete. The curry grilled with cheese was especially delicious

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