Eiraku Honten - Kumagaya

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Eiraku Honten

住所 :

2 Chome-80 Yayoi, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0044, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 360-0044

2 Chome-80 Yayoi, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0044, Japan
前澤政貴 on Google

チャーハン、ニラレバ、餃子を頂きました。 チャーハンはパラパラと言うより、香ばしくて柔らかい懐かしい味。餃子はニンニクの効いた特徴的なお味でした。自家製ラー油が効いてるのかな。
I had fried rice, Nirareba, and dumplings. Fried rice has a fragrant, soft and nostalgic taste rather than fluffy. The dumplings had a characteristic taste with garlic. I wonder if homemade chili oil is working.
masaru uchida on Google

餃子は絶品です! このところ無性に食べたくなり、夕方6時と言う早い時間にに訪問。 餃子とタンメンを頂きました♪ 私は、こちらのもっちりとした皮に包まれた、野菜たっぷりでガツンとニンニクが効いたアンの餃子が大好きです。 ひさびさのタンメンですが、平打ち麺で懐かしさを覚える味で寄って良かったと思いました! 普通のラーメンはスープが少し独特なのでタンメンにしましたが、抜群の組み合わせでした、 餃子はダブルにしても良かったなあと思いました!
The dumplings are exquisite! I recently wanted to eat it sexually and visited at an early time of 6pm. I got gyoza and tanmen ♪ I love Anne's dumplings, which are wrapped in this thick skin, with plenty of vegetables and guts and garlic. It was a long-sleeved tanmen, but I thought it was good to stop by with a taste that makes me feel nostalgic with flat noodles! Ordinary ramen was made with tanmen because the soup is a little unique, but it was an excellent combination. I thought it would be nice to double the dumplings!
とん吉2号 on Google

水餃子に使われる様な分厚くモチモチの皮にニンニクの効いた餡。それを唐辛子が瓶の半分くらい沈澱した辣油を入れた醤油につけて食べるのが最高。 一皿では物足りないのでいつも2人前注文するし、そもそも周りの人が2皿注文するので別に変じゃ無いんだと思って注文する様になった。
Thick and chewy skin like that used for dumplings with garlic. It is best to soak it in soy sauce containing chili oil, which is about half a bottle of chili pepper. One plate isn't enough, so I always order two servings, and the people around me order two plates, so I thought it wasn't strange and started to order.
kana kana on Google

夜遅くのラーメン。 ついつい寄って食べたくなります。 ラーメンが出てくるまで、瓶ビールで待ちます。
Ramen late at night. I just want to stop by and eat. Wait for a bottle of beer until the ramen comes out.
gogo yackle on Google

餃子が美味しかったです。 味噌ラーメンはフツー…麺が茹で過ぎでした。ちょっと残念…
The dumplings were delicious. Miso ramen is futu ... The noodles were too boiled. A little disappointing ...
cheki ra on Google

餃子が名物の昔ながらの中華料理店。 地元に愛される人気のお店です。 餃子は、皮はモチモチしてて肉厚の皮。それに新鮮なにんにくの味と香りがシッカリしていて食欲をソソります。 ラーメン?は、ちぢれ麺で昔ながらの醤油味でとても美味しく戴きました(^^)
An old-fashioned Chinese restaurant where dumplings are a specialty. It is a popular shop loved by the locals. Gyoza has a chewy and thick skin. Besides, the taste and aroma of fresh garlic is crisp and appetite. Ramen ? was a small noodle with a traditional soy sauce flavor and was very delicious (^^)
Lawrence W on Google

Local joint for Ramen and stir fry
MINO on Google

Gyoza dumplings are soooo garlic. Noodle is a little wide and flat like linguine which is common in this area. They have counter, chairs, toilet but the atmosphere is pretty much Chinese local street food, even let you feel like you're in Taiwan.

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