ecoeat Nagayoshi Nagahara - Osaka

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ecoeat Nagayoshi Nagahara

住所 :

1 Chome-5-16 Nagayoshi Nagahara, Hirano Ward, Osaka, 547-0016, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 547-0016
Webサイト :

1 Chome-5-16 Nagayoshi Nagahara, Hirano Ward, Osaka, 547-0016, Japan
T K on Google

You can buy things that have expired or are about to expire at a great price. There is no parking lot, but if you park at the coin parking lot on the back, you will be charged the parking fee (100 yen).
小嶋謙二 on Google

通りすがりで見つけたお店。 ディスカウントSHOPみたいなお店。
A shop I found by passing by. A store like a discount shop.
松田正子 on Google

Cheap ❗ Canned food that is about to expire and has expired‼ ️Dai I'm glad that I can't grate daikon radish, so I don't recommend going to a lot for dinner tonight because it's a little small, but I bought a lot but it cost about 700 yen! ️I will go again ???
瑞樹H on Google

オッチャン達が優しく色々教えてくれます。たまに、何じゃコレっての置いてるのが面白いです ただ、車で来る方のマナーが最悪‼️ 近隣の月極駐車場に勝手に車停めてるのは如何なものかと思います
Ochans will kindly teach you various things. Sometimes it's interesting to put this on However, the manners of those who come by car are the worst! ️ I wonder what it is like to park your car in a nearby monthly parking lot.
gous japan on Google

ジュースやお菓子の賞味期限切れは意外と気になりません。 見たことがない商品・パッケージを見ても、これは何だろう?となかなか買う気にはなれなかったです。お店は広くなく商品数もそんなに多くないので、私が買った物はジュース、お菓子、マスクだけでした。
The expiration date of juices and sweets is surprisingly unnoticeable. What is this even if you look at products and packages that you have never seen? I didn't feel like buying it. The store isn't large and the number of products isn't that great, so all I bought was juice, sweets, and masks.
pom nishi- on Google

賞味期限間近や過ぎてしまった食品を激安で売るショップ かつてはアローズというディスカウントショップを運営していたので、その名残の雑貨も 不敷布マスクが激安でコロナ初期のマスク不足の時は助かりました
A shop that sells foods that are nearing the expiration date or have passed I used to run a discount shop called Arrows, so I also used the remnants of miscellaneous goods. It was saved when the non-laying cloth mask was cheap and there was a shortage of masks in the early days of Corona.
M美華 on Google

賞味期限の過ぎた商品は格安で手に入ります。店内は狭いです!もっと色々置いてたら楽しいですけど… 近くの100円パーキングに車を止めてたら1500円以上買物したら、駐車料金を出してくれます。マスクも有りました!
Items that have passed the expiration date are available at a bargain price. The inside of the store is small! It would be fun to put more things ... If you park your car at a nearby 100 yen parking lot and shop for 1500 yen or more, you will be charged a parking fee. There was also a mask!
Kaz Tab on Google

フードロス削減のため、消費期限間近、あるいは経過済みの食品などを格安で販売するお店です。 品揃えはおそらくロスの都合によるため欲しいものが必ずあるとは限らないと思いますが、値段は安いです。 消費期限は過ぎていますが品質に問題があったことはありません。
In order to reduce food loss, it is a shop that sells foods that are near the expiration date or have passed the expiration date at a bargain price. I don't think you always have what you want because the assortment is probably due to loss, but the price is cheap. The expiration date has passed, but there have been no quality issues.

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