Drug SEIMS - Kumagaya

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Drug SEIMS

住所 :

2 Chome-445 Central, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0018, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 360-0018
Webサイト : http://www.fujiyakuhin.co.jp/shop/drugstore.php

2 Chome-445 Central, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0018, Japan
原田賢 on Google

柴田真人 on Google

Yuichiro on Google

宇佐元杏奈 on Google

店長が悪いのか・・・。接客の態度が気になります。 ブちぎれようか?www
Is the store manager bad? I am concerned about the attitude of customer service. Should I tear it off? www
チョ子 on Google

久しぶりにいきました。家から近いけど品がよくないから、あまり行かなくて‥ 店員さん、レジでうるさ過ぎるせわしない
I went there after a long time. It's close to my house but the goods aren't good so I didn't go much ... Clerk, don't be too noisy at the cash register
やふーはなこ on Google

朝喉の痛みがあり病院に行くまでもないかなと市販の薬を探しに行き、どれがいいのか迷っていたら女性の薬剤師さんが声をかけてくれて、症状を訴えると丁寧に薬の説明等して頂き親切に対応してくれました。 薬代は高くついたけど病院の待ち時間に比べたら安いもんだと思ってレジへ。 レジの店員さんが周りに聞こえるくらいの声で楽しそうにお喋りしていたのが気になるくらいで、薬剤師さんの対応が良かったので星4つ。
I went to search for over-the-counter medicines if I had pain in the morning and I had no chance to go to the hospital, and if I was wondering which one to use, the female pharmacist called out and explained the medicine carefully etc. Thank you for your kindness. The drug cost is expensive, but it is cheaper than the waiting time of the hospital, so I went to the cash register. It's about anxious to have a pleasant talk in a voice that the clerk of the cashier hears around, so the pharmacist's response was good, so four stars.
マキ(マキ) on Google

品揃えがショボい。ショボ過ぎます。 家から一番近くにあるドラッグストアだけど、ショボすぎて滅多に行きません。 どうしても緊急で必要な物があった場合のみにしか行きませんが、品揃えがショボいので最近は少し遠くても別の店に行くようにしています。
The assortment is shabby. It's too shobo. It's the closest drugstore to my house, but it's too shabby and I rarely go there. I only go there when I have something urgently needed, but recently I've been trying to go to another store even if it's a little far away because the product lineup is so shabby.
空飛ぶポコ(ポーちゃん) on Google

はい、若いメガネの男性店員態度悪すぎ。店内歩いてて、ダルそうだし、客とすれ違っても無言だよ。 バイトでもさ、しっかりいらっしゃいませぐらい言えよ 女子の店員さんのが愛想いいわ 追記:2021/09/11の夜帯の学生みたいな店員男子・女子、客を何回みても挨拶のあ の字もねぇ。 嫌々やってんならさっさと辞めろ!!不愉快
Yes, the attitude of a male clerk with young glasses is too bad. It seems like it's dull when I walk in the store, and it's silent even if I pass by a customer. Even if it's a part-time job, please say hello to me. The female clerk is very friendly. Postscript: No matter how many times I see the clerk boys and girls like students in the night of 2021/09/11, and the customers, there is no such character in the greeting. If you don't like it, quit quickly! !! Unpleasant

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