Drug Chibamise Glasses - Chiba

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Drug Chibamise Glasses

住所 :

2 Chome-9-28 Fujimi, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 260-0015
Webサイト : https://www.meganedrug.com/shop/chiba

2 Chome-9-28 Fujimi, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0015, Japan
由美子大坪 on Google

It's very polite and you can see the after-sales!
Nose Syuuji on Google

外の洗浄機でメガネを洗浄してたらたまたまナイロン糸?が切れたのですが、店員さんに相談したら他店購入のメガネでも無料で直してもらえました。 気に入ってるフレームなので助かりました。
What happens if you wash your glasses with an outside washer? It was expired, but after consulting with a clerk, I could have even glasses purchased from other stores fixed for free. As it was favorite frame, we were saved.
Aaa Aaa on Google

3万円以上出して購入し、最初は店員の態度もメガネのデザインも良かったので店舗もメガネも気に入っていたが、1年経たずにメガネの丁番ネジがすぐに緩むようになり、+ネジではなく特殊なネジなので専用工具が無いと締める事もできず、3ヶ月に一度くらいの頻度でお店に行って締めなおしてもらっていたが、フレームは同じなのに丁番ネジは普通の精密+ドライバーで締め直す事ができる改良品が出ていた。 「このメガネは丁番ネジがすぐに緩む不良品なので、いくらか払うので改良品のフレームに交換してくれませんか?」と交渉するも頑なに突っぱねるのでブチ切れた所、「じゃあ自分で締め直してください」との事で専用工具とこのメガネ専用の丁番ネジ部品だけ渡されたが、何故かそれ以来丁番ネジが緩んだ事は一度もなく、特殊工具と丁番部品は一度も使う事無く3年以上眠っている。 いい加減なメガネを売り、いい加減な調整をしていた、いい加減な店としか言いようがない。 彼女のメガネも2年くらいでフレームが壊れたので、高いだけのボッタクリメガネドラッグなんかで買わない方がいいです。
I bought over 30,000 yen and purchased it. At first, I liked the store clerk's attitude and the design of the glasses, so I liked the store and the glasses. It was not a special screw, but it couldn't be tightened without a special tool. I went to the shop about once every three months to re-tighten it, but the frame was the same, but the hinge screw was an ordinary precision screwdriver There was an improved product that could be retightened. “I do n’t want to replace this frame with an improved frame because it ’s a defective product that the hinge screw loosens right away. Why do n’t you replace it with an improved frame?” Only the special tool and the hinge screw part dedicated to these glasses were handed over because `` Please tighten again '', but since then the hinge screw has never loosened, and the special tool and hinge part have never been I have been sleeping for over 3 years without using it. It can only be said to be a sloppy shop that sells sloppy glasses and makes sensible adjustments. Her glasses also broke the frame in about two years, so you shouldn't buy something like a high-priced eye-catching drug.
小川徹 on Google

中央区富士見町の国道14号線(千葉街道)にある眼鏡?専門店。一応量販店なのですが、決して安くはありません。理由は幾つかありますが、①舶来品や国内の有名ブランドメーカーのフレームやレンズが殆どです。 ②眼鏡は基本的に個人の使用条件に合わせたオーダーメイドの物が多いです。 ①と②を合わせるから必然的に値段が高くなります。但し価格に見て合っただけあって丁寧に扱えば、このお店でオーダーメイドした眼鏡?はかなり長持ちします。 ふつう安普請の眼鏡?を数年単位でこまめに代えるのが一般的ですが、たまたま私の様に代える必要が無かった場合、15年間寿命が持ちました。 ここで眼鏡?購入時に視力を多角的にチェックして時間をかけます。使用条件や眼の負担を考慮した上で予算と相談して眼鏡?を作ります。また現在ではあまり使われなくなったガラスレンズでの細かいオーダーも承っています。 安いセット価格の眼鏡?もありますが、フレームやレンズの仕様に条件に限りがあるので、出来るならオーダーメイドの眼鏡?をお勧めします。 千葉では宝石貴金属店でもある老舗の眼鏡?店『勉強堂』よりかは遥かに安いです。
A store specializing in glasses ? located on Route 14 (Chiba Highway) in Fujimi-cho, Chuo-ku. It's a mass retailer, but it's not cheap. There are several reasons, (1) Most of them are imported products and frames and lenses of domestic famous brand makers. (2) In general, most eyeglasses are made to order according to individual use conditions. Since ① and ② are combined, the price will inevitably increase. However, if you pay attention to the price and handle it carefully, the glasses made to order at this shop will last a long time. It's common to replace my eyeglasses ? frequently every few years, but if I happened not to have to replace me, I would have a 15-year life. Here, when you buy glasses ?, check your eyesight from multiple angles and take time. Considering the conditions of use and the burden on the eyes, consult with the budget and make glasses ?. We also accept detailed orders for glass lenses, which are now rarely used. There are glasses with a cheap set price ?, but the specifications of the frame and lens are limited, so if possible, we recommend order-made glasses ?. It's much cheaper than the long-established eyeglass ? shop "Sugakudo" in Chiba, which is also a precious metal store.
Gonta Kun! on Google

I felt that my first eyesight measurement was very polite compared to other eyewear stores. It also takes time to provide counseling after measurement, and recommends better lenses according to the customer's detailed preferences and usage. However, since the assortment of frames is mainly for practical products, those who want a unique design may not be very interesting.
河野妙子 on Google

Even though it was another company's glasses, I was happy to adjust it. Thank you for your polite customer service.
kuma nobu on Google

店員さんが親切で検査も早く、内容もわかりやすい。 特殊なレンズだと1週間〜10日位かかるので出来ればもっと早く作って欲しい。
The clerk is kind, the inspection is quick, and the contents are easy to understand. It takes about 1 week to 10 days for a special lens, so I would like you to make it as soon as possible.
Satomi Harada on Google

いつも、お世話になっております! 年輩のスタッフが丁寧親切に対応して、下さいます。アフターケアも、しっかりとしており、安心したお買い物ができました! レンズ薄型軽量級の眼鏡を3万円ほどにて、 良いお買い物ができました。ありがとうございました。
thank you always! Senior staff will be polite and kind. Aftercare is also solid, and I was able to shop with peace of mind! Lens thin and lightweight glasses for about 30,000 yen I was able to do a good shopping. Thank you very much.

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