Donq - Aichi District

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Donq

住所 :

Togo, Aichi District, 〒470-0162 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 470-0162
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街 : Aichi

Togo, Aichi District, 〒470-0162 Aichi,Japan
女性恵子 on Google

定番の ミニクロワッサンを買いました いつ食べても美味しいです
Classic I bought a mini croissant It ’s delicious whenever you eat it.
なか on Google

スタッフがみんな無愛想。 量り売りの店員から他のレジの店員まで。 接客業なので笑顔で対応して欲しいとまでは言わないが、お客に不快を与える接客。 パンは美味しいのに残念。
All the staff are unfriendly. From clerk selling by weight to clerk at other cash registers. Since it is a customer service business, I do not say that I want you to respond with a smile, but customer service that makes customers uncomfortable. I'm sorry that the bread is delicious.
勇気加藤 on Google

There were quite a few types of bread and it was fun. The bread was delicious and I wondered if the keema curry would have been more delicious if it had been made, and I would like to try it if I have the opportunity. The person who sold by weight was in a line, so at the next opportunity ...
あかね on Google

いつも利用しています。 ザクザクのメロンパンがとても美味しい! ミニクロワッサンも定番ですね、少し温めて食べると最高です。
I always use it. The crunchy melon bread is very delicious! Mini croissants are also a staple, and it's best to warm them up a little and eat them.
大岩秀近 on Google

ドンクさんのパンは食べたい でも、ドンクさんがどうとか こうとかではなくて ここ“ららぽーと”は食品だらけ… 確かにエディオンとかニトリとか loftもあるけど、飲食店さんが ありすぎて…コロナ対策は大丈夫? 平日はまだいいけど、 密、密、無法地帯の繁華街 マスクもしてない若い親子が並ぶ 休日は怖くていけない
I want to eat Donk's bread But somehow Donk Not like this Here "LaLaport" is full of food ... Certainly Edion or Nitori There is a loft, but the restaurant There are too many ... Is corona countermeasures okay? Weekdays are still good, Downtown of dense, dense, lawless areas Young parents and children without masks line up Don't be scared on holidays
Y KS on Google

百貨店に行かなくてもドンクのパンを買うことができるのが嬉しいです。 夫はベーコンエピこどもはミニワンのクロワッサン、母はコーンパンが定番で、私はあんこ系をはじめ何でも試したくなり色々冒険します。 西尾の抹茶を使ったパンなど、お店限定商品なども並んでいて目移りしちゃいます。 ベーコンエピは早い時間だと焼き上がっていないようなので、お昼前くらいに行くことが多いです。 狭い店内ですので、混んでいる時は先に平和堂で買い物を済ませてから立ち寄るようにしています。 接客が悪いという口コミが出ていますが、すこぶるいいという印象はないですが、感じの悪い方に当たったことはないです。 こどもがガラス越しに食い入るようにパンの調理場を見ていた時には完全無視でしたが、開店すぐの時期でしたし、働く方も不慣れで余裕がなかったのかもしれません笑
I'm happy to be able to buy donk bread without going to a department store. My husband is a bacon epi child is a mini one croissant, and my mother is a corn bread, and I want to try anything, including red bean paste, and I have a lot of adventures. Shop-limited products such as bread made with Nishio matcha are also lined up, and you will be disappointed. Bacon epi doesn't seem to be baked early, so I often go there around noon. It's a small shop, so when it's crowded, I try to stop by after shopping at Heiwado. There are reviews that the customer service is bad, but I do not have the impression that it is very good, but I have never hit a person who feels bad. When I was looking at the bread kitchen as if the children were digging through the glass, I completely ignored it, but it was just after the store opened, and the workers may have been unfamiliar and could not afford it lol
Shuichi Yoshimura on Google

クロワッサンは、カリカリですごく 美味しいです。全部美味しいけど ハマってるのは、塩あんぱんが ハマってます。
Croissants are crunchy and very Is delicious. Everything is delicious I'm addicted to salt anpan I'm addicted to it.
natchan mama on Google

R3.6.19 塩バターパン¥150(税抜) あらびきウィンナーロール¥230(税抜) バジルチキン¥220(税抜) ドンクの塩パンは『塩バターパン』なんです、バター味、香、たまにサクサク…他のパン屋さんの塩パンは食べられなくなります、私はレンジorトースター で温めます1度お試しあれ ウィンナーを焼く匂いに吸い寄せられ買ってしまいました(苦笑)バジルチキン、バジルと鶏肉好きの私にはたまりません R3.5.23 子供がダマンド系が好きなので購入 新作の…クッキークロワッサンだったかな?見た目から美味しそう本日まだありました! プレーンのクロワッサンにクッキー生地とアーモンドとチョコのクロワッサンにチョコクッキー生地とチョコ 思っていた食感と違った!カリッとサクサク 食べてみる価値あり 私はチョコの方が好きです 販売のある日と無い日があるそうです、あればラッキー(笑) R3.5.15 今日はフィナンシェといつものミニクロ10個購入 フィナンシェ6個¥360 ちょっとした自分へのご褒美(苦笑) クッキー生地のクロワッサンが新作であったはずなのに…売り切れか… 次回は是非 R3.4.25 今回はチョコクロワッサン10個購入 レジ横でクロワッサンを作っているのを見れます チョコクロワッサンはチョコと言うだけあって3cmくらいのチョコレートを生地に巻いていました 個数やグラムで好きなだけ購入できるのが良いです ラスクは限定で?売り切れになるようですが巡りあえたら次回は是非 R3.4.21 ミニクロワッサン 100gあたり…約4〜5個 当日、お店で焼いているので焼き立てで美味しいに決まっている(^^) 私はここのクロワッサンのファンです レジスタッフさんの対応&手際の良さにも感心 おススメ 星5
R3.6.19 Salt butter bread ¥ 150 (excluding tax) Arabiki Wiener Roll ¥ 230 (excluding tax) Basil chicken ¥ 220 (excluding tax) Donk's salt bread is "salt butter bread", butter flavor, aroma, sometimes crispy ... I can't eat salt bread from other bakeries, I warm it with a range or toaster Try it once I bought it because of the smell of roasting Wiener (bitter smile) I love basil chicken, basil and chicken. R3.5.23 Purchased because children like Damand New ... Was it a cookie croissant? It looks delicious and it was still there today! Plain croissant with cookie dough and almond and chocolate croissant with chocolate cookie dough and chocolate The texture was different from what I expected! Crispy and crispy Worth to try I like chocolate better It seems that there are days when there is sales and days when there is no sale, if there is lucky (laugh) R3.5.15 Today I bought 10 financiers and the usual mini black 6 financiers ¥ 360 A little reward for yourself (bitter smile) The cookie dough croissant should have been new, but ... sold out ... Come next time R3.4.25 This time I bought 10 chocolate croissants You can see the croissants being made next to the cash register The chocolate croissant was just called chocolate, and about 3 cm of chocolate was wrapped around the dough. It is good that you can buy as many as you like in quantity and grams Is the rusk limited? It seems that it will be sold out, but if you come around, please come next time R3.4.21 Mini croissant Per 100g ... Approximately 4-5 pieces Since it is baked at the shop on the day, it is decided that it will be delicious freshly baked (^ ^) I'm a fan of croissants here I was also impressed by the cashier's response and dexterity. Recommended star 5

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