
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 道玄坂ハイボール

住所 :

渋谷区Dogenzaka, Shibuya City, 〒150-0043 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://dougenzakahighball.owst.jp/
街 : Tokyo

渋谷区Dogenzaka, Shibuya City, 〒150-0043 Tokyo,Japan
たけ on Google

ウイスキーの種類豊富。いろんなハイボール呑めます。 お店広くないがとてもいいです。
Wide variety of whiskey. I swallow various highballs. The shop is not large, but it is very nice.
リノ on Google

Higher was drink to affordable and did not turkey not drunk recently. On the contrary it was a normal price at the corner or ordinary, but I enjoyed various whiskeys reasonably, meat was also fair, so it was delicious at reasonable price, so it was good.
ayumu ikeda on Google

19時までのハッピーアワーで利用。 ウィスキーの品揃えが多いことや料理もそれなりに美味しいことも加点なのだが、どうしてもハッピーアワーのコスパメリットが勝ってしまう(ハイボール200円) 看板が出ていてもオープンしていない日があることと階段を3階まで登らなければいけないのが減点かも。
Use at happy hour until 19:00. There are many whiskey selections and dishes are delicious as well, but the happy hour cospa merit will definitely win (highball 200 yen). It may be a demerit that there is a day when the sign is out but it is not open and that you have to climb the stairs to the third floor.
小沢直子 on Google

店内の雰囲気も良く、なんといっても ハイボールの強炭酸がしゅわっしゅわで最高です。 しかもお値段も良心的。 たまに旬のものの食べ放題もしており、 毎回楽しみです。
The atmosphere inside the store is good, after all The strong carbonation of highball is the best in Shuwashuwa. Moreover, the price is reasonable. Sometimes you can eat all-you-can-eat seasonal foods, I'm looking forward to it every time.
東方陽子 on Google

めちゃめちゃ美味しかった! あまり飲めない私でもハイボール、ジンジャーハイボールも飲みやすくて良かったです(*^^*) お料理もどれも美味しい。スタッフの皆さんの雰囲気もとても良くて通いたくなりました。 期間限定のタン塩は何時間もかけて焼き上げたそうで絶品でした\(^o^)/
It was really delicious! Even though I can't drink much, I'm glad that highball and ginger highball are easy to drink (* ^^ *) All the dishes are delicious. The atmosphere of the staff was very good and I wanted to go there. The tongue salt for a limited time was exquisite because it was baked for hours. \ (^ O ^) /
鈴木啓文 on Google

渋谷 京王井の頭脇道にある道玄坂ハイボール、エレベーターも無い、ちょっと判り辛い細いビルの3階にありますが、ドアを開ければいつも満員。何がそうさせるのか、マスターの人柄だと思います。この日は、年に1度やる牡蠣の食べ放題にお邪魔。完全予約制 2780円 90分食べ放題!生牡蠣、焼き牡蠣、牡蠣フライがいくつでも食べ放題と大判振舞い!お酒もプレモルの黒生があったりと、黒ビール好きにはありがたい!店名の道玄坂ハイボールはサントリーオールドを使ったハイボールです、昔からのダルマ好きにはたまりません。またお邪魔させて頂きます!
Shibuya Located on the 3rd floor of a small building that is difficult to understand. I think what makes it so is the personality of the master. On this day, I was in trouble with all-you-can-eat oysters once a year. Complete reservation system 2780 yen All you can eat for 90 minutes! All you can eat raw oysters, grilled oysters and fried oysters and behave large! Thanks to black beer enthusiasts, there is also a pre-molten black sake! The shop name Dogenzaka Highball is a highball that uses Suntory Old, and it's an irresistible dharma lover. I will bother you again!
S “MOTSU” S on Google

コロナ前から使わせてもらってます。 価格が手頃で、ハイボールが美味しい。料理も美味しい。ポテサラが美味しいので毎回頼んでしまいます。 ウイスキーの種類も豊富なので色々試しながら自分の好きな銘柄を探せます。 ビルの三階にあり、外階段を登るので足元だけ気をつけて下さい。
I have been using it since before the corona. The price is reasonable and the highball is delicious. The food is also delicious. Potato salad is delicious so I always ask for it. There are many types of whiskey, so you can try various things and find your favorite brand. Located on the 3rd floor of the building, you will climb the outer stairs, so please be careful only at your feet.
Ichikawa Shigehisa on Google

So tasty and so fun time!

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