Dog tail - Sakai

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大阪府堺市のトリミングサロンならDog Tailにお任せください -

大阪府堺市にあるDog Tailはワンちゃんのためのサロンです。アットホームな雰囲気で飼い主様やワンちゃんがリラックスできる空間でお迎えいたします。ワンちゃんのことを第一に考えて確かな技術とおもてなしの心で施術いたします。

Contact Dog tail

住所 :

232-44 Tajii, Mihara Ward, Sakai, Osaka 587-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878987
Postal code : 587-0012
Webサイト :

232-44 Tajii, Mihara Ward, Sakai, Osaka 587-0012, Japan
UNIKO F on Google

鷲津満紀子 on Google

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ちょっと場所が判り難かったのが難点でしたが、お店の方々は大変 親切で とても話し易く、ペットも此方の希望 通り可愛く仕上げて下さいました♪♪ 自宅から一番 近い お店だったので、コレからも此方でカットの お世話に なろうかと思ってます♪♪ ウチの仔(2代目)は暴れん坊なオレ様パピヨン(現在7ヶ月♂)で、随時 落ち着きの無い、顔に飛び付きや手・足に噛み付きが止まらなく、愛犬の観る物 全てが遊び道具の様に思ってるかの様子で、最近では甘噛みの割に力が強くなって来てるみたいなので、噛じられると結構 痛いんですよね^_^٥ 産まれた時から食には無関心だった仔の様で、ソレ(食餌)よりも遊ぶ事が好きなのか、フード1粒②にでも遊ぶかの様な仕草を見せたりと、かなりの遊び人(犬)?な性格な為、お店でもカット中などに暴れたりしないかと かなり不安も有りましたが、そんな事は全く無かったかのカットの出来栄えに、【よく こんな暴れん坊を手掛けられたなぁ∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ】と本当に尊敬しました☆彡(今、考えてみると先代犬が この仔と比較して、先代犬が どれ程お利口さんだったか、2代目の この仔を育ててみて、小悪魔的な恐ろしい暴れ様に手を やきながら痛感の毎日ですよ(;´Д`)ハァハァ) でも、ほんの少し(ホントに ほんの少しだけ?ⓦ)カットが終わって帰って来てから、大人しくなったかの様にも思いましたが、多分コレは束の間なんだろうなぁ^O^٥ オヤツは まだ使えないし極力 成犬に なる迄は使いたくないので、フードをオヤツ代わりに躾たくても一切フードに無関心な仔の為、中々 躾が進まないのですが、まだまだ希望を捨てず愛情を持ちながら、厳しく優しく頑張って健康第一に育ててみますね☆彡 次回は もっと短髪に お願いしようと思ってます♪♪ (パピヨンの見た目とか犬種などは私には関係 無いくらい、犬を愛してしまうタイプの私は変わった好みの飼い主なのでⓦ、個性的な見た目の わん仔(謂わばタヌキの様なパピヨンⓦ)に なりましたが、ソレが また本当に可愛くて②Love②?(≧∇≦)♡ⓦ 先代犬はチワ×ヨンのMIXでしたが、とてもお利口な仔で、スゴく大人しかったので実は私が毎回カットしてたんですょ^o^; 尻尾の先っぽだけボールみたいに丸くて可愛いでしょ?ⓦ(最早プードルかい!?? みたいな?ⓦ) たまにコーギーにも間違われる始末でしたが、『顔がオトコマエなのに可愛い』と大評判だったんですょ(ゝv9)ⓦ) 2代目も、やっぱり先代犬と全く同じ顔を してるので(2代目はホント顔だけはソックリⓦ)、見た目だけは先代犬に私は間違えてしまいそうな面影を今でも探してしまいますが、この2代目の仔の事も ちゃんと愛してますので ご安心 下さい♡ⓦ ドッグテイルさん、どうも有難うございました♪♪
The difficulty was that the location was a little difficult to understand, but the shop staff were very kind and very easy to talk to, and the pets were finished as cute as they wanted ♪♪ It was the closest shop to my house, so I'm wondering if this will help me with the cut ♪♪ My baby (2nd generation) is a violent Papillon (currently 7 months old), and he is always restless, he can't stop jumping on his face and biting his hands and feet, and everything his dog sees is like a plaything. It seems that I'm thinking about it, and recently it seems that the power is getting stronger for the sweet bite, so it hurts quite a bit when bitten ^ _ ^ ٥ He seems to be a baby who has been indifferent to food since he was born, and he seems to like playing more than sore (food), or even playing with one food ②, showing a gesture like playing with a lot of playboys (dogs). )? Because of his personality, I was quite worried that he might run wild during the cut at the shop, but the result of the cut was that there was no such thing at all. I really respected it ☆ 彡 (Now, when I think about it, how clever the predecessor dog was compared to this pup, I tried raising this second generation pup, and it was small. It's a painful feeling every day while waving at the devilish and terrifying rampage (; ´Д `) Hahaha) However, after the cut was finished and I came back, I thought that I became mature, but maybe this is a short time ^ O ^ ٥ I can't use the hood yet and I don't want to use it until I become an adult dog as much as possible, so even if I want to discipline the hood instead of the hood, I'm a child who is completely indifferent to the hood, so I can't discipline, but I still have hope and love. I will do my best to grow up with health first while having a hood ☆ 彡 Next time I'm thinking of asking for shorter hair ♪♪ (The appearance of the papillon and the breed of the dog have nothing to do with me, and I'm the type of person who loves dogs, so I'm an owner with a strange taste. But it's really cute again ②Love②? (≧ ∇ ≦) ♡ ⓦ The predecessor dog was a Chihuahua x Yon MIX, but he was a very clever child, and he was really mature, so I actually cut it every time ^ o ^; Only the tip of the tail is round and cute like a ball. right? Ⓦ (Is it like a poodle anymore! ??? ⓦ) It was sometimes mistaken for Corgi, but it was very popular as "the face is cute even though it is a man" (ゝ v9) ⓦ) The 2nd generation also has exactly the same face as the predecessor dog (the 2nd generation has a real face only ⓦ), so I still look for the appearance that I might mistake for the predecessor dog, but Please be assured that I love this second generation child properly ♡ ⓦ Thank you very much, Dog Tail ♪♪
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The customer service was good and it was very good
sama sama on Google

Please always use Dog Tail for cat's meal ♬
みんみ on Google

我が家のわんちゃんはお迎えに来てくださった時点でおおはしゃぎ! それだけわんちゃんに優しく接していただけてるのだなと、安心して預けることができます。
When my doggy comes to pick me up, I'm having a good time! You can leave it with confidence that you are kind to your dog.

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