都田建設 DLoFre's

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 都田建設 DLoFre's

住所 :

Miyakodacho, Kita Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒431-2102 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.miyakoda.co.jp/
街 : Shizuoka

Miyakodacho, Kita Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒431-2102 Shizuoka,Japan
Shinobu “Sophia” SUZUKI on Google

北欧系家具や薪ストーブの使用、実演をしています。 ストーブの展示種類も豊富。しかも、きれいに展示されていて、サイズを感じられるのがとても良いです。薪ストーブ、いつか欲しい(^.^)と思わせる心憎い造りです。
We use and demonstrate Nordic furniture and wood stoves. There are many types of stove exhibits. Moreover, it is very nice that it is displayed neatly and you can feel its size. A wood-burning stove is a hateful build that makes you want (^. ^) Someday.
SH H on Google

北欧の雰囲気がお洒落で、学生からご年配の方まで楽しめる。何も買わずに見て回るだけでも楽しい。ただ品物の価格は少し高めと感じる。 広いので半日から1日はここで過ごせる。スタッフも暖かみがある方が多い。
The Scandinavian atmosphere is fashionable and can be enjoyed by both students and the elderly. It's fun just to look around without buying anything. However, I feel that the price of the item is a little high. It's large so you can spend half a day to a day here. Many of the staff are also warm.
SHOKO on Google

駅から歩いて15〜20分くらい。木曜日以外は自転車を有料で借りればよい。タクシーは無いので、事前予約かな? 居心地のよい空間が待っています。
About 15-20 minutes on foot from the station. You can rent a bicycle for a fee other than Thursday. Since there is no taxi, is it an advance reservation? A cozy space is waiting for you.
nob kato on Google

It seems that a company called Miyakoda Construction proposes a part of this town by creating gardens, buildings, sundries, cafes, etc. with a European atmosphere. I think that it is good for the younger one who makes a house from now on.
keiko nishizawa on Google

ドロフィーズカフェ待ちで散策しました。 気持ち良かったです✨
I took a walk waiting for DLoFre's Cafe. It was comfortable ✨
keiko on Google

行くたびに進化してますね。 テーマパークみたいです。 ただ、どの店もほどほどに高めなので、学生が行くとお食事とかは辛いかな~。 もっと、食事は高いですよ、ってアピールしてくれてれば覚悟していくと思います。 サンドイッチのお店は、店員さんがいたためしがなく、見せ店なのか本物なのか謎です(^_^;) 食事するとこじゃなくて展示会場なことはわかりますが、せっかくなので、味もサービスもよい上におしゃれ、を極めてほしいです。
It's evolving every time you go. It's like a theme park. However, all the shops are reasonably expensive, so when students go, it's hard to eat. I think I will be prepared if you appeal that the food is more expensive. The sandwich shop has never had a clerk, and it is a mystery whether it is a show shop or a real one (^ _ ^;) I understand that it's not a place to eat, but an exhibition hall, but since it's a big deal, I really want it to be fashionable with good taste and service.
杉本勝美 on Google

浜松市にあるフィンランドです。 ゆったりとした時間を楽しむのに最適。 この雰囲気を感じるために、県内はもちろん県外からも多くの人々が集まります。 何故この雰囲気が作られたのかを知るための書籍。2020.2.14 書店に販売されてます。これを読んだらもう行くしかないよーー!
Finland in Hamamatsu City. Ideal for enjoying a relaxing time. To feel this atmosphere, many people come from both inside and outside the prefecture. A book to know why this atmosphere was created. 2020.2.14 It is sold to bookstores. If you read this, you have to go!
ヒむ on Google

都田建設がやっているところなようです。 街の一角が突然、海外のような雰囲気になります。 駐車場には警備の方がいますので、従ってください。駐車場は一見狭いですが、奥にもありますので割と停められます! お天気のいい日であれは、外の散策にもなりますし、芝生も綺麗です。 色々と歩き回ってみると、カフェや雑貨屋さんがありますので、好きなところを見てみるといいですよ。 とてもいい雰囲気で、ゆったりとした時間が流れるような気がします。 友達にも勧めている場所です。 すごく好きな場所なので、ぜひ!
It seems that Miyakoda Construction is doing it. A corner of the city suddenly becomes like an overseas atmosphere. There are guards in the parking lot, so please follow them. The parking lot is small at first glance, but it can be parked relatively because it is located in the back! When the weather is nice, you can take a walk outside and the lawn is beautiful. If you walk around, you will find cafes and general stores, so it's a good idea to take a look at your favorite places. It's a very nice atmosphere, and I feel like a relaxing time flows. This is a place I recommend to my friends. It's a place I really like, so be sure to check it out!

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