キッチンDIVE 御徒町店

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact キッチンDIVE 御徒町店

住所 :

Ueno, Taito City, 〒110-0005 Tokyo,Japan

Webサイト : https://twitter.com/divemamuru
街 : Tokyo

Ueno, Taito City, 〒110-0005 Tokyo,Japan
Un Known on Google

全体的に味がしょっぱいor甘すぎる。 素材の悪さを隠す味付けだと思いました。 それでも値段が安ければ相応ですが、ちょっと高いのでコスパは悪いです。 普通のスーパーの惣菜よりは味は下になります。
The taste is salty or too sweet overall. I thought it was a seasoning that hides the badness of the ingredients. Still, if the price is cheap, it is reasonable, but it is a little expensive, so the cost performance is bad. The taste is lower than that of ordinary supermarket side dishes.
えりな調査員 on Google

話題になっていたからオープン早々に買ってみたけれど、べつに美味しくはない(というかどこか家畜の餌みたいで苦手)。そして高い(たしかにすごいボリュームだが焼きそば1000円とか普通に高いと思うし、量を勘案すればむしろお得感は皆無だと思う) 別の言い方をして甘めに評価すれば、ものすごく味付けが濃いので肉の味などは味覚で感じとることはできず評価不能! 人にはとてもじゃないけどすすめられない。 もう食べることはないね 以上
It was a hot topic, so I bought it as soon as it opened, but it's not really delicious (or rather, it's not good at livestock food). And it's expensive (it's a great volume, but I think it's usually expensive, like yakisoba for 1000 yen, and considering the amount, I think it's not a good deal) In other words, if you evaluate it sweetly, you can't feel the taste of meat because it's so deeply seasoned that you can't evaluate it! It's not very good for people, but I can't recommend it. I won't eat anymore that's all
Tan Tattya on Google

デカ盛り弁当がコンセプトのように見える、超大盛弁当達。 しかも冷静に値段を見ると、むしろ高い。味も美味しくなかった… YouTuberなどがウナギ弁当1000円などを紹介していたので、 購入してみましたが、米はグチャグチャで失敗したなと痛感。 話題作りをして、客単価を上げるためにドカ盛りにしている。 おじいさんおばあさんが良く覗いているが、好きな人が買うお店なんだよ…って言ってあげたい。 200円代の弁当なんて沢山売っても利益が出ないから、お店の方向性としては理解できるし、ドカ盛り好きな人がいるのも理解はできます。 庶民の味方!と、思って買うと悲しくなるのでご注意を。
Super-large lunch boxes that look like a big lunch box. Moreover, if you look at the price calmly, it is rather expensive. The taste wasn't good either ... YouTuber and others introduced eel lunch boxes such as 1000 yen, so I bought it, but I realized that the rice was messy and failed. We are making a lot of talk and making a lot of efforts to raise the average customer price. My grandfather often looks into it, but I want to say that it's a shop that people like to buy. Even if you sell a lot of bento boxes in the 200 yen range, you won't make a profit, so you can understand the direction of the store, and you can understand that there are people who like to eat. Allies of the common people! Please note that it will make you sad if you buy it.
T Heart on Google

日替り600円購入。 お米が粘土のようにグチャリでお米が可哀想になりました。 春巻きも春巻きの味がしないくらい柔やわです。 亀戸本店も酷いがココはもっとヤバイ。まだプレオープン?御徒町で戦えますか?
Purchase 600 yen daily. The rice was messy like clay and the rice became pitiful. Spring rolls are so soft that they don't taste like spring rolls. The Kameido main store is also terrible, but here is even worse. Still pre-opened? Can you fight in Okachimachi?
H Jinsei on Google

【御徒町/弁当屋/テイクアウト】 期待外れでした。(T_T) 500円と言う価格、ボリューム満点の揚げ物は納得できますが、付け合せかボリュームアップか分からないパスタが不味いww しかも、大量に入っていてとても食べきれない。 ご飯だが、パサついているのと、コストダウンの為でしょうね。 おそらく外国の(タイ米かカリフォルニア米)を混ぜてると感じました。 正直、スーパーでコロッケ買って、家で米炊いた方がだんぜん美味いです。 過去に色々なお弁当を買って食べましたが、ワーストでした。 個人的に味が合わないだけかも知れませんが、500円なら牛丼にしておけば良かったと後悔しました。 ご馳走様でした(T_T) ボリューム☆ 価格☆ ☆2つです。
[Okachimachi / Bento shop / Takeout] It was disappointing. (T_T) The price of 500 yen, the fried food with full volume is convincing, but the pasta that I do not know whether it is garnish or volume up is unpleasant ww Moreover, it is in large quantities and cannot be eaten very much. It's rice, but it's dry and probably because of cost reduction. I felt that I was probably mixing foreign rice (Thai rice or California rice). To be honest, it's better to buy croquettes at the supermarket and cook rice at home. I bought and ate various bento boxes in the past, but it was the worst. Personally, it may just not suit the taste, but I regretted that I should have used beef bowl for 500 yen. It was a treat (T_T) Volume ☆ Price ☆ ☆ There are two.
t-wada on Google

色々と話題になってたので試しに訪問しました。 日替わり弁当を買いましたが、とにかくしょっぱくご飯もパサパサであまり美味しいとは思いません。 色々と弁当は陳列されてましたが、量とおかずの揚げ物の盛り合わせが違うだけのように思います。 付け合せのスパゲッティも干からびてゴム輪みたいだし、添えられた沢庵、高菜も申し訳無い程度しかなく、若干期待していただけに残念です。 多分リピートはないな。
It was a hot topic, so I visited it for a trial. I bought a daily lunch box, but I don't think the salty rice is very dry and delicious anyway. Various lunch boxes were displayed, but I think that the amount and the assortment of fried side dishes are different. The garnished spaghetti is also dried and looks like a rubber ring, and the attached Takuan and Takana are only apologetic, so I'm sorry to have expected a little. Maybe there is no repeat.
ぽんぽこ世界(ぽんぽこ) on Google

お店のコンセプト自体は好きです。 でもハズレのお弁当も多い気がしますw 特に揚げ物や天ぷら全般。 さらに細かく言えば長く店頭で放置されてる揚げ物系お弁当やお惣菜、ですね。 あっためてもパッサパサです。 ゴハンもぱっさぱさというかレンジであっためてもあんまり美味しくない。 パスタや焼きそば麺類も同じ。 炒め物系はあっためたら美味しい。 ちなみに揚げ物は衣多くて中身がしょぼしょぼなのもあって、特にエビの天ぷらは衣9割かと思うぐらい超極細海老に衣カサマシマシでしたw 飲食業界全体的に原材料高騰の影響出まくってるので量減らすか質落とすか値段上げるかカサマシするか…でどこも四苦八苦ですが、こちらも近年そんな苦労が伺えます。 とはいえ、作りたてに巡り会えば普通に美味しく食べれるもの多いです(当たり前ですがw)。 個人的には炒め物系のお弁当がよいかな。 放置弁当避けるためにはTwitterを使うとよいです。 日中や夕方過ぎ頃等比較的早い時間帯でTwitterにて作りたて報告しています。 YouTubeで店内中継もしてるけどしっかり時間かけてチェックしないと何が作りたてかわかりづらいため、Twitterでチェックする方がよいかもです。 現地で置いてある弁当実際触って温かいかどうかで確認できるけど、ご時世的にあまり好ましくないチェック方法かな。 なかなか難しいですね汗 ちなみに過去何回か仕事仲間や大盛り好き友人(男性)にネタ的に差し入れでここのお弁当買って行ったこともありますが、味のことは賛否両論でした。 おなじうな丼を同じ人に別日で買っていっても「以前より美味しくないかも」と意見変わってることあったし…(^_^;) 味以外だと揚げ物についてはてんや・松のや等に比べて油がよくないのか、はたまた放置時間が長かったせいなのか皆から胃もたれ報告を受けました汗 言われてみると自分も食後重かったかな…?と思うことも。 あくまで参考程度に。 スーパーの惣菜コーナーやオリジン等のお弁当屋さんと比較すると割高感を感じる人多いでしょうけど、それらと同じステージでは考えず異なるコンセプトを理解した上で楽しんで利用するのが良いお店だと思います!
I like the concept of the store itself. But I feel that there are many lost lunches w Especially fried foods and tempura in general. More specifically, it's fried food-based lunch boxes and side dishes that have been left in stores for a long time. Even if it is warm, it is dry. Gohan isn't very delicious even if it's in the microwave. The same goes for pasta and yakisoba noodles. The stir-fried food is delicious if you warm it up. By the way, the fried food has a lot of clothes and the contents are sloppy, so especially the shrimp tempura was so fine that I thought it was 90% of the clothes. The food and beverage industry as a whole is affected by the soaring prices of raw materials, so it's hard to decide whether to reduce the amount, reduce the quality, raise the price, or make a mess. However, there are many things that you can usually eat deliciously if you meet them freshly made (naturally, w). Personally, I think a stir-fried lunch box is good. You should use Twitter to avoid neglected lunch. I made a report on Twitter at a relatively early time such as during the day or after the evening. I also broadcast in-store on YouTube, but it is difficult to understand what was made unless I take the time to check it, so it may be better to check it on Twitter. You can check if it's warm by actually touching the bento that is placed locally, but it's a check method that is not very preferable in the times. It's quite difficult, isn't it? Sweat By the way, I've bought a lunch box here several times in the past by inserting it into my colleagues and friends (male) who like big meals, but the taste was controversial. Even if I bought the same unadon for the same person on another day, I sometimes changed my opinion that it might not be as delicious as before ... (^_^;) Except for the taste, the oil of fried foods is not as good as that of Tenya and Matsunoya, or maybe it is because they have been left for a long time. When I was told, I was too heavy after eating ...? I also think. For reference only. Many people may feel that it is more expensive than the side dish corners of supermarkets and bento shops such as Origin, but it is a good shop to enjoy using it after understanding different concepts without thinking on the same stage. think!

平日の13時半頃に伺いました。DIVEの風物詩であるテーブルいっぱいの茶色い山脈を眺めて思ったのは、こちらは500円くらいからなんですね。亀戸は200円からあったはずですが売り切れていたか、あるいは御徒町では厳しいか? あと、おかずのみのバリエーションが少ないように感じました。 お弁当はどれも量がすさまじかったので、おかずのみ、鳥団子の黒酢和えをいただきました。とてもおいしかったです。ごちそうさまでした。
I visited around 13:30 on weekdays. Looking at the table-filled brown mountains, which is a tradition of DIVE, I thought it was about 500 yen. Kameido should have started from 200 yen, but was it sold out, or is it tough in Okachimachi? Also, I felt that there were few variations of only side dishes. The amount of lunch boxes was tremendous, so I had only side dishes and chicken dumplings mixed with black vinegar. It was very delicious. Thank you for the meal.

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