Direx Ishiuchi - Hiroshima

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Direx Ishiuchi

住所 :

494-1 Itsukaichicho Oaza Ishiuchi, Saeki Ward, Hiroshima, 731-5102, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 731-5102
Webサイト : https://www.ds-direx.co.jp/

494-1 Itsukaichicho Oaza Ishiuchi, Saeki Ward, Hiroshima, 731-5102, Japan
Y K on Google

安くてよく行くようになったけど、通路のほとんどにダンボールのってる台車がありベビーカーが通りにくい。 商品補充されなさすぎて常に売り切れが多いのが残念
It's cheap and I often go there, but most of the aisles have trolleys with cardboard boxes, which makes it difficult for strollers to pass through. It's a pity that the products aren't replenished too much and are always sold out.
ガイルが居る on Google

I was surprised to be rammed by a female clerk who pulled a dolly and ran around quickly. I rushed as it was without turning around. I would like to ask for a little more education. I wonder if you are a person.
がまよん on Google

結構な品揃えで、価格もお手頃。 食品、お酒、薬、日常雑貨、電気製品等、多岐にわたって置いてある。 個人的には近くに有ると嬉しいお店。
It has a good selection and is reasonably priced. There are a wide variety of food, alcohol, medicine, everyday goods, electrical appliances, etc. Personally, I'd be happy if it's nearby.
田中卓志 on Google

アウトレット行った時に寄ります(笑) 同じ九州の激安チェーンのドラッグコスモスと違ってダイレックスは基本、全店同価格なんで、その点いいですね。 ただ、両店とも広島市エリアに店舗数が少ない。 広島市エリアって、この二店以外にも大手チェーン店が少ないですねー・・・ 外食チェーンとかも、例えば回転寿司も少ない。閉店した店舗も多いし。
I will stop by when I go to the outlet (laughs) Unlike the cheap chain drug cosmos in Kyushu, Direx is basically the same price at all stores, which is good. However, both stores have a small number of stores in the Hiroshima city area. In the Hiroshima city area, there are few major chain stores other than these two stores ... There are few restaurants, such as conveyor belt sushi. Many stores have closed.
宮前智子 on Google

We have medicines, fresh foods, home appliances and daily necessities. I'm grateful that you can buy everything in one store. Especially recommended is fish! Yamasui-san is included, so the freshness is good and it's surprisingly cheap! I'm going to buy too much. I went there on weekday evenings, but there was a line at the cash register. It's a popular shop. It is a shop that you want to visit regularly.
チロルチロル on Google

Even when I entered the store, the radio wave of the mobile phone was weak before, but when I went there recently, the radio wave is OK. It's cheap at the open sale, but I feel like I couldn't replenish it. Feeling super dense. The road in front of Numata is too crowded because there is an outlet next door. There are various kinds of food, liquor and car supplies from electric appliances. The price is also cheap. As of October 2021, the radio waves are getting better. Meat is cheap and delicious.
みぃ on Google

平日の昼間に買い物に行ったんだけど、駐車場も混んでなく店内もお客さんは多くなかったけどレジに並んだお客さんの処理が遅い。 会計待ちのお客さんが並んでるのにレジ台数を増やすこともなく... まず、レジに入ってる店員さんがお客さんの状況を確認しないので並んでるかどうかも分からないんだと思うけど。 いつ行ってもレジ開けるのが遅すぎると思います。 買い物はスムーズに出来てもレジで並ぶのを考えると行くのに悩むこともあるなぁ。 なんとかならんのかな?
I went shopping during the daytime on weekdays, but the parking lot wasn't crowded and there weren't many customers in the store, but the processing of the customers lined up at the cash register was slow. Even though there are customers waiting for checkout, there is no need to increase the number of cashiers ... First of all, the clerk at the cashier does not check the customer's situation, so I don't know if they are lined up. I think it's too late to open the cash register whenever I go. Even if you can shop smoothly, you may have trouble going when you think about lining up at the cash register. I wonder if I can do something ?
waltz g2 on Google

週一で行きます。総菜ねらいが一番です。味も良く、種類もあり、アラカルトが個人的は好きです。 野菜と鮮魚は安く、量もまおまあ多いと思います。肉もなかなか安く、精肉と加工品の種類が多いです。 紙パックの飲み物は安くないかな、あとカップめんやパン類はひまわりと同等です。コーヒーのスティックタイプがどこよりも最安値のときがあるので、買いです。 遅く行くとパン類は少ないときが多いですが、パンはザクザクの値段には叶わないのでまあよし。 周辺でここにしか置いていない、私の好きなドライフルーツなしのシリアルが大変貴重です(笑)今後もラインナップしてください。
I go once a week. The aim of delicatessen is the best. It tastes good, there are different types, and I personally like a la carte. I think vegetables and fresh fish are cheap and the amount is fairly large. Meat is also quite cheap, and there are many types of meat and processed products. Drinks in paper cartons are not cheap, and cup noodles and breads are the same as sunflowers. The coffee stick type is sometimes the cheapest, so I bought it. If you go late, there are often few breads, but bread does not meet the crunchy price, so it's okay. My favorite cereal without dried fruits, which I only put here in the surrounding area, is very valuable (laughs) Please continue to line up in the future.

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