4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

セントヒルズ代々木上原 101 10-5 Motoyoyogicho, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0062, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 151-0062
Webサイト :

セントヒルズ代々木上原 101 10-5 Motoyoyogicho, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0062, Japan
Jade J on Google

일본에서 저의 인생커피 카페입니다.
My life in Japan coffee cafe.
Brice De La Corte on Google

Un Café préparé avec passion dans la pure tradition Japonaise. Un voyage gustatif allant du Brésil au Kenya en passant par l’inde et Haiti. Dégustez un délicieux café en écoutant du Jazz. Enjoy.
A coffee prepared with passion in the pure Japanese tradition. A taste journey from Brazil to Kenya via India and Haiti. Enjoy delicious coffee while listening to Jazz. Enjoy.
Yuki Young on Google

I think the seat layout can be enjoyed even if you enter the store alone. Menu is coffee only. Personally, I would be happy if I did it a little later. Is it Bach?
Bin Taka on Google

지금까지 일본에서 살면서 갔던 카페중 핸드픽을 가장 열심히 합니다 핸드픽을 잘 안하는 일본의 특성상 유명한 가게를 가도 결점두가 상당히 많은데 원두를 구매해도 결점두가 거의 없습니다. 다구치마모루씨에게 배우신 사장님과 항상 웃는 얼굴로 서비스해주시는 사모님이 운영하고있습니다. 처음 오픈했을때보다 지금이 훨씬 맛있어진것으로 보아 항상 더 맛있게 만들기 위해 노력하시는걸로 보입니다. 따뜻한 드립만 판매합니다. 가게 분위기는 골드+우드 커피한잔하면서 조용히 음악 감상하기 좋습니다
I do the hardest handpicking among cafes I have been to while living in Japan. Due to the nature of Japan, which is not good at hand picking, there are quite a few flaws even if you go to a famous store, but there are few flaws even if you buy coffee beans. It is run by the boss who learned from Taguchi Mamoru and his wife who always smiles. It seems that you are always trying to make it more delicious as it is now much more delicious than when it was first opened. Only hot drips are sold. The atmosphere of the store is gold + wood It is good to listen to music quietly while having a cup of coffee
Yuuhi on Google

コーヒを現地まで買い付けに行くオーナーのこだわりが伝わってくる静かなお店。 流行りのカジュアルなコーヒー店ではなく、大人のコーヒーを楽しめるスタイル。 カウンターにすわったら、ぜひオーナーにオススメのコーヒーを聞いてみてください。
A quiet shop that conveys the commitment of the owner who goes to buy coffee locally. A style where you can enjoy adult coffee instead of the trendy casual coffee shop. If you sit at the counter, be sure to ask the owner for a recommended coffee.
mshr 1073 on Google

コーヒーしかありません どこの豆だったかは忘れましたが美味しかったです 下手にスイーツなどがない分、一杯を大事に飲める気がする
There is only coffee I forgot what bean it was, but it was delicious I feel like drinking a glass of cups as much as there are no sweets etc.
Isagi Hakurai on Google

代々木上原と代々木八幡の丁度中間辺り、コンクリートのモダンな佇まいでオシャレなサロンのようにも見える外観です。 店内は10席に満たないカウンターとテーブルで、ウォルナット調の内装に大きな窓のある開放的な落ち着いたお店。 店内のジャズがまたいい雰囲気です。 (どうみても禁煙です。) メニューはコーヒーのみで、高級種含め数十種類のシングルとブレンドメニューがあります。 今回はお初ですので店名を冠したDELECTOブレンドをいただきました。 インドネシアとグァテマラ辺りのブレンドでしょうか、一口目からコクと旨味が溢れ、酸味は控えめ、苦味を気にさせないマイルドな質感。まろやかな水でとても丁寧に抽出されており、どっしりしているようで後味は比較的軽やかなとても美味しい珈琲。 ダークチョコとナッツ系のしっかりした余韻があり、飲んだ後の満足度のあるカップ。 フルーティなシングルも期待ができそうで、とりあえずコーヒーという方ももっとフルーティなコーヒーが好きな方でも十分に楽しめるお店と思います。 豆の販売もされており、コーヒー好きな方は是非!
Just halfway between Yoyogi-Uehara and Yoyogi-Hachiman, it looks like a fashionable salon with a modern concrete appearance. The store has a counter and table with less than 10 seats, and is an open and calm shop with a walnut-like interior and large windows. The jazz in the store has a nice atmosphere again. (No smoking by any means.) The menu is coffee only, and there are dozens of singles and blended menus, including high-end varieties. This is my first time, so I received a DERECTO blend bearing the store name. Perhaps it is a blend of Indonesia and Guatemala, the first bite is full of richness and umami, the acidity is modest, and the mild texture does not bother the bitterness. Very carefully extracted with mellow water, it seems to be solid and has a relatively light aftertaste. It is a very delicious coffee. A satisfying cup after drinking with a solid finish of dark chocolate and nuts. It seems that you can expect fruity singles, and I think that coffee is a shop that can be enjoyed by both those who like coffee and those who like more fruity coffee. Beans are also on sale, so if you like coffee, come on!
James Hislop on Google

Classic laid back vibe which is a welcome change from chain coffee shops in and around Tokyo. Great selection, and knowledge of coffee

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